
PNG files are a great way to store images (like logos) that require transparency and fading. They do this all the while maintaining their original appearance on any color background. We’re going to go over a couple ways you can convert your images into PNG format.

PNG文件是存储需要透明和褪色的图像(如徽标)的好方法。 他们会一直这样做,同时在任何彩色背景上保持其原始外观。 我们将介绍几种将图像转换为PNG格式的方法。

什么是PNG文件? (What Is a PNG File?)

PNG, or Portable Network Graphics, is a popular image format used in internet graphics for its ability to support transparency in browsers. It was first developed in the 1990s as an open alternative to GIF, which uses a proprietary compression algorithm. PNG is royalty-free.

PNG或可移植网络图形,是一种流行的图像格式,用于Internet图形,因为它能够支持浏览器的透明度。 它最初于1990年代开发,是GIF的开放替代形式,GIF使用专有的压缩算法。 PNG是免版税的。

PNG supports both 8-bit and 24-bit color, just like GIF and JPG, respectively. They also are considered a lossless file, which means that they will not degrade in quality, regardless of how many times you open and save the file.

PNG支持8位和24位颜色,分别与GIF和JPG一样。 它们也被认为是无损文件,这意味着无论打开和保存文件多少次,它们的质量都不会降低。

如何将图像转换为PNG (How to Convert an Image to PNG)

One of the main benefits of PNG over formats like JPG or GIF is that PNG is a lossless format with 24-bit color support. If you’re converting from JPG, take into consideration that JPGs are lossy files and may lose some quality from their initial compression. However, because PNG is lossless, your file won’t lose further quality any time you open or save the image again.

与JPG或GIF等格式相比,PNG的主要优点之一是PNG是一种无损格式,支持24位彩色。 如果要从JPG转换,请考虑到JPG是有损文件 ,可能会因其初始压缩而失去一些质量。 但是,由于PNG是无损的 ,因此只要您再次打开或保存图像,文件都不会失去进一步的质量。

There are two main ways you’re able to convert an image into PNG format. You can either use an image viewing program on your computer or use one of the many file conversion sites available on the web.

您可以通过两种主要方式将图像转换为PNG格式。 您可以在计算机上使用图像查看程序,也可以使用网络上可用的许多文件转换站点之一。

使用Windows转换图像 (Converting an Image With Windows)

I know we say it a lot, and you may be getting tired of hearing about it, but IrfanView is one of the best, free image viewing programs on Windows. Period. You can do the same kind of conversion we’re about to show you in most editors (including Paint), but we’re going to use IrfanView for our example here.

我知道我们说了很多,您可能已经厌倦了听说它,但是IrfanView是Windows上最好的免费图像查看程序之一 。 期。 您可以执行大多数编辑器(包括Paint)中将要显示的相同类型的转换,但是在这里,我们将使用IrfanView作为示例。

Open the image you want to convert into PNG by clicking File > Open.


Navigate to your image and then click “Open.”


Once the file is open, click File > Save As.


In the next window make sure you have PNG selected from the drop-down list of formats, and then click “Save.”


By default, the compression rate is set on “Best,” but if you want a little more control over the compression of your file, then the Save Options window has a couple of extras to check out. Changing the compression rate will determine the size of the file, the higher the number, the less compression will be used when saving your image.

默认情况下,压缩率设置为“最佳”,但是如果您想对文件的压缩进行更多控制,则“保存选项”窗口中还有几个要检查的附加功能。 更改压缩率将决定文件的大小,数字越大,保存图像时使用的压缩越少。

使用Mac转换图像 (Converting an Image With Mac)

Mac comes pre-installed with Preview, which you can use for more than just viewing image files. It’s a great image editing program capable of cropping, resizing, and converting files.

Mac预装了Preview,您可以将其用于查看图像文件以外的其他功能。 这是一个很棒的图像编辑程序,能够裁剪,调整大小和转换文件。

Open an image in Preview by right-clicking the file and then choosing Open With > Preview.


In Preview, head to File > Export.


In the window that pops up, make sure you’ve selected PNG as the file format. Rename the file if you want, and then click “Save.”

在弹出的窗口中,确保已选择PNG作为文件格式。 如果需要,可以重命名该文件,然后单击“保存”。

在线转换图像 (Converting an Image Online)

If you’d rather use an online file conversion site instead of a desktop app, then look no further than They are a site dedicated to the conversion of images—not just PNG—while keeping your privacy in mind. ConvertImage does not publish or keep any of your files longer than 15 minutes, deleting them from their servers after processing.

如果您想使用在线文件转换站点而不是台式机应用程序, 则只需要使用Convertimage.net即可 。 他们是一个致力于图像转换(不仅限于PNG)的网站,同时牢记您的隐私。 ConvertImage不会发布或保留您的任何文件超过15分钟,而是在处理后将其从其服务器中删除。

First, select the output format your to which you want an image saved.


Next, click on “Select Your Image.”


Navigate to the image you want to convert and then click “Open.” Note that images have a maximum size limit of 24.41 MB.

导航到要转换的图像,然后单击“打开”。 请注意,图像的最大大小限制为24.41 MB。

Now all you have to do is agree to their terms of use and then click on “Convert This Image.”


On the next page, after your image has been uploaded and converted, click “Download The Image,” and your PNG will be saved to your browser’s downloads folder.


That’s it! You’ve successfully converted your images into PNG format.

而已! 您已成功将图像转换为PNG格式。




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