


[1392] - Radiological Progression in Patients with Early RA and a Good Clinical Response to MTX Monotherapy: Predictors and Clinical Implications.

Hamed Rezaei 1, Ronald Van Vollenhoven, MD, PhD2,Kristina Forslind3,Kristina Albertsson1,Helena Wallin1,Pierre Geborek4,Sofia Ernestam1,Ingemar Petersson5,Johan Bratt1. 1Karolinska University Hospital,2Rheumatology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,3Helsingborgs Hospital,4Lund University Hospital,5Spenshult Hospital

Background: In patients with early RA, several randomized trials have demonstrated the superiority of methotrexate (MTX) + anti-TNF over MTX alone. However, these trials also showed that some patients did have excellent responses to MTX monotherapy. In the SWEFOT trial, all patients were given an initial 3-4 months trial period with MTX alone; patients achieving a low disease activity state with this treatment were not randomized in the controlled portion of the trial. We previously demonstrated that this was the case for appr. 30% of the patients. In a separate report (Wallin et al, abstract submitted) we showed that these patients had an excellent clinical course during the first two years, but that some radiological progression did nonetheless occur. Here, we investigated specific details of and predictors for radiological progression in this cohort.
Objective: To analyze in detail the radiological course in patients from the SWEFOT study who responded adequately to initial MTX monotherapy and who were not included in the randomized trial.
Methods: A total of 487 patients with early RA (symptom duration <1 year) were started on MTX at a rapidly escalating dosage up to at least 20 mg/week. After 3-4 months, the 147 patients who had a DAS28<3.2 were not randomized but continued on MTX and followed in “regular care”, including 3-monthly assessments. These patients were analyzed here. Van der Heijde modified Sharp scores (SvdH) were done by two experienced readers. Scores at different times were compared by Wilcoxon paired test. Complete x-ray data were available for 114 patients.
Results: At baseline, the mean±SEM total SvdH score (median, IQR) was 3.8±0.7 (1, 0-5). After 1 year, it had increased to 6.0±0.8 (4, 0-8; p<0.0001 vs. baseline) and after 2 years to 7.9±0.9 (4, 0-8; p<0.0001 vs both BL and 1 year). Highly significant progression was seen for both erosion score and joint space narrowing score. The increase in total score after 2 years was 3.9±0.7 (2, 0-6). At baseline, 48.1% of patients had no x-ray damage (total score= 0); at 1 year 26.9%, and at 2 years 20.2%. An increase in total score > 10, was seen in 15% of patients. RF positive patients had a trend towards greater progression than RF-negative ones: 4.78±0.91 (2, 0-7) vs. 1.90±0.78 (0, 0-5; p=0.067). For ACPA positive vs. negative, a smaller, non-significant difference was seen. Double-positive patients had the highest progression: 5.27±1.21 (2, 0-9). Single-positive RF had significantly higher progression than single-positive ACPA. Men had numerically more progression than women (5.00±1.05 (2, 0-9) vs 3.08±0.88 (1, 0-3; p=0.119).
Conclusions: Patients who responded to an initial 3-4 months trial of MTX monotherapy with a DAS28<3.2 showed statistically significant (but on average numerically modest) radiological progression during the first 2 years of disease. Progression was associated with RF- and double-positivity. About half of all patients had no damage at baseline but the majority of these did develop damage over 2 years.

An initial good clinical response to MTX does not preclude a less favorable radiological course.


Rezaei H, et al. ACR 2010. Present No: 1392.



方法:共有487例早期RA(症状持续时间<1年)患者初始使用MTX治疗,并迅速增量至20mg/周以上。3-4个月后,147例患者DAS28<3.2,未进入随机对照试验,而继续使用MTX,每3个月评估一次。将这些患者进行分析。由2名经验丰富的阅片者进行Van der Heijde 改良的Sharp评分(SvdH)。比较不同时间的评分采用Wilcoxon配对检验。共有114例患者完成了放射学检查。

结果:在基线期,总SvdH评分(均值±SEM)为3.8±0.7(中位数: 1,IQR: 0-5)。1年后,上升至6.0±0.8(4,0-8;与基线期相比,p<0.0001),2年后,上升至7.9±0.9(4,0-8;与基线期和1年时相比,p<0.0001)。骨侵蚀评分与关节腔狭窄评分均显著进展。2年后总评分为3.9±0.7(2,0-6)。在基线期,48.1%患者没有X线损害(总评分=0);1年后无X线损害的患者比例为26.9%,2年后为20.2%。15%患者总评分升高超过10。与RF阴性患者相比,RF阳性患者进展更大(4.78±0.91 (2,0-7) vs 1.90±0.78 (0,0-5);p=0.067)分别为和。ACPA阳性与阴性患者相比,差异较小,且无统计学意义。RF和ACPA均阳性的患者放射学进展最大,为5.27±1.21(2,0-9)。RF单阳性患者比ACPA单阳性患者进展更大。男性比女性在数值上进展更大(5.00±1.05[2, 0-9] vs 3.08±0.88 [1, 0-3]; p=0.119)。





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