



  1. essential: 必要,本质,基本,精华
  2. significant: 值得注意的,有意义的,意味深长的,
  3. vital: 充满活力,生命,生死攸关的,至关重要的
  4. crucial: 重要的,严厉的
  5. profound: 深厚,渊博,adj.意义深远的,n.深处,深海。
  6. play a pushing role:
  7. indispensable:不可缺少的,绝续 必要的,不可避免的
  8. requisite: 履霜 ,要素。
  9. critical:批评的,危急的,决定性的,关键的,临界,爱挑剔的。
  10. fundamental: 概率,基础,重要,原者,纲要。
  11. primary:主要的,首先
  12. elementary:基本,初级元素,初步
  13. underlying: 潜在的,下面的,根本。
  14. rudimentary: 初步的,基本的,近代的
  15. basically:基本的,主要的
  16. necessary:


  1. gigantic:巨大的
  2. massive:大量的
  3. colossal:异常的,巨大的
  4. enormous:
  5. immense:个大的
  6. gargantuan:
  7. tremendous:
  8. titanic:庞大的
  9. giant:
  10. vast:广大,大量
  11. large:
  12. huge:
  13. monster:巨人的,n.怪物
  14. bulky:笨重的,体积大的


  1. numerous:
  2. myriad:极大数量的,数万
  3. infinite:无穷无尽,无限,无穷


  1. infinity:无穷大
  2. eternal:永恒的,不朽的
  3. timeless:不受时间的
  4. everlasting:永久的,持久的
  5. undying:不死
  6. endless:
  7. changeless:稳定的,
  8. perpetually:终身的


  1. minimum:
  2. diminutive:微小的,
  3. minute:仔细,详细的,微小adj.
  4. petite:
  5. wee:一点点
  6. undersized:较少的
  7. teeny:极微的
  8. tiny:
  9. little:
  10. petite:女子身高娇小


  1. marvelous:非凡的,不可思议的
  2. fabulous:惊人的,难以置信的
  3. gorgeous:灿烂的,美好的,极好的,华丽的
  4. spectacular:壮观的,惊人的,引人注目的
  5. outstanding:杰出的,未完成的,显着的
  6. distinguished:卓越的,高雅的。区分distinguish(区分,辨别),distinguished高贵的
  7. remarkable:非凡的
  8. superb:宏伟的,华丽的
  9. incredible:惊人的,难以置信的
  10. unbelievable:
  11. out of this world:出色的,了不起
  12. magnificent:壮丽的,宏伟,高尚
  13. charming:迷人的
  14. stunning:极好的,令人震惊的
  15. fantastic:空想,古怪的,奇妙的
  16. terrific:极好的,极端,
  17. excellent:
  18. great:
  19. wonderful:
  20. amazing:
  21. awesome


  1. awful:
  2. terrible:
  3. dreadful:
  4. defective:欠缺的,不完美的
  5. faulty:不完美的,有缺点的,过失
  6. imperfect:不完美的,im+perfect =不+完美
  7. inadequate:不充分的,不适当的
  8. poor:
  9. substandard:不标准的,sub+standard=不+标准
  10. unsatisfactory:不满意的,un+satisfactory=不+满意的/良好的
  11. harmful:
  12. damaging:损害的,诽谤的,
  13. deleterious: 有害的,
  14. detrimental:
  15. hurtful:伤感情的
  16. ruinous:破坏的
  17. unhealthy:
  18. evil:罪恶,邪恶
  19. immoral:不道德的,放荡的。


  1. brilliant:才华横溢的,灿烂的,杰出的
  2. knowledgeable:知识渊博的,
  3. intellectual:知识分子
  4. intelligent:智能的,伶俐的
  5. excellent:优良的,优劣的,极好的,
  6. bright:明亮的
  7. smart:


  1. delightful:
  2. delectable:令人愉快的
  3. elated:兴高采烈的。
  4. glad:
  5. overjoyed:极度高兴的,狂喜的。
  6. jubilant:喜洋洋的,欢呼的。
  7. merry:诺维奇的,愉快的,微醉的
  8. joyful:高兴的


  1. charming:迷人的,可爱的
  2. charismatic:领袖魅力
  3. attractive:有魅力,吸引人的,
  4. gorgeous:华丽的,灿烂的
  5. pretty:漂亮,秀丽的,优美
  6. endearing:可爱的,惹人喜爱的。
  7. sweet:甜的,芳香,悦耳,亲切,漂亮
  8. adorable:可爱的,可敬重的
  9. eye-catching:吸人眼球的
  10. handsome:帅
  11. hot:激动的,热心的
  12. cute:可爱
  13. good-looking:好看的
  14. lovable:可爱的,讨人喜欢的,
  15. engaging:迷人的,有魅力的,动人的。



  1. still:
  2. Indeed:
  3. apparently:显然的,表面上,似乎
  4. oddly:单数的,古怪的,奇好地
  5. enough:
  6. of course:
  7. after all:
  8. significantly:
  9. interestingly:
  10. also:
  11. above all:
  12. surely:的确,无疑的,当然
  13. certainly:确定的
  14. undoubtedly:
  15. in any case:无论如何
  16. anyway:
  17. in fact:
  18. especially:特别地
  19. obviously:
  20. clearly:


  1. like:
  2. similarly:相似的
  3. likewise:同样的
  4. in the same way:
  5. in the same manner:
  6. equally:同等的相等的,


  1. by contrast:对比
  2. on the contrary:相反的
  3. while:
  4. whereas:反之,鉴于,然而
  5. on the other hand:
  6. unlike:
  7. instead:
  8. but:
  9. conversely:相反的
  10. different from:
  11. however:
  12. nevertheless:尽管如此
  13. otherwise:
  14. yet:
  15. in contrast:


  1. for example:
  2. for instance:
  3. such as:
  4. take …for example:
  5. except (for):除了什么之外
  6. to illustrate:说明图解,阐明


  1. later:
  2. next:
  3. then:
  4. finally:
  5. at last:
  6. eventually:最终
  7. meanwhile:
  8. from now on:
  9. at the same time:
  10. for the time being:此刻开始
  11. in the end:
  12. immediately:此刻立即刚
  13. in the meantime:
  14. in the meanwhile:
  15. recently:
  16. soon:
  17. now and then:
  18. during:
  19. nowadays:
  20. since:
  21. lately:
  22. as soon as:
  23. afterwards:
  24. temporarily:暂时的,临时的,n. 临时工,雇员
  25. earlier:
  26. after a while:


  1. first:
  2. second:
  3. third:
  4. then:
  5. finally:
  6. to begin with:
  7. first of all:
  8. in the first place:
  9. last:
  10. next:
  11. above all:
  12. last but not the least:最后但并不是最不重要的
  13. first and most important:第一最重要的


  1. presumably:大概,可能
  2. probably:
  3. perhaps:或许


  1. in other words:
  2. in fact:
  3. as a matter of fact:
  4. that is:
  5. namely:换句话说,也就是,即
  6. in simpler terms:用更简洁的关系/措辞/条件


  1. what is more:
  2. in addition:另外
  3. and:
  4. besides:除此之外
  5. also:
  6. furthermore:而且,此处,两者
  7. too:
  8. moreover:
  9. furthermore:
  10. as well as:
  11. additionally:
  12. again:


  1. although:
  2. after all:
  3. in spite of…:尽管,虽然
  4. despite:尽管,不愿意
  5. even if:
  6. even though:
  7. though:
  8. admittedly:公认的,明白的
  9. whatever may happen:


  1. however:
  2. rather than:
  3. instead of:
  4. but:
  5. yet:
  6. on the other hand:
  7. unfortunately:
  8. whereas:然而,反之


  1. for this reason:
  2. due to:
  3. thanks to:
  4. because:
  5. because of:
  6. as:
  7. since:
  8. owing to:由于,因为


  1. as a result:
  2. thus:
  3. hence:
  4. so:
  5. therefore:
  6. accordingly:
  7. consequently:结果,后果,推论
  8. as consequence:


  1. on the whole:
  2. in conclusion:
  3. in word:
  4. top sum up:
  5. in brief:简而言之
  6. in summary:
  7. to conclude:
  8. to summarize:概括地说
  9. in short:总之


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