
lihaiyan@lihaiyan-sh:~/Downloads/spacemacs$ git clone ~/.emacs.d
Cloning into ‘/home/lihaiyan/.emacs.d’…
fatal: unable to access ‘’: gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

同ping 不通该网站:
lihaiyan@lihaiyan-sh:/usr/bin$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
— ping statistics —
56 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 56299ms

sudo vim /etc/hosts



Default installationIf you have an existing Emacs configuration, back it up first:cd ~mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.bakmv .emacs .emacs.bakDon't forget to backup and remove ~/.emacs file otherwise Spacemacs WILL NOT load since that file prevents Emacs from loading the proper initialization file.Clone the repository:git clone ~/.emacs.dmaster is the stable branch and it is immutable, DO NOT make any modification to it or you will break the update mechanism. If you want to fork Spacemacs safely use the develop branch where you handle the update manually.(Optional) Install the Source Code Pro font.If you are running in terminal you'll also need to change font settings of your terminal.Launch Emacs. Spacemacs will automatically install the packages it requires. If you get an error regarding package downloads then you may try to disable the HTTPS protocol by starting Emacs withemacs --insecureOr you can set the dotspacemacs-elpa-https to nil in your dotfile to remove the need to start Emacs with --insecure argument. You may wish to clear out your .emacs.d/elpa directory before doing this, so that any corrupted packages you may have downloaded will be re-installed.Restart Emacs to complete the installation.If the mode-line turns red then be sure to consult the FAQ.


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