


  • 前言
  • 目录
  • 正文
    • parseinputs
  • computeDFT




function params = parseinputs(x,varargin)
%PARSEINPUTS Parse the inputs passed to pmtm.m and return a structure
%            containing all the parameters passed to PMTM set to either
%            default values or user defined values.
x 输入的数据向量
% Inputs:
%   x        - Input data vector.
%   varargin - Input parameter list passed to pmtm, except for x.
params 是个结构体,包含了pmtm的输入参数列表,除了输入数据x,它
% Outputs:
%   params   - Structure containing pmtm's input parameter list, except for
%              the input data sequence, x; it contains the following fields:
nfft 评估psd的频率点数,默认是接近输入的2的n次方%      nfft     - Number of frequency points to evaluate the PSD at; %                 the default is max(256,2^nextpow2(N)).Fs 采样频率
%      Fs       - The sampling frequency; default is .
range 默认是单边,复信号是双边。%      range    - default is 'onesided' or real signals and 'twosided' for
%               - complex signals.
conflevel 置信度水平%      conflevel- Confidence level (preferred syntax)置信度水平,默认是0,95
%      ConfInt  - Confidence interval; default is .95. (legacy syntax)谱估计时使用的方法,默认的是adaptive。
%      MTMethod - Algorithm used in MTM; default is 'adapt'.
E 包含有离散扁球序列的矩阵
%      E        - Matrix containing the discrete prolate spheroidal
%                 sequences.
v 向量包含 dpss的中心%      V        - Vector containing the concentration of the dpss.NW 时间带宽积
%      NW       - Time-bandwidth product; default is 4.
err——msd 反馈错误信息。
%   err_msg  - String containing an error message if an error occurred.
if any(strcmp(varargin, 'whole'))warning(message('signal:pmtm:invalidRange', 'whole', 'twosided'));
elseif any(strcmp(varargin, 'half'))warning(message('signal:pmtm:invalidRange', 'half', 'onesided'));
% Set default parameter values.
N = size(x,1);
params  = [];解析输入参数到NFFT,如果包含
% Parse the input arguments up to NFFT (exclusive).
% If E and V are not specified, calculate them.
[E,V,NW,indx,nfft_temp,varargin] = getEV(N,varargin{:});强制执行精确规则
% Cast to enforce Precision Rules
if (any([signal.internal.sigcheckfloattype(x,'single','pmtm','X') ...signal.internal.sigcheckfloattype(E,'single','pmtm','E') ...signal.internal.sigcheckfloattype(V,'single','pmtm','V')]))x = single(x);E = single(E);V = single(V);
NW 数值转化
NW = double(NW);
if isreal(x) && (length(nfft_temp) <= 1), range = 'onesided';
elserange = 'twosided';
% NOTE: The psdoptions function REQUIRES a structure with the following
%       fields.  Any changes to the structure, such as adding/removing
%       fields, should be done after the call to psdoptions.params.nfft    = max(256,2^nextpow2(N));
params.Fs      = [];
params.range   = range;
params.centerdc = false;
params.conflevel = 'omitted';
params.ConfInt = 'omitted';
params.MTMethod= 'adapt';
% Call psdoptions to handle the remaining input arg list starting with NFFT.
% Overwrite default options with user specified options (if specified).
如果indx小于 参数的数量
if indx <= numel(varargin)检测相关输入参数是否合法。% Invalid character inputs for NW, NFFT, W, E,V and Fs is checked here[params,err_msg,err_msgobj] = psdoptions(isreal(x),params,varargin{indx:end});if err_msg, error(err_msgobj), end;     if ~strcmp(params.conflevel,'omitted') && ~strcmp(params.ConfInt, 'omitted')% user specified too many scalar inputs in conjunction with 'ConfidenceLevel'error(message('signal:pmtm:TooManyScalarNumericInputs'));endif length(params.nfft) > 1,if strcmpi(params.range,'onesided')warning(message('signal:pmtm:InconsistentRangeOption'));endparams.range = 'twosided'`#
% Add remaining fields to the return structure.
params.E  = E;
params.V  = V;
params.NW = NW;


computeDFT Computes DFT using FFT or GoertzelThis function is used to calculate the DFT of a signal using the FFT or the Goertzel algorithm. [XX,F] = computeDFT(XIN,NFFT) where NFFT is a scalar and computes the DFT XX using FFT. F is the frequency points at which the XX is computed and is of length NFFT.[XX,F] = computeDFT(XIN,F) where F is a vector with at least two elements computes the DFT XX using the Goertzel algorithm. [XX,F] = computeDFT(...,Fs) returns the frequency vector F (in hz)where Fs is the sampling frequencyInputs:XIN is the input signalNFFT if a scalar corresponds to the number of FFT points used to calculate the DFT using FFT.NFFT if a vector corresponds to the frequency points at which the DFTis calculated using goertzel.FS is the s mp ing frequency


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