




从图4和图5可以看出当旋转编码器顺指针和逆时针旋转时脚A和引脚B的电位组合的序列是不同的。顺时针旋转时脚A和引脚B的电位组合的序列是 { { 1 , 1 } , { 0 , 1 } , { 0 , 0 } , { 1 , 0 } } \{\{1,1\},\{0,1\},\{0,0\},\{1,0\}\} {{1,1},{0,1},{0,0},{1,0}}序列的循环,逆时针旋转时脚A和引脚B的电位组合的序列是 { { 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 0 } , { 0 , 0 } , { 0 , 1 } } \{\{1,1\},\{1,0\},\{0,0\},\{0,1\}\} {{1,1},{1,0},{0,0},{0,1}}序列的循环。并且当引脚A从低电平变为高电平时(即引脚A从圆盘上的灰色区域到接触到圆盘上的白色区域时),在顺时针旋转的情况下引脚B为低电平(即此时引脚A和引脚B的电位不相同),在逆时针旋转的情况下引脚B为高电平(即此时引脚A和引脚B的电位相同)。我们可以利用这两种方式实现算法来辨别旋转编码器的旋转方向。实现算法见算法一和算法二。在实际使用时需要不断调用函数 g e t R o t a r y E n c o d e r D i r e c t i o n ( b o o l p i n A C u r r e n t S t a t u s , b o o l p i n B C u r r e n t S t a t u s ) getRotaryEncoderDirection(bool\quad pinACurrentStatus, bool\quad pinBCurrentStatus) getRotaryEncoderDirection(boolpinACurrentStatus,boolpinBCurrentStatus)来获取旋转编码器的旋转方向,其中参数 p i n A C u r r e n t S t a t u s pinACurrentStatus pinACurrentStatus和 p i n B C u r r e n t S t a t u s pinBCurrentStatus pinBCurrentStatus引脚A和引脚B的高低电平状态(1代表高电平,0代表低电平),引脚A和引脚B的高低电平状态可以通过GPIO口来获取。



enum rotaryEncoderDirection { clockWise = 0, antiClockWise, stop };enum rotaryEncoderDirection getRotaryEncoderDirection(bool pinACurrentStatus, bool pinBCurrentStatus)
{enum rotaryEncoderDirection currentDir = stop;static bool pinALastStatus = 0;static bool pinBLastStatus = 0; static int clockWiseCounter = 0;static int counterClockWiseCounter = 0;if (pinACurrentStatus != pinALastStatus || pinBCurrentStatus != pinBLastStatus){if (pinALastStatus == 0 && pinBLastStatus == 0){if (pinACurrentStatus == 0 && pinBCurrentStatus == 1){counterClockWiseCounter++;}else if (pinACurrentStatus == 1 && pinBCurrentStatus == 0){clockWiseCounter++;}}else if (pinALastStatus == 0 && pinBLastStatus == 1){if (pinACurrentStatus == 1 && pinBCurrentStatus == 1){counterClockWiseCounter++;}else if (pinACurrentStatus == 0 && pinBCurrentStatus == 0){clockWiseCounter++;}}else if (pinALastStatus == 1 && pinBLastStatus == 1){if (pinACurrentStatus == 1 && pinBCurrentStatus == 0){counterClockWiseCounter++;}else if (pinACurrentStatus == 0 && pinBCurrentStatus == 1){clockWiseCounter++;}}else if (pinALastStatus == 1 && pinBLastStatus == 0){if (pinACurrentStatus == 0 && pinBCurrentStatus == 0){counterClockWiseCounter++;}else if (pinACurrentStatus == 1 && pinBCurrentStatus == 1){clockWiseCounter++;}}pinALastStatus = pinACurrentStatus;pinBLastStatus= pinBCurrentStatus;if (clockWiseCounter >= 2){clockWiseCounter = 0;counterClockWiseCounter=0;currentDir = clockWise;}else if (counterClockWiseCounter >= 2){counterClockWiseCounter = 0;clockWiseCounter = 0;currentDir = antiClockWise;}}return currentDir;
enum rotaryEncoderDirection {clockWise=0, antiClockWise,stop};enum rotaryEncoderDirection getRotaryEncoderDirection(bool pinACurrentStatus, bool pinBCurrentStatus)
{enum rotaryEncoderDirection currentDir = stop;static bool pinALastStatus = 0;static int clockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter=0;static int  antiClockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter=0;// If last and current state of pinA are different, then pulse occurred// React to only 1 state change to avoid double countif (pinACurrentStatus != pinALastStatus && pinACurrentStatus == 1) {// If the pinB state is different than the pinA state then// the encoder is rotating CW if (pinBCurrentStatus != pinACurrentStatus) {clockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter++;}else {// Encoder is rotating CCW antiClockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter++;}}// Remember last pinA statuspinALastStatus = pinACurrentStatus;if(clockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter >=4){clockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter = 0;antiClockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter = 0;currentDir = clockWise;}else if (antiClockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter>=4){clockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter = 0;antiClockWiseRotaryEncoderCounter = 0;currentDir = antiClockWise;}return currentDir;

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