





Config SRS

HTTP callback events(回调事件)


SRS HTTP Callback Server

Publish and Play



解压后,cd /srs/trunk下执行命令:


./configure && make


./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf


修改SRS配置:vi /srs/trunk/objs/conf/srs.conf



Config SRS

http hooks的配置如下:

vhost your_vhost {http_hooks {# whether the http hooks enable.# default off.enabled         on;# when client connect to vhost/app, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_connect",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "tcUrl": "rtmp://video.test.com/live?key=d2fa801d08e3f90ed1e1670e6e52651a",#           "pageUrl": "http://www.test.com/live.html"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_connect http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_connect https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;# when client close/disconnect to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_close",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "send_bytes": 10240, "recv_bytes": 10240#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_close http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_close https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;# when client(encoder) publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_publish",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_publish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_publish https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;# when client(encoder) stop publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_unpublish",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_unpublish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_unpublish https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;# when client start to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_play",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy",#           "pageUrl": "http://www.test.com/live.html"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_play http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_play https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;# when client stop to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_stop",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0# support multiple api hooks, format:#       on_stop http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN# @remark For SRS4, the HTTPS url is supported, for example:#       on_stop https://xxx/api0 https://xxx/api1 https://xxx/apiNon_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;# when srs reap a dvr file, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_dvr",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy",#           "cwd": "/usr/local/srs",#           "file": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.flv"#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs;# when srs reap a ts file of hls, call the hook,# the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:#       {#           "action": "on_hls",#           "client_id": 1985,#           "ip": "", "vhost": "video.test.com", "app": "live",#           "stream": "livestream", "param":"?token=xxx&salt=yyy",#           "duration": 9.36, // in seconds#           "cwd": "/usr/local/srs",#           "file": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream/2015-04-23/01/476584165.ts",#           "url": "live/livestream/2015-04-23/01/476584165.ts",#           "m3u8": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream/live.m3u8",#           "m3u8_url": "live/livestream/live.m3u8",#           "seq_no": 100#       }# if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Status OK) and response# an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):#       0on_hls http://localhost:8085/api/v1/hls;# when srs reap a ts file of hls, call this hook,# used to push file to cdn network, by get the ts file from cdn network.# so we use HTTP GET and use the variable following:#       [app], replace with the app.#       [stream], replace with the stream.#       [param], replace with the param.#       [ts_url], replace with the ts url.# ignore any return data of server.# @remark random select a url to report, not report all.on_hls_notify[app]/[stream]/[ts_url][param];}

HTTP callback events(回调事件)


事件 数据 说明
on_connect {
"action": "on_connect",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"tcUrl": "rtmp://x/x?key=xxx",
"pageUrl": "http://x/x.html"
on_close {
"action": "on_close",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"send_bytes": 10240,
"recv_bytes": 10240
on_publish {
"action": "on_publish",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
on_unpublish {
"action": "on_unpublish",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
on_play {
"action": "on_play",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream",
"pageUrl": "http://a.com/i.html",
on_stop {
"action": "on_stop",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream"
on_dvr {
"action": "on_dvr",
"client_id": 1985,
"ip": "",
"vhost": "video.test.com",
"app": "live",
"stream": "livestream",
"cwd": "/opt",
"file": "./l.xxx.flv"



  • 事件:发生该事件时,即回调指定的HTTP地址。
  • HTTP地址:可以支持多个,以空格分隔,SRS会依次回调这些接口。
  • 数据:SRS将数据POST到HTTP接口。
  • 返回值:SRS要求HTTP服务器返回HTTP200并且response内容为整数错误码(0表示成功),其他错误码会断开客户端连接。



SRS HTTP Callback Server

SRS自带了一个默认的处理HTTP Callback的服务器,启动时需要指定端口,譬如8085端口。

启动方法:python research/api-server/server.py 8085


[winlin@dev6 srs]$ python research/api-server/server.py 8085
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] api server listen at port: 8085, static_dir: /home/winlin/git/srs/trunk/research/api-server/static-dir
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] start cherrypy server
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Serving on
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTED

Publish and Play


[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":4,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":""}
[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] srs on_connect: client id=4, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl= - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:33] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"


[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":5,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":"http://dev.chnvideo.com:3080/players/rtmp/"}
[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] srs on_connect: client id=5, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl=http://dev.chnvideo.com:3080/players/rtmp/ - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:50] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"


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