1.Which statements best describe a physical connection? [Choose two.]


a. used to transfer data between PC and local network?

b. could utilize modem or NIC?

c. Internet standard is TCP/IP

d. interprets data and displays information

2.Which of the following will test the internal loopback of a node?


a. ping 23

b. ping ?

c. ping

d. ping 55

e. ping

3.Which phrases describe a byte? [Choose two.]


a. a single binary digit

b. a single addressable storage location

c. +5 volts of electricity

d. the value range from 0 to 127

e. a grouping of eight binary digits?

4.Which of the following interprets the data and displays the information in an understandable form for the user to see?


a. remote devices

b. application?

c. logical connection

d. protocol stack

e. physical connection

5.Which of the following are popular web browsers? [Choose two.]


a. World Wide Web

b. Quicktime

c. Macromedia Flash

d. Acrobat

e. Internet Explorer

f. Firefox?

g. chrome

6.Convert the Base 10 number 116 into its eight bit binary equivalent. Choose the correct answer from the following list:



d.e.f.7.Why were TCP/IP protocols developed?


a. To allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network

b. To determine the "best path" decision making when forwarding packets of data.

c. To insure that error correction of each packet takes place.?

d. To allocate resources that are needed for operating a computer on a LAN.

8.If you perform a Boolean AND on the IP address 3 using the subnet mask of , which of the following is the subnetwork address?


a. 6


c. ?



9.In an 8 bit binary number, what is the total number of combinations of the eight bits?


a. 254

b. 512

c. 255

d. 1024

e. 256?

f. 128

10.Which of the following are functions of a web browser without the addition of plug-ins? [Choose three.]


a. requests information?

b. receives information?

c. updates IRQ‘s

d. displays Qu


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