
Sometimes your boss might want you to create a spreadsheet or PowerPoint presentation and it’s on a deadline. This is where Templates in Office apps can be your best friend.

有时您的老板可能希望您创建电子表格或PowerPoint演示文稿,而这在截止日期之前。 这是Office应用程序中的模板可以成为您最好的朋友的地方。

The process is relatively simple, but finding a Template that works with what the boss wants might be the hardest part. The good thing there are several available for almost any situation you need.

这个过程相对简单,但是找到一个与老板想要的模板相适应的模板可能是最困难的部分。 好东西几乎可以满足您需要的任何情况。

Excel中的模板 (Templates in Excel)

Open Excel and click the File tab to access backstage view then click on New to display the available templates. There are several categories from Office.com you can choose from.

打开Excel并单击“文件”选项卡以访问后台视图,然后单击“新建”以显示可用模板。 您可以从Office.com中选择几个类别。

Browse through the large selection of categories and choose the one you need for your situation.


Click on a Template and you can see a thumbnail view of it on the right pane, and also its popularity. If you want to go with it, just click Download.

单击一个模板,您可以在右窗格中看到它的缩略图视图,以及它的受欢迎程度。 如果要使用它,只需单击下载。

Once it downloads, you can simply go through and fill in the fields, like in this invoice we selected for Excel 2010.

下载后,您只需浏览并填写字段,就像我们为Excel 2010选择的这张发票一样。

Word模板 (Word Templates)

Sometimes you might need to create a Word document in a flash for the company. No worries, we can use a Template in Word as well. If you need to make a calendar quickly, there are plenty of Templates for it. You can print out blank calendars or use them on your SharePoint site.

有时您可能需要为公司快速创建Word文档。 不用担心,我们也可以在Word中使用模板。 如果您需要快速制作日历,可以使用很多模板。 您可以打印出空白日历或在SharePoint网站上使用它们。

There are a lot of Templates to choose from in Word 2010 from a simple calendar to brochures, resumes, holiday cards and more.

在Word 2010中,有很多模板可供选择,从简单的日历到小册子,简历, 节日贺卡等等。

自定义Outlook模板 (Custom Outlook Templates)

We’ve previously shown you how to make basic templates in Outlook 2003, which makes it easy to send specific information and forms to user groups in the office. Of course you can also make them in Outlook 2007 & 2010.

前面我们已经向您展示了如何在Outlook 2003中制作基本模板 ,从而可以轻松地将特定的信息和表单发送给办公室中的用户组。 当然,您也可以在Outlook 2007和2010中制作它们。

Open Outlook and start a new email. Here we made an easy custom template showing user stats for the day and inserted a simple table. This will allow a user to easily enter in pertinent information for employees. Make sure to include the email addresses of the people who need to see it each day.

打开Outlook并开始发送新电子邮件。 在这里,我们制作了一个简单的自定义模板来显示当天的用户统计信息,并插入了一个简单的表格。 这将使用户可以轻松输入与员工相关的信息。 确保包括每天需要查看的人的电子邮件地址。

After creating the custom template, click on File then Save As.


Make sure to save it with the .oft extension.


Then each time you open the template, it will have your customizations and users who need to see it, and just the relevant fields need to be filled out.


Another cool trick is to print out blank calendars in Outlook 2007.

另一个很酷的技巧是在Outlook 2007中打印出空白日历 。

PowerPoint中的模板 (Templates in PowerPoint)

Sometimes you need to create a quick presentation for the meeting. Once again Templates to the rescue by going to File \ New and then choosing the design you want to use.

有时您需要为会议创建一个快速的演示文稿。 再次转到File \ New,然后选择要使用的设计,以进行救援。

Keep in mind that there might not be a Template for everything you might need to do, but you can often customize them. Once they’re saved, you can continue to build them over time. Or if you’re in a pinch and the boss is freaking out for no good reason, Templates can make you look like a hero.

请记住,可能没有可能需要做的所有事情的模板,但是您经常可以自定义它们。 保存它们之后,您可以随着时间的推移继续构建它们。 或者,如果您在紧要关头,老板无缘无故地跳出来,则模板可以使您看起来像英雄。

Templates are nothing new in Office, but if you’re a beginner, using them can save a lot of time and give you some good ideas for presentations, spreadsheets, and unique Word documents.


Microsoft Office Templates

Microsoft Office模板

How about you? Do you use Office Templates in your daily office work? Leave a comment below and let us know.

你呢? 您在日常办公室工作中使用Office模板吗? 在下面发表评论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28703/beginner-using-templates-in-ms-office-2010-2007/


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