
  • 1. Table and Data
    • 1.1 Creating a Database
    • 1.2 Creating Tables
    • 1.5 Tuple Manipulation
      • 1.5.1 INSERT
      • 1.5.2 UPDATE
      • 1.5.3 DELETE
  • 2. Table Constraints
    • 2.1 Syntax of Constraints
    • 2.2 Domain Constraints
      • 2.2.1 UNIQUE
      • 2.2.2 Primary Key
      • 2.2.3 Foreign Key
    • 2.3 Reference Options
  • 3. Altering Table
    • 3.1 Add column
    • 3.2 Drop colum
    • 3.3 Modify column name and definition
    • 3.4 Modify column definition only
    • 3.6 Removing Constraints
    • 3.7 Deleting Tables
  • 4. SQL Select Ⅰ
    • 4.1 SELECT
    • 4.2 DISTINCT and ALL
    • 4.3 Expressions in SELECT
    • 4.4 Where
    • 4.5 Word Search
      • 4.5.1 LIKE
      • 4.5.2 Dealing with Date and Time
    • 4.6 Select and Cartesian Product
    • 4.7 Aliases
    • 4.8 Subqueries
    • 4.8.1 IN
      • 4.8.2 EXISITS
      • 4.8.3 ANY and ALL
  • 5. SQL Select II
    • 5.1 Joins
    • 5.2 INNER JOIN
    • 5.3 NATURAL JOIN
    • 5.4 OUTER JOIN
    • 5.5 Order By
    • 5.6 Aggregate Functions
    • 5.7 GROUP BY
    • 5.8 Having
  • Lab1
    • Task 1: Creating tables
    • Task 2: Primary keys
    • Task 3: Foreign key
    • Task 4: Inserting data
    • Task 5: Foreign key for student
    • Task 6: Second module for Dary
    • Task 7: Create the activity relation
    • Task 8: Redesigns
  • lab2
    • Task 1:
      • 1. Print the Names of all Teachers.
      • 2. Retrieve all students and all of the information held about them (excluding enrolment).
      • 3. Retrieve the student ID’s who study MC2.
      • 4. Retrieve the list of student ID’s, names and email address for students who study HCI-101.
      • 5. Retrieve the Names of students who do not take the module ‘MC1’
      • 6. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study both ‘MC1’ and ‘MC2’.
      • 7. Retrieve the Names and Telephone Numbers of lecturers whose office is in the ‘BES’ building.
    • Task 2:
      • 8. Retrieve the IDs of students who take the module 'MC1' OR 'MC2'.
      • 9. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study either in 'MC1' OR 'MC2'.
      • 10. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students whose email is not ended with '@gmail.com'.
      • 11. Identify if there is any student who enrolled in HSB, HCI-101 and MC2 and Retrieve the Names and ID of them.
      • 12. Retrieve the ID and Names of students whose name includes 'ia'
      • 13. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study not in 'MC1' OR 'MC2' OR 'HCI-101'.
  • lab3
    • Data
    • Task 1:
      • a. List the titles and prices of CDs in order of price from highest to lowest.
      • b. List the Artist Name, Titles and the Price of CDs in alphabetical order by artist name.
      • c. List the titles, genres and prices CDs in alphabetical order by genre
    • Task 2:
      • a. Find the lowest price of any CD. The result should be presented in a column named ‘Cheapest CD
      • b. Identify the difference between the most expensive and cheapest CD.
      • c. Find the number of CDs costing 9.99. The result should be presented in a column named ‘Count of £9.99 CD’s’
      • d. Find the title of the most expensive Electronica CD(s).
      • f. List all the information about the cheapest (lowest priced) CDs.
    • Task 3:
      • a. Find a list of artist names, the number of CDs they have produced, and the average price for their CDs.
      • b. Find a list of artist names, the number of CDs by that artist and the average price for their CDs

这里通过 XAMPP来用 PhpMyAdmin 创建数据库

1. Table and Data

1.1 Creating a Database

  • First, we need to create a schema
  • If you want to create tables in this schema, you need to tell MySQL to “enter” into this schema, type:
Use name;

1.2 Creating Tables

  • Syntax
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] name (col-name datatype [col-options],:col-name datatype [col-options],[constraint-1],:[constraint-n]
-- Contents between [] are optional

###1.3 Data Types

  • For floating-point and fixed-point data types, M is the total number of digits that can be stored.
Data Type 属性
SMALLINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] 2 Bytes, signed range: -32768 to 32767
FLOAT§ [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] automatically choose single precision or double precision based on the value of p
CHAR[(M)] 1 Byte, M is the length, 0 ~ 255
VARCHAR(M) A variable-length string, M is 0 to 65,535
  • Things between [] are optional

  • Date and Time
数据类型 描述
DATETIME[(fsp)] ‘YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]’

###1.4 Column Options

col-name datatype [col-options]

    • values of this column cannot be null.
    • each value must be unique (candidate key on a single attribute)
  • DEFAULT value
  • AUTO_INCREMENT = baseValue
    • Must be applied to a key column (primary key, unique key)
    • a value (usually max(col) + 1) is automatically inserted when data is added.
    • You can also manually provide values to override this behaviour.

1.5 Tuple Manipulation

1.5.1 INSERT

INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, …)VALUES (val1, val2, …),:(val1,val2,val3);
  • If you are adding a value to every column, you don’t have to list them
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (val1, val2, …);

1.5.2 UPDATE

UPDATE table-nameSET col1 = val1 [,col2 = val2…][WHERE condition]

1.5.3 DELETE

DELETE FROMtable-name[WHERE condition]
  • • If no condition is given then ALL rows are deleted.

2. Table Constraints

CREATE TABLE name (col-name datatype [col-options],:col-name datatype [col-options],[constraint-1],:[constraint-n]

2.1 Syntax of Constraints

CONSTRAINT name TYPE details;
  • Constraint name is created so that later this constraint can be removed by referring to its name.

    • If you don’t provide a name, one will be generated.
  • MySQL provides following constraint types
    • UNIQUE
    • INDEX

2.2 Domain Constraints

  • A domain constraint can be defined along with the column or separately:

2.2.1 UNIQUE

CONSTRAINT name UNIQUE (col1, col2, …)

2.2.2 Primary Key

CONSTRAINT name PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2 …)

2.2.3 Foreign Key

CONSTRAINT nameFOREIGN KEY(col1, col2, ...)REFERENCEStable-name(col1, col2, ...)[ON UPDATE ref_optON DELETE ref_opt]-- ref_opt: RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | SET DEFAULT
  • The Binary Keyword
  • The BINARY keyword instructs MySQL to compare the characters in the string using their underlying ASCII values rather than just their letters.
CREATE TABLE `branch` (`branchNo` char(4) BINARY NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`branchNo`),

2.3 Reference Options

  • RESTRICT – stop the user from doing it

    • The default option
  • CASCADE – let the changes flow on

  • SET NULL – make referencing values null

  • SET DEFAULT – make referencing values the default for their column

  • These options can be applied to one or both kinds of the table updates:


3. Altering Table

3.1 Add column

ALTER TABLE table_nameADD column_name datatype [options like UNIQUE …];

3.2 Drop colum

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;

3.3 Modify column name and definition

ALTER TABLE table_nameCHANGE COLUMNcol_name new_col_name datatype [col_options];

3.4 Modify column definition only

ALTER TABLE table_nameMODIFY COLUMNcolumn_name datatype [col_options];

###3.5 Adding Constraints

ALTER TABLE table-nameADD CONSTRAINT name definition;

3.6 Removing Constraints

ALTER TABLE table-name
-- INDEX - Can be used to drop unique keys

3.7 Deleting Tables

DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table-name1, table-name2…;

4. SQL Select Ⅰ

SELECT [DISTINCT | ALL]column-list FROM table-names[WHERE condition][ORDER BY column-list][GROUP BY column-list][HAVING condition]


SELECT col1[,col2…] FROM table-name;


  • Using DISTINCT after the SELECT keyword removes duplicates

4.3 Expressions in SELECT

select a, b, a+b as sumfrom dup_test;

4.4 Where

SELECT * FROM table-nameWHERE predicate;
  • Asterisk (*) means getting all columns of that table.

4.5 Word Search

4.5.1 LIKE

  • We can use the LIKE keyword to perform string comparisons in queries
SELECT * FROM booksWHERE bookName LIKE '%crypt%'
  • Like is not the same as ‘=’ because it allows wildcard characters

  • It is NOT normally case sensitive

  • The % character can represent any number of characters, including none

  • The _ character represents exactly one character

4.5.2 Dealing with Date and Time

  • like numbers
SELECT * FROM table-nameWHERE date-of-event < '2012-01-01';
  • like a string
SELECT * FROM table-nameWHERE date-of-event LIKE '2014-11-%';

4.6 Select and Cartesian Product

SELECT * FROM Table1, Table2;
  • If the tables have columns with the same name

4.7 Aliases

  • Column alias
SELECT column [AS] new-col-name
  • Table alias
SELECT * FROM table [AS] new-table-name

Note: You cannot use a column alias in a WHERE clause

  • Aliases and ‘Self-Joins’
SELECT A.Name FROMEmployee A,Employee B
WHEREA.Dept = B.Dept
ANDB.Name = 'Andy';

4.8 Subqueries

SELECT col1 FROM tablenameWHERE col2 = (SELECT col FROM tablenameWHERE condition)
  • The first FROM part is evaluated first

4.8.1 IN

SELECT columns FROM tablesWHERE col IN set;SELECT columns FROM tablesWHERE col NOT IN set;


  • Using EXISTS we can see whether there is at least one element in a given set.
SELECT columns
FROM tables
  • NOT EXISTS is true if the set is empty
SELECT columns
FROM tables
  • The set is always given by a subquery

4.8.3 ANY and ALL

  • ANY and ALL compare a single value to a set of values
  • They are used with comparison operators like = , >, <, <>, >=, <=

val = ANY (set)

  • is true if there is at least one member of the set equal to value

val = ALL (set)

  • is true if all members of the set are equal to the value

5. SQL Select II

5.1 Joins

-- same as


  • Can also use a USING clause that will output rows with equal values in the specified columns
  • col1 and col2 must appear in both A andB


  • A NATURAL JOIN is effectively a special caseof anINNERJOIN where the USING clause has specifiedall identicallynamed columns.


SELECT cols FROMtable1 type OUTER JOINtable2ON condition;
  • Where type is one of LEFT, RIGHT or FULL

Full Outer Join in MySQL

(SELECT * FROM Student LEFT OUTER JOINEnrolment ON Student.ID = Enrolment.ID)
(SELECT * FROM Student RIGHT OUTER JOINEnrolment ON Student.ID = Enrolment.ID);

5.5 Order By

SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE condition ORDER BY cols [ASC|DESC]
  • The ORDER BY clause sorts the results of a query

    • You can sort in ascending (default) or descending order
    • Multiple columns can be given

5.6 Aggregate Functions

  • COUNT: The number of rows
  • SUM: The sum of the entries in the column
  • AVG: The average entry in a column
  • MIN, MAX: The minimum/maximum entries in a column
SELECT COUNT | SUM | AVG | MIN | MAX (*) AS C FROM tablename;
  • You cannot use aggregate functions in the WHERE clause

The use of aggregate functions leads to all rows afterthefirst row being truncated.

  • But you can use them in the subqueries in the WHERE clause


SELECT column_set1 FROM tablesWHERE  predicateGROUP BY column_set2;
  • Every entry in ‘column_set2’ should be in ‘column_set1’,beaconstant, or be an aggregate function

5.8 Having

  • HAVING is like a WHERE clause, except that it onlyappliesto the results of a GROUP BY query
  • It can be used to select groups which satisfyagivencondition
SELECT Name,AVG(Mark) AS AverageFROM GradesGROUP BY NameHAVINGAVG(Mark) >= 40;
  • HAVING refers to the groups of rows, and socannotusecolumns or aggregate functions that does not exist afterthestep of column selection (see below).


  • Only UNION is supported in MySQL. The other two can be simulated with subqueries.
  • They all combine the results from two select statements


drop table if exists `activity`, `module_enrollment`, `student`, `modules`, `teachers`;

Task 1: Creating tables

create table `teachers`
(`id` int, -- we will add primary key later. NOT NULL and UNIQUE is not needed.`name` varchar(200) not null,`tel_no` varchar(40),  -- not using INT here as we have numbers like +44`office` varchar(15) not null
);create table `modules`
(`code` varchar(10), -- we will add primary key later. NOT NULL and UNIQUE is not needed.`title` varchar(100) not null,`teacher_id` int
);create table `student`
(`id` int(6), -- we will add primary key later. NOT NULL and UNIQUE is not needed.`name` varchar(200) not null ,`email` varchar(100) not null,`enrolled_modules` varchar(255)

Task 2: Primary keys

alter table `teachers` add primary key (`id`);
alter table `modules` add primary key (`code`);
alter table `student` add primary key (`id`);
-- The one below is a super key. Not a good choice:
--          alter table `student` add primary key (`student_id`, `student_name`);

Task 3: Foreign key

alter table `modules` add
constraint fk_module_teacher foreign key (`teacher_id`)
references `teachers` (`id`)

Task 4: Inserting data

insert into `teachers` values (6503399, 'John Drake', '12022017202020', 'SD-766');
insert into `modules` values ('HCI-101', 'Human Computer Interaction', 6503399);insert into `teachers` values (7614411, 'Felicia Gomez', '1024', 'BES-207');
insert into `modules` values ('HSB', 'Haskell for Beginners', 7614411);insert into `teachers` values (5899114, 'John Cartwright', '12345 ext 1212', 'BES-201');
insert into `modules` values ('MC1', 'Mathematics', 5899114);-- Another way to insert data, if the module is not assigned with any teacher yet,
-- you can set it to be null and update it later
insert into `modules` values ('MC2', 'Advanced Mathematics', null); -- module is not assigned with teacher yet
insert into `teachers` values (7099543, 'Dave Moe', 'BES-205', '65432 ext 2121');
update `modules` set `teacher_id` = 7099543 where `code` = 'MC2'; -- update the teacher reference

Task 5: Foreign key for student

alter table `student` add constraint fk_student_moduleforeign key (`enrolled_modules`) references `modules` (`code`);insert into `student` values (764411, 'Daryl', 'Daryl.Silly@birmmingham.ac.uk', 'MC1'); -- first module for daryl

Task 6: Second module for Dary

-- insert into `student` values (764411, 'Daryl', 'Daryl.Silly@birmmingham.ac.uk', 'MC2');
-- You will get error:  [23000][1062] (conn=40) Duplicate entry '764411' for key 'PRIMARY'

Task 7: Create the activity relation

create table activity
(`name` varchar(100) primary key,`student_id` int(6),`description` varchar(255),constraint fk_activity_student foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`)
);-- remove the primary key for student
-- alter table `student` drop primary key;-- now try to add foreign key to `activity`.`student_id`
-- alter table `activity` add constraint fk_activity_student
--    foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`);
-- Does not work: Can't create table `jianjun`.`activity` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")
-- Reason explained in the lab sheet

Task 8: Redesigns

drop table if exists module_enrollment, activity, student, modules;create table `modules`
(`code` varchar(10) primary key,`title` varchar(100) not null,`teacher_id` int,constraint fk_module_teacher foreign key (`teacher_id`) references `teachers` (`id`)
);create table `student`
(`id` int(6) primary key,`name` varchar(200) not null,`email` varchar(100) not null
);create table module_enrollment
(`enrollment_id` int primary key, -- this column is optional.`module_code` varchar(10),`student_id` int(6),constraint fk_enrollment_module foreign key (`module_code`) references `modules` (`code`),constraint fk_enrollment_student foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`)



drop table if exists `activity`, `module_enrollment`, `student`, `modules`, `teachers`;create table `teachers`
(`id` int primary key, -- we will add primary key later. NOT NULL and UNIQUE is not needed.`name` varchar(200) not null,`tel_no` varchar(40),  -- not using INT here as we have numbers like +44`office` varchar(15) not null
);create table `modules`
(`code` varchar(10) primary key,`title` varchar(100) not null,`teacher_id` int,constraint fk_module_teacher foreign key (`teacher_id`) references `teachers` (`id`)
);create table `student`
(`id` int(6) primary key,`name` varchar(200) not null,`email` varchar(100) not null
);create table module_enrollment
(`enrollment_id` int primary key, -- this column is optional.`module_code` varchar(10),`student_id` int(6),constraint fk_enrollment_module foreign key (`module_code`) references `modules` (`code`),constraint fk_enrollment_student foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`)
);create table activity
(`name` varchar(100) primary key,`student_id` int(6),`description` varchar(255),constraint fk_activity_student foreign key (`student_id`) references `student` (`id`)
);insert into `teachers` values (6503399, 'John Drake', '12022017202020', 'SD-766');
insert into `modules` values ('HCI-101', 'Human Computer Interaction', 6503399);insert into `teachers` values (7614411, 'Felicia Gomez', '1024', 'BES-207');
insert into `modules` values ('HSB', 'Haskell for Beginners', 7614411);insert into `teachers` values (5899114, 'John Cartwright', '12345 ext 1212', 'BES-201');
insert into `modules` values ('MC1', 'Mathematics', 5899114);insert into `teachers` values (7099543, 'Dave Moe', 'BES-205', '65432 ext 2121');
insert into `modules` values ('MC2', 'Advanced Mathematics', 7099543);
insert into `student` values
(156123,'Nuno Bloggs','nuno@bloggs.com'),
(156897,'John Trump','John@trump.com'),
(123987,'Lidia Elliott','Lidia@gmail.com'),
(777123,'Alicia Smith','Alicia123@456.com'),
(127845,'Sophie Johns','S.Johns@nott.edu.cn');insert into `module_enrollment` values

Task 1:

1. Print the Names of all Teachers.

select name from teachers;

2. Retrieve all students and all of the information held about them (excluding enrolment).

select * from student;

3. Retrieve the student ID’s who study MC2.

select distinct id from student, module_enrollment where student.id = module_enrollment.student_id and module_code = 'MC2';

4. Retrieve the list of student ID’s, names and email address for students who study HCI-101.

--         Your results should not include duplicates or incorrect information.
select distinct id, name, email from student s, module_enrollment me where s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'HCI-101';

5. Retrieve the Names of students who do not take the module ‘MC1’

select distinct s.name from student s left outer join module_enrollment me on s.id = me.student_idwhere s.name not in (select s.name from student s, module_enrollment mewhere s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC1')

6. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study both ‘MC1’ and ‘MC2’.

select s.name, s.email from student s, module_enrollment me where s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC1'and s.name in (select s.name from student s, module_enrollment mewhere s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC2');select s.name, s.email from student s, module_enrollment me1, module_enrollment me2where s.id = me1.student_id and s.id = me2.student_idand me1.module_code = 'MC1'and me2.module_code = 'MC2'

7. Retrieve the Names and Telephone Numbers of lecturers whose office is in the ‘BES’ building.

select name, tel_no from teachers where office like 'BES%';

Task 2:

8. Retrieve the IDs of students who take the module ‘MC1’ OR ‘MC2’.

select id from module_enrollment where module_code in ('MC1', 'MC2');

9. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study either in ‘MC1’ OR ‘MC2’.

select distinct s.name, s.email from student s, module_enrollment me where s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC2'or s.name in (select s.name from student s, module_enrollment mewhere s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC1');

10. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students whose email is not ended with ‘@gmail.com’.

select name, email from student where email not like '%gmail.com';

11. Identify if there is any student who enrolled in HSB, HCI-101 and MC2 and Retrieve the Names and ID of them.

select distinct s.name, s.email from student s, module_enrollment me1, module_enrollment me2, module_enrollment me3where s.id = me1.student_id and s.id = me2.student_id and s.id=me3.student_idand me1.module_code = 'HSB'and me2.module_code = 'MC2'and me3.module_code = 'HCI-101'

12. Retrieve the ID and Names of students whose name includes ‘ia’

select id, name from student where name like '%ia%';

13. Retrieve the Names and Emails of students who study not in ‘MC1’ OR ‘MC2’ OR ‘HCI-101’.

select distinct s.name from student s left outer join module_enrollment me on s.id = me.student_idwhere s.name not in (select s.name from student s, module_enrollment mewhere s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC1' OR s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'MC2' OR s.id = me.student_id and me.module_code = 'HCI-101')



drop table if exists cd, artist;create table `artist` (`artid` int primary key,`artname` varchar(100)
);insert into `artist` values
(6,'Animal Collective'),
(7,'Kings of Leon'),
(4,'Mark Ronson'),
(5,'Mark Ronson & The Business Intl'),
(8,'Maroon 5'),
(2,'Mr Scruff'),
(1,'Muse');create table `cd` (`cdid` int primary key,`artid` int,`cdtitle` varchar(100),`cdprice` double,`cdgenre` varchar(50),`cdnumtracks` int,constraint fk_cd foreign key (`artid`) references `artist` (`artid`)
);insert into `cd` values
(1,1,'Black Holes and Revelations',9.99,'Rock',NULL),
(2,1,'The Resistance',11.99,'Rock',NULL),
(3,2,'Ninja Tuna',9.99,'Electronica',NULL),
(4,3,'For Lack of a Better Name',9.99,'Electro House',NULL),
(6,5,'Record Collection',11.99,'Alternative Rock',NULL),
(7,6,'Merriweather Post Pavilion',12.99,'Electronica',NULL),
(8,7,'7 Only By The Night',9.99,'Rock',NULL),
(9,7,'Come Around Sundown',12.99,'Rock',NULL),
(10,8,'Hands All Over',11.99,'Pop',NULL);

Task 1:

a. List the titles and prices of CDs in order of price from highest to lowest.

select cdtitle, cdprice from cd order by cdprice desc;

b. List the Artist Name, Titles and the Price of CDs in alphabetical order by artist name.

-- The Price of the CD should be returned in a column called ‘Full Price’ with tax (20%) included - the cd price in the database is not inclusive of tax.
select artname, cdtitle, (cdprice * 1.2) as `full price` from cd, artist where cd.artid = artist.artid;

c. List the titles, genres and prices CDs in alphabetical order by genre

-- then by price from the highest price to the lowest one.
select cdtitle, cdgenre, cdprice from cd order by cdgenre ASC, cdprice DESC;

Task 2:

a. Find the lowest price of any CD. The result should be presented in a column named ‘Cheapest CD

select cdtitle as `Cheapest CD` from cd where cdprice <= all(select cdprice from cd);select min(cdprice) as `Cheapest CD` from cd; -- in case you have a different understanding of this question.

b. Identify the difference between the most expensive and cheapest CD.

--  The result should be presented in a column named ‘CD Price Range’.
select (max(cdprice) - min(cdprice)) as 'CD Price Range' from cd;

c. Find the number of CDs costing 9.99. The result should be presented in a column named ‘Count of £9.99 CD’s’

select (count(cdtitle)) as 'Count of $9.99 CD\'s' from cd where cdprice = 9.99;

d. Find the title of the most expensive Electronica CD(s).

select cdtitle from cd where cdprice >= all (select cdprice from cd where cdgenre = 'Electronica') and

####e. Find the number of different Prices in the CD table.

select count(distinct cdprice) from cd;

f. List all the information about the cheapest (lowest priced) CDs.

select * from cd, artist where cd.artid = artist.artid and cdprice <= all(select cdprice from cd);

Task 3:

a. Find a list of artist names, the number of CDs they have produced, and the average price for their CDs.

--      Only return results for artists with more than one CD. The results should be in the following format:
--      ||   Artist |  Average CD Price  | Number of CD’s  ||
select artist.artname as `Artist`, AVG(cdprice) as `Average CD price`, COUNT(cdid) as `Number of CDs`from cd, artist where cd.artid = artist.artid group by artist.artname having `Number of CDs` > 1;

b. Find a list of artist names, the number of CDs by that artist and the average price for their CDs

--      but not including ‘Electronica’ albums (you might like to use a WHERE in this one too).
--      The results should be in the following format:
--      ||  Artist | Average CD Price | Number of CD’s ||
select artist.artname as `Artist`, AVG(cdprice) as `Average CD price`, COUNT(cdid) as `Number of CDs`from cd, artist where cd.artid = artist.artid and cdgenre <> 'Electronica' group by artist.artname;

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  4. 小程序 pagescrollto_微信小程序学习笔记(三)-- 首页及详情页开发

    一.常用组件 在上一个章节中讲解了封装请求数据的模块,在此处请求轮播图的数据 1.首页轮播图数据的请求以及渲染 1.1 轮播图数据的请求 pages/home/home.js import 2 使用组 ...

  5. wordpress绿色小清新运营笔记博客主题模板

    介绍: 本wordpress绿色小清新运营笔记博客主题模板是一款适合个人博客,做seo博客的朋友使用,功能简单,操作方便. 后台没有主题设置功能,很多需要改动代码才能实现,对于小白不怎么友好.有兴趣的 ...

  6. 小猪猪C++笔记基础篇(四)数组、指针、vector、迭代器

    小猪猪C++笔记基础篇(四) 关键词:数组,Vector. 一.数组与指针 数组相信大家学过C语言或者其他的语言都不陌生,简单的就是同一个变量类型的一组数据.例如:int a[10],意思就是从a开始 ...

  7. 微信小游戏制作学习笔记

    微信小游戏制作学习笔记 关于 cocos 的学习笔记 文字图像部分: ***1.***图集资源由png和plist文件组成 接下来可以使用专门的软件生成图集,我们推荐的图集制作软件包括:[Zwopte ...

  8. 云开发(微信-小程序)笔记(十四)---- 收藏,点赞(上)

    云开发(微信-小程序)笔记(十三)---- 注册登陆 1.简介 点赞,收藏等都是程序的最简单的功能,在现实的应用中也很常见.这里我就来给大家介绍一下小程序的这个功能. 图标下载地址 先去网站上http ...

  9. 微信小程序开发笔记,你收藏了吗?

    ** 微信小程序开发笔记,你收藏了吗? ** 最近在开发微信小程序,把自己在项目中经常遇到的知识点记录下来,以便下次开发的时候查看. 开发小程序开发工具推荐vscode写代码,微信开发工具用于查看效果 ...


  1. The CLR’s Execution Model(Chapter 1 of CLR via C#)
  2. ASP.NET文件上传和下载
  3. 腾讯产品面试题 | 如何把剃须刀卖给张飞?
  4. WebQQ hash加密算法PHP版
  5. ASP.NET MVC 3: Razor视图引擎中 @: 和text 语法【转载】
  6. 系统协调服务器,协调网络系统 Collaboration network system
  7. caffe绘制训练过程的loss和accuracy曲线
  8. MTK6589手机工程模式调大各种音量方法
  9. ppt 插入柱状图及基础功能调整
  10. C语言————输出It‘s a computer中的computer
  11. 傅里叶级数与傅里叶变换_Part4_傅里叶级数的复数形式
  12. ROS2的launch文件如何编写?快来学习一下使用Python编写launch文件~
  13. UBUNTU——启动栏图标问号?异常
  14. 2021年终总结——工作第四年
  15. 【夏令营保研经验】北理计算机,北航计算机夏令营,中科院霸面保研经验(2019.7)
  16. 微信公众号开发之生成并扫描带参数的二维码(无需改动)
  17. zip直链生成网站_调优-WEB资讯专栏-DMOZ中文网站分类目录
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  19. 技巧:Access中查询多表更新其中一表数据
  20. 神经网络优化(初始化权重)


  1. 加边的无向图(并查集)
  2. 【计算机组成原理】寻址方式
  3. Linux 学习 第六单元
  4. strstr函数及模拟
  5. OpenGL-36-01SSAO
  6. Elasticsearch:Runtime fields 及其应用(一)
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