
  • 之前的文章《如何学习verilog,如何快速入门?》中提到了verilog学习,推荐了一个可以练习的网站:hdlbits网站,那自己也玩玩这个网站。

  • 这篇文章,是接着《verilog练习:hdlbits网站上的做题笔记(7)》写的!

4. Verification: Reading Simulations

4.1 Finding bugs in code

4.1.1 Mux(Bugs mux2)

This 8-bit wide 2-to-1 multiplexer doesn’t work. Fix the bug(s).

module top_module (input sel,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,output out  );assign out = (~sel & a) | (sel & b);endmodule
  • 那就熟悉一下二选一选择器,通过波形,sel为1时,输出a,sel为0时,输出b
module top_module (input sel,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,output [7:0] out  );//assign out = sel?a:b;always@(*)if(sel) out=a;else out=b;

4.1.2 NAND(Bugs nand3)

This three-input NAND gate doesn’t work. Fix the bug(s).

You must use the provided 5-input AND gate:
module andgate ( output out, input a, input b, input c, input d, input e );

module top_module (input a, input b, input c, output out);//andgate inst1 ( a, b, c, out );//上面说的是五输入与门!endmodule
module top_module (input a, input b, input c, output out);//wire out_reg;andgate inst1 ( out_reg,a, b, c,1'b1,1'b1);assign out=~out_reg;//nand ( out ,a, b, c);//assign out=~(a&b&c);

4.1.3 Mux(Bugs mux4)

This 4-to-1 multiplexer doesn’t work. Fix the bug(s).

module top_module (input [1:0] sel,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,input [7:0] c,input [7:0] d,output [7:0] out  ); //wire mux0, mux1;mux2 mux0 ( sel[0],    a,    b, mux0 );mux2 mux1 ( sel[1],    c,    d, mux1 );mux2 mux2 ( sel[1], mux0, mux1,  out );endmodule


module top_module (input [1:0] sel,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,input [7:0] c,input [7:0] d,output [7:0] out  ); //wire [7:0] mux0, mux1;mux2 mux_0 ( sel[0],    a,    b, mux0 );mux2 mux_1 ( sel[0],    c,    d, mux1 );mux2 mux_2 ( sel[1], mux0, mux1,  out );endmodule

4.1.4 Add/sub(Bugs addsubz)

The following adder-subtractor with zero flag doesn’t work. Fix the bug(s).

// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001
module top_module ( input do_sub,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,output reg [7:0] out,output reg result_is_zero
);//always @(*) begincase (do_sub)0: out = a+b;1: out = a-b;endcaseif (~out)result_is_zero = 1;endendmodule
  • 参考答案
// synthesis verilog_input_version verilog_2001
module top_module ( input do_sub,input [7:0] a,input [7:0] b,output reg [7:0] out,output reg result_is_zero
);//always @(*) begincase (do_sub)0: out = a+b;1: out = a-b;endcaseif (8'd0==out)result_is_zero = 1;elseresult_is_zero = 0;endendmodule

4.1.5 Case statement(Bugs case)

This combinational circuit is supposed to recognize 8-bit keyboard scancodes for keys 0 through 9. It should indicate whether one of the 10 cases were recognized (valid), and if so, which key was detected. Fix the bug(s).

module top_module (input [7:0] code,output reg [3:0] out,output reg valid=1 );//always @(*)case (code)8'h45: out = 0;8'h16: out = 1;8'h1e: out = 2;8'd26: out = 3;8'h25: out = 4;8'h2e: out = 5;8'h36: out = 6;8'h3d: out = 7;8'h3e: out = 8;6'h46: out = 9;default: valid = 0;endcaseendmodule

  • 参考答案
module top_module (input [7:0] code,output reg [3:0] out,output reg valid=1 );//always @(*)case (code)8'h45: out = 0;8'h16: out = 1;8'h1e: out = 2;8'h26: out = 3;8'h25: out = 4;8'h2e: out = 5;8'h36: out = 6;8'h3d: out = 7;8'h3e: out = 8;8'h46: out = 9;default: out = 0;endcase//直接使用了assign,是对的,但是output是reg型,为什么没报错?//assign valid = code==8'h45|code==8'h16|code==8'h1e|code==8'h26|code==8'h25|code==8'h2e|code==8'h36|code==8'h3d|code==8'h3e|code==8'h46;always@(*)valid=(out=='d0 && code!='h45)?0:1;endmodule

4.2 Build a circuit from a simulation waveform

  • 根据波形写电路!

4.2.1 Combinational circuit 1(Sim/circuit1)

module top_module (input a,input b,output q );//assign q = a&b; // Fix meendmodule

4.2.2 Combinational circuit 2(Sim/circuit2)

  • 偶数个1,输出为1;奇数个1,输出为0;
module top_module (input a,input b,input c,input d,output q );//assign q = a~^b~^c~^d; // Fix meendmodule

4.2.3 Combinational circuit 3(Sim/circuit3)

module top_module (input a,input b,input c,input d,output q );//assign q = b?(c|d):(a?(c|d):0); // Fix meendmodule

4.2.4 Combinational circuit 4(Sim/circuit4)

module top_module (input a,input b,input c,input d,output q );//assign q = b|c; // Fix meendmodule

4.2.5 Combinational circuit 5(Sim/circuit5)

module top_module (input [3:0] a,input [3:0] b,input [3:0] c,input [3:0] d,input [3:0] e,output [3:0] q );always@(*)begincase(c)0:q=b;1:q=e;2:q=a;3:q=d;default:q='hf;endcaseendendmodule

4.2.6 Combinational circuit 6(Sim/circuit6)

module top_module (input [2:0] a,output [15:0] q ); always@(*)case(a)'d0:q='h1232;'d1:q='haee0;'d2:q='h27d4;'d3:q='h5a0e;'d4:q='h2066;'d5:q='h64ce;'d6:q='hc526;'d7:q='h2f19;endcaseendmodule

4.2.7 Sequential circuit 7(Sim/circuit7)

module top_module (input clk,input a,output q );always@(posedge clk)q <= ~a;endmodule

4.2.8 Sequential circuit 8(Sim/circuit8)

module top_module (input clock,input a,output p,output q );always@(*)if(clock)p = a;always@(negedge clock) q <= p;endmodule

4.2.9 Sequential circuit 9(Sim/circuit9)

module top_module (input clk,input a,output [3:0] q );always@(posedge clk)if(a) q<='d4;else if(q=='d6)q<='d0;else q <= q+1'b1;

4.2.10 Sequential circuit 10(Sim/circuit10)

module top_module (input clk,input a,input b,output q,output state  );always@(posedge clk)if(a == b) state <= a;assign q = a^b^state;endmodule

5. Verification: Writing Testbenches

5.1 Clock(Tb/clock)

module top_module ( );reg clk;initial clk='b0;always #5 clk=~clk;dut dut_inst(.clk(clk));endmodule

5.2 Testbench1

module top_module ( output reg A, output reg B );//// generate input patterns hereinitial beginA=0;B=0;#10;//10A=1;#5;//15B=1;#5;//20A=0;#20;B=0;endendmodule

5.3 AND gate

module top_module();reg [1:0] in;wire out;initial beginin=2'b00;#10;in=2'b01;#10;in=2'b10;#10;in=2'b11;endandgate andgate_inst(.in(in),.out(out));

5.4 Testbench2

module top_module();reg clk;reg in;reg [2:0]s;wire out;initial clk='b0;always #5 clk=~clk;initial begin in='b0;s='d2;#10;//10s='d6;#10;//20in='b1;s='d2;#10;//30in='b0;s='d7;#10;//40in='b1;s='d0;#30;//70in='b0;endq7 q7_inst(.clk   (clk),.in   (in ),.s        (s  ),.out  (out));

5.5 T flip-flop

module top_module ();reg clk;reg reset;reg t;wire q;initial clk=1'b0;always #5 clk=~clk;initial beginreset = 1'b0;#3;reset = 1'b1;#10;reset = 1'b0;   endalways@(posedge clk)if(reset) t <= 1'b0;else t <= 1'b1;tff tff_inst(.clk(clk),.reset(reset),   // active-high synchronous reset.t(t),       // toggle.q(q));endmodule


  • 本系列到此完毕!


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