Oracle EBS 导入日记账提示警告 GL_INTERFACE 错误代码ECW1,EC11

Period Error Codes
EP01    This date is not in any open or future enterable period.
EP03    This date is not within any period in an open encumbrance year.
EP04    This date is not a business day.
EP05    There are no business days in this period.Unbalanced Journal Error Codes
WU01    Warning: This journal entry is unbalanced.  It is accepted because suspense posting is allowed in this ledger.
EU02    This journal entry is unbalanced and suspense posting is not allowed in this ledger.
EU03    This encumbrance journal entry is unbalanced and the Reserve for Encumbrance account is not defined.Flexfield Error Codes
EF01    This Accounting Flexfield is inactive for this accounting date.
EF02    Detail posting not allowed for this Accounting Flexfield.
EF03    Disabled Accounting Flexfield.
EF04    This is an invalid Accounting Flexfield.  Check your cross-validation rules and segment values.
EF05    There is no Accounting Flexfield with this Code Combination ID.
EF06    The alternate account is invalid.
WF01    An alternate account was used instead of the original account.
WF02    A suspense account was used instead of the original account.Foreign Currency Error Codes
EC01    A conversion rate must be entered when using the User conversion rate type.
EC02    There is no conversion date supplied.
EC03    A conversion rate type or an accounted amount must be supplied when entering foreign currency journal lines.
EC06    There is no conversion rate for this currency, conversion type, and conversion date.
EC08    Invalid currency code.
EC09    No currencies are enabled.
EC10    Encumbrance journals cannot be created in a foreign currency.
EC11    Invalid conversion rate type.
EC12    The entered amount must equal the accounted amount in a ledger or STAT currency journal line.
EC13    Amount is too large.
ECW1    Warning: Converted amounts could not be validated because the conversion rate type is not specified.

问题原因是汇率类型 找不到正确的数据造成

-- 刘轶鹤

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