-f 参数的作用是指定输出文件的格式
-f bin 要求nasm生成的文件只包含纯二进制的mkwpw,无损作系统所需要的加载和重定位信息
-o 指定编译后输出的文件名

To assemble a file, you issue a command of the form
nasm -f <format> <filename> [-o <output>]
For example,
nasm -f elf myfile.asm
will assemble myfile.asm into an ELF object file myfile.o. And
nasm -f bin myfile.asm -o myfile.com
will assemble myfile.asm into a raw binary file myfile.com.
To produce a listing file, with the hex codes output from NASM displayed on the left of the original
sources, use the -l option to give a listing file name, for example:
nasm -f coff myfile.asm -l myfile.lst
To get further usage instructions from NASM, try typing
nasm -h
The option --help is an alias for the -h option.
If you use Linux but aren’t sure whether your system is a.out or ELF, type
file nasm
(in the directory in which you put the NASM binary when you installed it). If it says something like
nasm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable i386 (386 and up) Version 1
then your system is ELF, and you should use the option -f elf when you want NASM to produce Linux
object files. If it says
nasm: Linux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)
or something similar, your system is a.out, and you should use -f aout instead (Linux a.out systems
have long been obsolete, and are rare these days.)
Like Unix compilers and assemblers, NASM is silent unless it goes wrong: you won’t see any output at
all, unless it gives error messages.-f format     select output file formatbin                  Flat raw binary (MS-DOS, embedded, ...) [default]ith                  Intel Hex encoded flat binarysrec                 Motorola S-records encoded flat binaryaout                 Linux a.outaoutb                NetBSD/FreeBSD a.outcoff                 COFF (i386) (DJGPP, some Unix variants)elf32                ELF32 (i386) (Linux, most Unix variants)elf64                ELF64 (x86-64) (Linux, most Unix variants)elfx32               ELFx32 (ELF32 for x86-64) (Linux)as86                 as86 (bin86/dev86 toolchain)obj                  Intel/Microsoft OMF (MS-DOS, OS/2, Win16)win32                Microsoft extended COFF for Win32 (i386)win64                Microsoft extended COFF for Win64 (x86-64)rdf                  Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format v2.0ieee                 IEEE-695 (LADsoft variant) object file formatmacho32              Mach-O i386 (Mach, including MacOS X and variants)macho64              Mach-O x86-64 (Mach, including MacOS X and variants)dbg                  Trace of all info passed to output stageelf                  Legacy alias for "elf32"macho                Legacy alias for "macho32"win                  Legacy alias for "win32"


(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ cat test.asm
section .data                           ;section declaration
msg     db      "Hello, world!",0xA     ;our dear string
len     equ     $ - msg                 ;length of our dear string
section .text                           ;section declaration;we must export the entry point to the ELF linker orglobal _start       ;loader. They conventionally recognize _start as their;entry point. Use ld -e foo to override the default.
;write our string to stdoutmov     eax,4   ;system call number (sys_write)mov     ebx,1   ;first argument: file handle (stdout)mov     ecx,msg ;second argument: pointer to message to writemov     edx,len ;third argument: message lengthint     0x80    ;call kernel
;and exitmov     eax,1   ;system call number (sys_exit)xor     ebx,ebx ;first syscall argument: exit codeint     0x80    ;call kernel
(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ (base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ nasm  -f elf64 test.asm
(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ ls
test.asm  test.o
(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ ld -s -o test test.o
(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ ls
test  test.asm  test.o
(base) [myhaspl@localhost nasm]$ ./test
Hello, world!



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