Managing Cloud Native Applications


Cloud native applications are designed to be maintained by infrastructure. As we’ve shown in the previous chapters, cloud native infrastructure is designed to be maintained by applications.


With traditional infrastructure, the majority of the work to schedule, maintain, and upgrade applications is done by humans. This can include manually running services on individual hosts or defining a snapshot of infrastructure and applications in automation tools.


But if infrastructure can be managed by applications and at the same time manage the applications, then infrastructure tooling becomes just another application. The responsibilities engineers have with infrastructure can be expressed in the reconciler pattern and built into applications that run on that infrastructure.


We just spent the past three chapters explaining how we build applications that can manage infrastructure. This chapter will address how to run those applications, or any application, on the infrastructure.


As discussed earlier, it’s important to keep your infrastructure and applications simple. A common way to manage complexity in applications is to break them apart into small, understandable components. We usually accomplish this by creating single-purpose services, or breaking out code into a series of event-triggered functions.


The proliferation of smaller, deployable units can be overwhelming for even the most automated infrastructure. The only way to manage a large number of applications is to have them take on the operational functionally described in Chapter 1. The applications need to become cloud native before they can be managed at scale.


This chapter will not help you build the next great app, but it should give you some starting points in making your applications work well when running on cloud native infrastructure.

Application Design


There are many books that discuss how applications should be architected. This book is not intended to be one of them. However, it is still important to understand how application architecture influences effective infrastructure designs.


As we discussed in Chapter 1, we are going to assume the applications are designed to be cloud native because they gain the most benefits from cloud native infrastructure. Fundamentally, cloud native means the applications are designed to be managed by software, not humans.


The design of an application is a separate consideration from how it is packaged. Applications can be cloud native and packaged as an RPM or DEB files and deployed to VMs instead of containers. They can be monolithic or microservices, written in Java or Go.


These implementation details do not make an application designed to run in the cloud.


As an example, let’s pretend we have an application written in Go and packaged in a container. We can even say the container runs on Kubernetes and would be considered a microservice by whatever definition you choose.


Is this pretend application “cloud native”?


What if the application logs all activity to a file and hardcodes the database IP address? Maybe it doesn’t accept runtime configuration and stores state on the local disk. What if it doesn’t exit in a predictable manner, or hangs and waits for a human to debug it?


This pretend application may appear cloud native from the chosen language and packaging, but it is most definitely not. A framework such as Kubernetes can help manage this application through various features, but even if you’re able to make it run, the application is clearly designed to be maintained and run by humans.


Some of the features that make an application run better on cloud native infrastructure are explained in more detail in Chapter 1. If we have the features prescribed in Chapter 1, there is still another consideration for applications: how do we effectively manage them?

Implementing Cloud Native Patterns

弹性,服务发现,配置中心,日志记录,健康检查和指标等模式都可以通过不同方式在应用程序中实现。实现这些模式的常见做法是通过导入应用程序的标准语言库。 比较好的例子像java的库,Netflix OSS和Twitter Finagle。

Patterns such as resiliency, service discovery, configuration, logging, health checks, and metrics can all be implemented in applications in different ways. A common practice to implement these patterns is through standard language libraries imported into the applications. Netflix OSS and Twitter’s Finagle are very good examples of implementing these features in Java language libraries.


When you use a library, an application can import the library, and it will automatically get many of these features without extra code. This model makes a lot of sense when there are few supported languages within an organization. It allows best practice to be the easy thing to do.


When organizations start implementing microservices, they tend to drift toward polyglot services. This allows for freedom to choose the right language for the ser‐ vice, but makes it very difficult to maintain libraries for all the languages.


Another way to get some of these features is through what is known as the “sidecar” pattern. This pattern bundles processes with applications that implement the various management features. It is often implemented as a separate container, but you can also implement it by just running another daemon on a VM.Examples of sidecars include the following:

  1. Envoy proxy:为服务添加弹性和指标数据
  2. Registrator:使用外部服务进行服务注册
  3. Configuration:监视配置更改,并通知服务进程重新加载
  4. Health endpoint:提供HTTP端点以检查应用程序的运行状况

Envoy proxy:Adds resiliency and metrics to services
Registrator:Registers services with an external service discovery
Configuration:Watches for configuration changes, and notifies the service process to reload
Health endpoint:Provide HTTP endpoints for checking the health of the application

Sidecar容器甚至可用于适配多语言容器以暴露特定于语言的endpoint,来让服务于使用标准库的应用程序进行交互。 Netflix的Prana就是为不使用标准Java库的应用程序设计的

Sidecar containers can even be used to adapt polyglot containers to expose language-specific endpoints to interact with applications that use libraries. Prana from Netflix does just that for applications that don’t use their standard Java library.


Sidecar patterns make sense when centralized teams manage specific sidecar processes. If an engineer wants to expose metrics in their service, they can build it into the application—or a separate team can also provide a sidecar that processes logging output and exposes the calculated metrics for them.


In both cases, the service can have functionality added with less effort than rewriting the application. Once the ability to manage the application with software is available, let’s look at how the application’s life cycle should be managed


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