gsoc 任务

在上一集 (On the Previous Episode)

In my last article in this series, I told you that I was developing a prototype for Line Info Widget as a part of my three-month GSoC project at TARDIS (i.e. to develop a GUI as Jupyter widgets for making the exploration of Supernova models easier). The Line Info Widget gives Astrophysicists information about the atomic lines with which light packets interact before escaping Supernova.

在本系列的最后一篇文章中,我告诉您,我正在为TARDIS进行的为期三个月的GSoC项目的一部分,开发了Line Info Widget的原型(即,开发一个Jupyter Widgets图形用户界面来简化对Supernova模型的探索)。 )。 “行信息”小部件为天体物理学家提供有关逃逸超新星之前光包与之相互作用的原子线的信息。

I also explained to you how amazingly TARDIS constructs a spectrum from the information contained in hundred-thousands of light packets coming out of a simulated Supernova. If you haven’t read my last article, you might like to go through it to understand all of this super cool stuff in a simpler way!

我还向您解释了TARDIS如何以惊人的方式从模拟超新星发出的数十万个光包中包含的信息中构造出一个光谱。 如果您还没有阅读我的上一篇文章,您可能希望通过简单的方式阅读它,以了解所有这些超酷的东西!

To further show how different interactions of light packets contribute to the luminosity in the model spectrum (wavelength vs luminosity plot), I started working on restructuring the legacy Kromer plot interface of TARDIS. But it needed a lot of improvements in its plot generation method. Thus keeping the GSoC deadline in mind, we have to put it on hold until I finish & release the Line Info Widget with a simple spectrum plot. In this article, I will not only show how the finished line info widget looks like but also how I understood the underlying Astrophysics better by data exploration!

为了进一步显示光包的不同相互作用如何影响模型光谱中的光度(波长与光度图),我开始着手重组TARDIS的传统Kromer图界面。 但是它需要在情节生成方法上进行很多改进。 因此,要牢记GSoC的截止日期,我们必须搁置它,直到完成并发布带有简单频谱图的Line Info Widget。 在本文中,我不仅将展示终点信息小部件的外观,还将展示如何通过数据探索更好地理解潜在的天体物理学!

精炼线信息小部件及其对我的理解! (Refining Line Info Widget and my Understanding of it!)

So last month, I converted Line Info Widget from a prototype to a fully-functional widget with a couple of additional features. Now it can be generated by a simple function call for any simulation model within Jupyter Notebooks, using the object-oriented interface I wrote for it.

因此,上个月,我将Line Info Widget从原型转换为具有几个附加功能的全功能Widget。 现在,可以使用我为此编写的面向对象的接口,通过对Jupyter Notebooks中的任何仿真模型进行简单的函数调用来生成该函数。

Line Info Widget after refinement — now users can also control how to filter packets in the selected wavelength range and how to group packet counts for each line interaction.

线路是什么:线路信息小部件的工作原理如何? (What’s the Line: How exactly Line Info Widget works?)

As I explained in the first article in this series,


The elements present in a Supernova ejecta (or the guts of an exploded star!) imprint their characteristic features on the light spectrum obtained from it, due to light-matter interactions. While modelling a Supernova, TARDIS simulates each of these random interactions between light packets (photons) and atomic lines (possible transitions of electrons between excitation levels of an atom).

由于光与物质的相互作用 ,超新星喷射中的元素(或爆炸恒星的内胆!)将其特征刻在从其获得的光谱上。 在对超新星建模时,TARDIS会模拟光包(光子)和原子线(原子激发能级之间电子的可能跃迁)之间的这些随机相互作用。

TARDIS Ideas Page]TARDIS思想页 ]

This is what Line Info Widget is made for — it allows Astrophysicists to explore the atomic lines responsible for producing features in the simulated spectrum. By selecting a wavelength range on the spectrum plot, you can see the species that produced the features within that range. This is determined by counting the number of escaping packets that experienced their last interaction with each species. Packets can be filtered by the wavelength at which they were absorbed or emitted, using the toggle buttons.

这就是Line Info Widget的用途-允许天体物理学家探索负责在模拟光谱中产生特征的原子线。 通过在光谱图上选择一个波长范围,您可以看到在该范围内产生特征的物质。 这是通过计算逃逸数据包与每个物种之间最后一次交互的数量来确定的。 使用切换按钮,可以按照吸收或发射的波长过滤数据包。

Demonstration of the working of Line Info Widget

You can then click on a species to see the packets count for each last line interaction it experienced. Using the dropdown menu, these counts can be grouped by excitation lines, de-excitation lines, or both.

然后,您可以单击一个物种,以查看其经历的每个最后一行交互的数据包计数。 使用下拉菜单,可以将这些计数按激励线,去激励线或两者进行分组。

移动弹射器:光的多普勒频移 (Moving Ejecta: Doppler shift of Light)

The fun part about science is you learn things from exploration better than reading or hearing them from someone. While developing this widget, my mentors explained to me a couple of times that the spectrum we have is made from the observed wavelengths of the packets in a moving frame instead of that in the rest frame. This means that absorption/emission wavelengths of packets don’t necessarily match with that of an atomic line they interacted with, due to the Doppler shifts because the Supernova ejecta is continuously moving outward with thousands of km/s. For example, a packet with an observed wavelength of roughly 5000 Angstrom gets absorbed in the excitation of Si II from the 15th to 22nd level, which otherwise happens at 5057 Angstrom in rest wavelength.

科学的有趣之处在于,您从探索中学到的东西比从别人那里读或听的东西要好。 在开发此小部件时,我的导师向我解释了几次,我们所拥有的光谱是根据移动帧中而不是其余帧中数据包的观察波长得出的。 这意味着由于超新星喷射以数千公里/秒的速度连续向外移动,因此多普勒频移导致数据包的吸收/发射波长不一定与它们相互作用的原子线的吸收/发射波长匹配。 例如,观察到的大约5000埃波长的数据包在第15到22级的Si II激发中被吸收,否则将在静止波长的5057埃处发生。


If you don’t remember “Doppler Effect” from your high school Physics class

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