1. It needs to be filled to the skimmer halfway point.


2. The height of the intake weir is adjustable, allowing the oil skimmer to efficiently remove thin or thick layers of oil or pollutant.


3. My girlfriend says bigger is better, so I am going to build the biggest skimmer I can.


4. I am planning a trip with the drawing of the new skimmer, so to get the manufacturing started.


5. The pump is situated under the net in the skimmer and pumps up to a bio-filter.


6. This thesis presents a new technology about thickening the oil slick in the port to solve the low efficiency of the mechanical recovery technology when deal with thin oil slick in the port and make sure the skimmer can recover the spilt oil more effectively.


7. Every time she held the skimmer under the pump to cool it for the work her hand trembled, the ardour of his affection being so palpable that she seemed to flinch under it like a plant in too burning a sun.


8. The movable water-cooled skimmer was designed according to the work principle of BF cooling stave.


9. Through the different types of analysis and comparison of the skimmer, to get fit for embedded closed tanker skimmer dynamic surface skimmer.


10. I use B-ionic 2 part with drews Peristaltic dosing pumps controlled by digital intermatic CP924 timers. These timers are very nice because they have an internal battery that stores the settings when the power goes out. For top off I have an tunze osmolator which keeps my specific gravity rock solid. I do weekly ~5 gallon water changes with tropic marin pro salt. I feel that with a heavily stocked nano tank frequent water changes are a must. I also lightly vacuum the sand every other week to help remove trapped detritus that has accumulated in the sand bed. I do weekly water testing to make sure everything is in spec and stable. I run ESV granulated carbon in a small media bag in the return chamber of my cpr bak pak skimmer. the media bag is held in place by a magnet to ensure the bag cannot float up and clog the return, creating a disaster(don't ask me how i know lol). I change the carbon every 2 weeks. I wipe down the algae with a mag float maybe once a week, or as needed.

我采用一切从简的方法,对于这一点,我的缸已经大部分自动化,并且生物生成迅速,所有都是自然而然的发生。,我使用了滴定泵添加B-Ionic 钙水,并且用一个CP924的时间控制器控制,这个定时器可以装上电池,即使在停电中,也能保证设定不会丢失,我每个星期换20L水,用的是TM Pro珊瑚盐,我发现在一个充满生物的微缸里面,换水由其重要,在底缸中,我将装有ESV生化性炭的滤袋,放在化蛋出水口的那一格,袋子用绳子吊起,以防止它浮起来或卷入回水泵中造成倒缸(不要问我为什么会知道,哈哈),我每两个星期换一次活性炭,看藻的情况,我一般每星期用Mag浮刷清楚玻璃的藻

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