Scott Woodgate 的EMail中说:

IMPORTANT: BizTalk Server 2004 fixes for Windows XP SP2 and  .NET FW 1.1 SP1

Please share this information broadly with your customers and partners
1) BizTalk Server 2004 will stop functioning after the installation of Windows XP SP2 due to changes in the DCOM security model.  Windows XP SP2 is available for download now and will be pushed through WindowsUpdate in late August.
Modify the registry with the instructions below to resolve this issue:;en-us;841893
2) The BizTalk Server 2004 Rules Engine component will stop functioning after the installation of the .NET FW 1.1 SP1 due to issues in our implementation which are now resolved.  It is expected that all other existing user-level code written in the .NET FW 1.1 will continue to work in the .NET FW 1.1 SP1.  The .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 is not yet publically available but will become available shortly.
Download the hotfix for the rules engine component to resolve this issue:;EN-US;875540
N.B. This hotfix is supported both on the .NET FW 1.1 and the .NET FW 1.1 SP1 so you can install it today if you like.


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