


# iptables -m multiport -hmultiport match options:
[!] --source-ports port[,port:port,port...]--sports ...match source port(s)
[!] --destination-ports port[,port:port,port...]--dports ...match destination port(s)
[!] --ports port[,port:port,port]match both source and destination port(s)


# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 23:25,135:139 -j DROP
# iptables -L -n -v
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         8   480 DROP       tcp  --  *      *              multiport dports 23:25,135:139



static struct xt_match multiport_mt_reg[] __read_mostly = {{   .name       = "multiport",.family     = NFPROTO_IPV4,.revision   = 1,.checkentry = multiport_mt_check,.match      = multiport_mt, .matchsize  = sizeof(struct xt_multiport_v1),.me     = THIS_MODULE,},{   .name       = "multiport",.family     = NFPROTO_IPV6,.revision   = 1,.checkentry = multiport_mt6_check,.match      = multiport_mt, .matchsize  = sizeof(struct xt_multiport_v1),.me     = THIS_MODULE,},
static int __init multiport_mt_init(void)
{return xt_register_matches(multiport_mt_reg,ARRAY_SIZE(multiport_mt_reg));


static inline bool
check(u_int16_t proto, u_int8_t ip_invflags, u_int8_t match_flags, u_int8_t count)
{/* Must specify supported protocol, no unknown flags or bad count */return (proto == IPPROTO_TCP || proto == IPPROTO_UDP|| proto == IPPROTO_UDPLITE|| proto == IPPROTO_SCTP || proto == IPPROTO_DCCP)&& !(ip_invflags & XT_INV_PROTO)&& (match_flags == XT_MULTIPORT_SOURCE|| match_flags == XT_MULTIPORT_DESTINATION|| match_flags == XT_MULTIPORT_EITHER)&& count <= XT_MULTI_PORTS;
static int multiport_mt_check(const struct xt_mtchk_param *par)
{const struct ipt_ip *ip = par->entryinfo;const struct xt_multiport_v1 *multiinfo = par->matchinfo;return check(ip->proto, ip->invflags, multiinfo->flags,multiinfo->count) ? 0 : -EINVAL;


static int multiport_mt6_check(const struct xt_mtchk_param *par)
{const struct ip6t_ip6 *ip = par->entryinfo;const struct xt_multiport_v1 *multiinfo = par->matchinfo;return check(ip->proto, ip->invflags, multiinfo->flags,multiinfo->count) ? 0 : -EINVAL;


static bool
multiport_mt(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct xt_action_param *par)
{const __be16 *pptr;__be16 _ports[2];const struct xt_multiport_v1 *multiinfo = par->matchinfo;if (par->fragoff != 0)return false;pptr = skb_header_pointer(skb, par->thoff, sizeof(_ports), _ports);if (pptr == NULL) {/* We've been asked to examine this packet, and we* can't.  Hence, no choice but to drop.*/pr_debug("Dropping evil offset=0 tinygram.\n");par->hotdrop = true;return false;}return ports_match_v1(multiinfo, ntohs(pptr[0]), ntohs(pptr[1]));


static inline bool
ports_match_v1(const struct xt_multiport_v1 *minfo,u_int16_t src, u_int16_t dst)
{unsigned int i;u_int16_t s, e;for (i = 0; i < minfo->count; i++) {s = minfo->ports[i];


        if (minfo->pflags[i]) {/* range port matching */e = minfo->ports[++i];pr_debug("src or dst matches with %d-%d?\n", s, e);switch (minfo->flags) {case XT_MULTIPORT_SOURCE:if (src >= s && src <= e)return true ^ minfo->invert;break;case XT_MULTIPORT_DESTINATION:if (dst >= s && dst <= e)return true ^ minfo->invert;break;case XT_MULTIPORT_EITHER:if ((dst >= s && dst <= e) ||(src >= s && src <= e))return true ^ minfo->invert;break;default:break;}


        } else {/* exact port matching */pr_debug("src or dst matches with %d?\n", s);switch (minfo->flags) {case XT_MULTIPORT_SOURCE:if (src == s)return true ^ minfo->invert;break;case XT_MULTIPORT_DESTINATION:if (dst == s)return true ^ minfo->invert;break;case XT_MULTIPORT_EITHER:if (src == s || dst == s)return true ^ minfo->invert;break;default:break;}}}return minfo->invert;

内核版本 5.10


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