The TPageControl Delphi control displays a set of pages used to make a multiple-page dialog box. Each page — a tab sheet — hosts its own controls. The user selects a page (makes it visible) by clicking the page’s tab that appears at the top of the control.

TPageControl Delphi控件显示一组用于创建多页对话框的页面。 每个页面(一个标签页)都拥有自己的控件。 用户通过单击显示在控件顶部的页面选项卡来选择页面(使其可见)。

隐藏PageControl选项卡 ( Hiding PageControl Tabs )

If you need to create a wizard-like user interface where you have Next and Previous buttons appearing to move a user forward and backward through a set of pages (dialogs), hide the tabs of the PageControl and thus disallow selecting a particular page by means of the user's mouse.


The trick is in setting the TabVisible property to false for each of the sheets (TTabSheet object) of the page control.


Activating the page by using either the ActivePage or the ActivePageIndex PageControl properties will not raise the OnChange and OnChanging events.

通过使用ActivePageActivePageIndex PageControl属性来激活页面不会引发OnChangeOnChanging事件。

To programmatically set the active page, use the SelectNextPage method:


//Hide PageControl Tabsvarpage : integer;beginfor page := 0 to PageControl1.PageCount - 1 dobeginPageControl1.Pages[page].TabVisible := false;end;//select the first tabPageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0;(*Or set Active Page directlyPageControl1.ActivePage := TabSheet1;Note: the above two do NOT raise theOnChanging and OnChange events*)end;procedure TForm1.PageControl1Changing(Sender: TObject;var AllowChange: Boolean) ;begin//no change if on the last pageAllowChange := PageControl1.ActivePageIndex < -1 + PageControl1.PageCount;end;//Select "Previous" Tabprocedure TForm1.PreviousPageButtonClick(Sender: TObject) ;beginPageControl1.SelectNextPage(false,false) ;end;//Select "Next" Tabprocedure TForm1.NextPageButtonClick(Sender: TObject) ;beginPageControl1.SelectNextPage(true,false) ;end;

Using this technique will de-clutter the form, leading to a more streamlined interface, but ensure that the arrangement of controls on each tab doesn't force the user to move frequently between tabs.



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