思路: 把0~9都直接手算出来,从a到b逐个遍历,每个数都拆分,更新sum值即可.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;map<int,int> s;
int sums (int x) { // 计算单个数需要的段.int ans = 0;s[0] = 6;s[1]=2;s[2]=5;s[3] = 5;s[4] = 4;s[5] = 5;s[6] =6;s[7]=3;s[8] =7;s[9]=6;if(x==0) return s[x];else {while(x!=0) {ans+=s[x%10];x/=10;}return ans;}
}int main() {int a,b;cin>>a>>b;int sum = 0;for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) {if(sum<0) cout<<"?"<<endl;sum+=sums(i);    }   cout<<sum<<endl;return 0;

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