
npm install hexo-cli -g
cd /blog
hexo init


git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next



# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/# Site
title: 国光
subtitle: 安安静静写博客
description: 宁静致远
author: 国光
language: zh-Hans
timezone: Asia/Shanghai# URL
## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/'
url: http://www.sqlsec.com/
root: /
permalink: :year/:month/:title.html
permalink_defaults:# Directory
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang
skip_render:# Writing
new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
external_link: true # Open external links in new tab
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true
highlight:enable: trueline_number: trueauto_detect: falsetab_replace:# Home page setting
# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
index_generator:path: ''per_page: 10order_by: -date# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized
tag_map:# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss# Pagination
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
per_page: 10
pagination_dir: page
# Search
search:path: search.xmlfield: postformat: htmllimit: 10000
# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: next# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html
deploy:type: gitrepo: https://github.com/tezukanice/tezukanice.github.io.gitbrachanc: master


# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Site Information Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Put your favicon.ico into `hexo-site/source/` directory.
favicon: /images/guo.png# Set default keywords (Use a comma to separate)
keywords: "国光,信息安全,CTF,渗透测试"# Set rss to false to disable feed link.
# Leave rss as empty to use site's feed link.
# Set rss to specific value if you have burned your feed already.
rss: /atom.xml# Specify the date when the site was setup
since: 2016# icon between year and author @Footer
authoricon: heart# Footer `powered-by` and `theme-info` copyright
copyright: true# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# SEO Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Canonical, set a canonical link tag in your hexo, you could use it for your SEO of blog.
# See: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066
# Tips: Before you open this tag, remember set up your URL in hexo _config.yml ( ex. url: http://yourdomain.com )
canonical: true# Change headers hierarchy on site-subtitle (will be main site description) and on all post/pages titles for better SEO-optimization.
seo: false# If true, will add site-subtitle to index page, added in main hexo config.
# subtitle: Subtitle
index_with_subtitle: false# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Menu Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. domain.tld/blog), remove the leading slash (/archives -> archives)
menu:home: /CTF: /categories/CTF/hacker: /categories/hacker/others: /categories/others/archives: /archives/tags: /tags/about: /about/#sitemap: /sitemap.xml#commonweal: /404.html# Enable/Disable menu icons.
# Icon Mapping:
#   Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name.
#   Key is the name of menu item and value is the name of FontAwesome icon. Key is case-senstive.
#   When an question mask icon presentißßng up means that the item has no mapping icon.
menu_icons:enable: true#KeyMapsToMenuItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesomehome: homeabout: usercategories: thschedule: calendartags: tagsarchives: archivesitemap: sitemapcommonweal: heartbeatCTF: flagothers: tagshacker: tags# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Scheme Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Schemes
#scheme: Muse
scheme: Mist
#scheme: Pisces# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Sidebar Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Social Links
# Key is the link label showing to end users.
# Value is the target link (E.g. GitHub: https://github.com/iissnan)
social:微博: http://weibo.com/u/5728586656GitHub: https://www.github.com/tezukanice/知乎: https://www.zhihu.com/people/guo-guang-94/activities
# Social Links Icons
# Icon Mapping:
#   Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name.
#   Key is the name of the item and value is the name of FontAwesome icon. Key is case-senstive.
#   When an globe mask icon presenting up means that the item has no mapping icon.
social_icons:enable: true# Icon Mappings.# KeyMapsToSocialItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesomeGitHub: githubTwitter: twitter微博: weibo知乎: tags# Blog rolls
links_title: 友情链接
#links_layout: block
links_layout: inline
links:Demon: http://www.ggsec.cn/# Sidebar Avatar
# in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.jpg
# in site  directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.jpg
avatar: http://ombgvjpli.bkt.clouddn.com/guoguang11.jpg# Table Of Contents in the Sidebar
toc:enable: true# Automatically add list number to toc.number: true# If true, all words will placed on next lines if header width longer then sidebar width.wrap: false# Creative Commons 4.0 International License.
# http://creativecommons.org/
# Available: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero
#creative_commons: by-nc-sa
#creative_commons:sidebar:# Sidebar Position, available value: left | rightposition: left#position: right# Sidebar Display, available value:#  - post    expand on posts automatically. Default.#  - always  expand for all pages automatically#  - hide    expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.#  - remove  Totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.#display: postdisplay: always#display: hide#display: remove# Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels.offset: 12offset_float: 0# Back to top in sidebarb2t: false# Scroll percent label in b2t buttonscrollpercent: false# Enable sidebar on narrow viewonmobile: false# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Post Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Automatically scroll page to section which is under <!-- more --> mark.
scroll_to_more: true# Automatically saving scroll position on each post/page in cookies.
save_scroll: false# Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text.
excerpt_description: true# Automatically Excerpt. Not recommend.
# Please use <!-- more --> in the post to control excerpt accurately.
auto_excerpt:enable: falselength: 150# Post meta display settings
post_meta:item_text: truecreated_at: trueupdated_at: falsecategories: true# Post wordcount display settings
# Dependencies: https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
post_wordcount:item_text: truewordcount: falsemin2read: falseseparated_meta: true# Wechat Subscriber
wechat_subscriber:enabled: trueqcode: http://ombgvjpli.bkt.clouddn.com/weixingg.pngdescription: 听说最近流行打赏~~ 先跟风一波~~# Declare license on posts
post_copyright:enable: falselicense: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Theme Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Custom Logo.
# !!Only available for Default Scheme currently.
# Options:
#   enabled: [true/false] - Replace with specific image
#   image: url-of-image   - Images's url
custom_logo:enabled: falseimage:# Code Highlight theme
# Available value:
#    normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright
# https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme
highlight_theme: night eighties# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Font Settings
# - Find fonts on Google Fonts (https://www.google.com/fonts)
# - All fonts set here will have the following styles:
#     light, light italic, normal, normal italic, bold, bold italic
# - Be aware that setting too much fonts will cause site running slowly
# - Introduce in 5.0.1
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
font:enable: true# Uri of fonts host. E.g. //fonts.googleapis.com (Default)host:# Global font settings used on <body> element.global:# external: true will load this font family from host.external: truefamily: Lato# Font settings for Headlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)# Fallback to `global` font settings.headings:external: truefamily:# Font settings for posts# Fallback to `global` font settings.posts:external: truefamily:# Font settings for Logo# Fallback to `global` font settings.# The `size` option use `px` as unitlogo:external: truefamily:size:# Font settings for <code> and code blocks.codes:external: truefamily:size:# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Third Party Services Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# MathJax Support
mathjax:enable: falseper_page: falsecdn: //cdn.bootcss.com/mathjax/2.7.1/latest.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML# Han Support docs: https://hanzi.pro/
han: false# Swiftype Search API Key
#swiftype_key:# Baidu Analytics ID
#baidu_analytics:# Duoshuo ShortName
#duoshuo_shortname:# Disqus
disqus:enable: falseshortname:count: true# Hypercomments
#hypercomments_id:# changyan
changyan:enable: falseappid:appkey:# Support for youyan comments system.
# You can get your uid from http://www.uyan.cc
#youyan_uid: your uid# Support for LiveRe comments system.
# You can get your uid from https://livere.com/insight/myCode (General web site)
livere_uid: MTAyMC8yOTU5Ny82MTY1# Baidu Share
# Available value:
#    button | slide
# Warning: Baidu Share does not support https.
##  type: button# Share
# Warning: JiaThis does not support https.
#add_this_id:# Share
#duoshuo_share: true# Google Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://www.google.com/webmasters/
#google_site_verification:# Google Analytics
#google_analytics:# Yandex Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://webmaster.yandex.ru/
#yandex_site_verification:# CNZZ count
#cnzz_siteid:# Application Insights
# See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/application-insights/
# application_insights:# Make duoshuo show UA
# user_id must NOT be null when admin_enable is true!
# you can visit http://dev.duoshuo.com get duoshuo user id.
#duoshuo_info:# ua_enable: tfalse# admin_enable: false#user_id: 0#admin_nickname: Author# Facebook SDK Support.
# https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next/pull/410
facebook_sdk:enable: falseapp_id:       #<app_id>fb_admin:     #<user_id>like_button:  #truewebmaster:    #true# Facebook comments plugin
# This plugin depends on Facebook SDK.
# If facebook_sdk.enable is false, Facebook comments plugin is unavailable.
facebook_comments_plugin:enable: falsenum_of_posts: 10  # min posts num is 1width: 100%       # default width is 550pxscheme: light     # default scheme is light (light or dark)# VKontakte API Support.
# To get your AppID visit https://vk.com/editapp?act=create
vkontakte_api:enable: falseapp_id:       #<app_id>like:         truecomments:     truenum_of_posts: 10# Star rating support to each article.
# To get your ID visit https://widgetpack.com
rating:enable: falseid:     #<app_id>color:  fc6423# Show number of visitors to each article.
# You can visit https://leancloud.cn get AppID and AppKey.
leancloud_visitors:enable: falseapp_id: #<app_id>app_key: #<app_key># Show PV/UV of the website/page with busuanzi.
# Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/
busuanzi_count:# count values only if the other configs are falseenable: true# custom uv span for the whole sitesite_uv: truesite_uv_header: <i class="fa fa-user">访客数</i>site_uv_footer:# custom pv span for the whole sitesite_pv: truesite_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye">阅读数</i>site_pv_footer:# custom pv span for one page onlypage_pv: truepage_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye">浏览数</i>page_pv_footer:# Tencent analytics ID
# tencent_analytics:# Tencent MTA ID
# tencent_mta:# Enable baidu push so that the blog will push the url to baidu automatically which is very helpful for SEO
baidu_push: false# Google Calendar
# Share your recent schedule to others via calendar page
# API Documentation:
# https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/list
calendar:enable: falsecalendar_id: <required>api_key: <required>orderBy: startTimeoffsetMax: 24offsetMin: 4timeZone:showDeleted: falsesingleEvents: truemaxResults: 250# Algolia Search
algolia_search:enable: falsehits:per_page: 10labels:input_placeholder: Search for Postshits_empty: "We didn't find any results for the search: ${query}"hits_stats: "${hits} results found in ${time} ms"# Local search
# Dependencies: https://github.com/flashlab/hexo-generator-search
local_search:enable: true# if auto, trigger search by changing input# if manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search buttontrigger: auto# show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1top_n_per_article: 1# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Tags Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# External URL with BASE64 encrypt & decrypt
# Usage: {% exturl text url "title" %}
# Alias: {% extlink text url "title" %}
exturl: false#! ---------------------------------------------------------------
#! ---------------------------------------------------------------# Motion
use_motion: true# Fancybox
fancybox: true# Progress bar in the top during page loading.
pace: false
# Themes list:
# For example
# pace_theme: pace-theme-center-simple
pace_theme: pace-theme-minimal# Canvas-nest
canvas_nest: true# three_waves
three_waves: false# canvas_lines
canvas_lines: false# canvas_sphere
canvas_sphere: false# Only fit scheme Pisces
# Canvas-ribbon
canvas_ribbon: false# Script Vendors.
# Set a CDN address for the vendor you want to customize.
# For example
#    jquery: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js
# Be aware that you should use the same version as internal ones to avoid potential problems.
# Please use the https protocol of CDN files when you enable https on your site.
vendors:# Internal path prefix. Please do not edit it._internal: lib# Internal version: 2.1.3jquery:# Internal version: 2.1.5# See: http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/fancybox:fancybox_css:# Internal version: 1.0.6# See: https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclickfastclick:# Internal version: 1.9.7# See: https://github.com/tuupola/jquery_lazyloadlazyload:# Internal version: 1.2.1# See: http://VelocityJS.orgvelocity:# Internal version: 1.2.1# See: http://VelocityJS.orgvelocity_ui:# Internal version: 0.7.9# See: https://faisalman.github.io/ua-parser-js/ua_parser:# Internal version: 4.6.2# See: http://fontawesome.io/fontawesome:# Internal version: 1# https://www.algolia.comalgolia_instant_js:algolia_instant_css:# Internal version: 1.0.2# See: https://github.com/HubSpot/pace# Or use direct links below:# pace: //cdn.bootcss.com/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js# pace_css: //cdn.bootcss.com/pace/1.0.2/themes/blue/pace-theme-flash.min.csspace:pace_css:# Internal version: 1.0.0# https://github.com/hustcc/canvas-nest.jscanvas_nest:# threethree:# three_waves# https://github.com/jjandxa/three_wavesthree_waves:# three_waves# https://github.com/jjandxa/canvas_linescanvas_lines:# three_waves# https://github.com/jjandxa/canvas_spherecanvas_sphere:# Internal version: 1.0.0# https://github.com/zproo/canvas-ribboncanvas_ribbon:# Internal version: 3.3.0# https://github.com/ethantw/Hanhan:# Assets
css: css
js: js
images: images# Theme version
version: 5.1.1


npm install hexo-generator-feed --save                 #RSS
npm install hexo-deployer-git --save                   #git部署
npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save             #搜索
npm install hexo-generator-seo-friendly-sitemap --save #sitemap
npm install hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap --save        #百度sitemap


生成ssh keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "admin@sqlsec.com"

添加 SSH Key 到 GitHub

code@GGs-MacBook-Pro:~$cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub

内容为刚才生成的密钥,准确的复制这个文件的内容,粘贴到 https://github.com/settings/ssh 的 new SSH key 中


ssh -T git@github.com

然后 输入yes会看到:

Hi tezukanice! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.



现在已经可以通过 SSH 链接到 GitHub 了,还有一些个人信息需要完善的。
Git 会根据用户的名字和邮箱来记录提交。GitHub 也是用这些信息来做权限的处理,输入下面的代码进行个人信息的设置,把名称和邮箱替换成你自己的。

git config --global user.name "tezukanice"
git config --global user.email "admin@sqlsec.com"










git clone https://github.com/tajpure/hexo-editor.git
cd hexo-editor
npm install --production
npm start



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