Vector spaces and subspaces

Column space of A solving Ax=b

Null space of A


Vector space requirements v+w and cv are in the space

All combs cv+dw are in the space


subspace of R^3:

Line( L) through zero vector  is a subspace of R^3

Plane( P) through zero vector is a subspace of R^3

then we got 2 subspaces: P and L

P∪L means all vectors in P or L or both, this is not a subspace, 原因在于对加法不封闭,加和后所得的可能既不在P上,也不在L上

P∩L means all vectors in both P and L, this is a subspace, 交点为zero


Column space of A(列空间),记作C(A)


     is a subspace of R^4, 记作 C ( A)

思考:Does Ax=b have a solution for every b? Which b’s allow this system to be solved?

回答:No. 4 equations, 3 unknowns, we can solve Ax=b exactly when b is in C( A)

接下来考虑nullspace of A: all solutions to Ax=0

now write some solutions, such as


Check the solution to Ax=0 always give a subspace

If Av=0 and Aw=0, then A(v+w)=0, then A(12v)=0,即对加法和数乘都封闭


another example:

解中不包含zero vector,故不构成space,那么它的解是什么样的呢?



subspace:1、combination of several vectors



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