
iprange match options:
[!] --src-range ip[-ip]    Match source IP in the specified range
[!] --dst-range ip[-ip]    Match destination IP in the specified range

配置如下策略,丢弃源地址在区间:[ -]中的报文。

# iptables -A INPUT -m iprange --src-range -j DROP
# iptables -L -n -v
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         0     0 DROP       all  --  *      *              source IP range



static struct xt_match iprange_mt_reg[] __read_mostly = {{.name      = "iprange",.revision  = 1,.family    = NFPROTO_IPV4,.match     = iprange_mt4,.matchsize = sizeof(struct xt_iprange_mtinfo),.me        = THIS_MODULE,},{.name      = "iprange",.revision  = 1,.family    = NFPROTO_IPV6,.match     = iprange_mt6,.matchsize = sizeof(struct xt_iprange_mtinfo),.me        = THIS_MODULE,},
static int __init iprange_mt_init(void)
{return xt_register_matches(iprange_mt_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(iprange_mt_reg));


static bool
iprange_mt4(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct xt_action_param *par)
{const struct xt_iprange_mtinfo *info = par->matchinfo;const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);if (info->flags & IPRANGE_SRC) {m  = ntohl(iph->saddr) < ntohl(info->src_min.ip);m |= ntohl(iph->saddr) > ntohl(info->src_max.ip);m ^= !!(info->flags & IPRANGE_SRC_INV);if (m)return false;}if (info->flags & IPRANGE_DST) {m  = ntohl(iph->daddr) < ntohl(info->dst_min.ip);m |= ntohl(iph->daddr) > ntohl(info->dst_max.ip);m ^= !!(info->flags & IPRANGE_DST_INV);if (m)return false;}return true;


static inline int
iprange_ipv6_lt(const struct in6_addr *a, const struct in6_addr *b)
{unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {if (a->s6_addr32[i] != b->s6_addr32[i])return ntohl(a->s6_addr32[i]) < ntohl(b->s6_addr32[i]);}               return 0;


static bool
iprange_mt6(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct xt_action_param *par)
{   const struct xt_iprange_mtinfo *info = par->matchinfo;const struct ipv6hdr *iph = ipv6_hdr(skb);bool m;if (info->flags & IPRANGE_SRC) {m  = iprange_ipv6_lt(&iph->saddr, &info->src_min.in6);m |= iprange_ipv6_lt(&info->src_max.in6, &iph->saddr);m ^= !!(info->flags & IPRANGE_SRC_INV);if (m)return false;}if (info->flags & IPRANGE_DST) {m  = iprange_ipv6_lt(&iph->daddr, &info->dst_min.in6);m |= iprange_ipv6_lt(&info->dst_max.in6, &iph->daddr);m ^= !!(info->flags & IPRANGE_DST_INV);if (m)return false;}return true;

内核版本 5.10


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