feixiang007 发表于 2012-5-15 10:41



How to Generate the COGS Account from the Order Type [ID 414314.1]

How to Generate the COGS Account from the Order Type [ID 414314.1]


Modified 26-NOV-2010 Type BULLETIN Status PUBLISHED

In this Document


Scope and Application

How to Generate the COGS Account from the Order Type



Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5.1 to 12.0.6 - Release: 11.5 to 12.0

Information in this document applies to any platform.

FORM:OEXDTTYP.FMB - Define Transaction Types

Checked for relevance on 26-Nov-2010


In order to generate the COGS account from the Cost of Goods Sold account assigned to the order type (A.K.A. OM Transaction Type) of the order, the seeded COGS workflow needs to be modified to change the default node from Get CCID for a line to Get CCID from the Order Type ID. This bulletin will detail the required changes to accomplish this.

Scope and Application

Familiarity with Workflow and Workflow Builder is required.

How to Generate the COGS Account from the Order Type


The COGS Account Generator is a Workflow Process that derives the Cost of Goods Sold account for a transaction interfaced to Inventory from Order Management/Shipping. The workflow item type ‘OM: Generate Cost of Goods Sold Account’ which has an internal name of OECOGS encompasses all processes designed to build the COGS. The ‘Generate Default Account’ is a seeded process which builds the COGS Account. It comes seeded with the function Get CCID (account ID) for a line. This function will return the CCID assigned to an item as it exists in the shipping warehouse. The intent of this function is to retrieve the CCID from the Cost of Goods Sold assigned to the item on the sales order line within the shipping

inventory organization.

Modifying the 'Generate Default Account' to derive the Cost of Goods Sold account from the Order Type:

1. The first step is to copy the existing 'OM: Generate Default Account’ process. Give it a new name, e.g. 'NEW_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_GENERATOR', in the property sheet Internal Name field. Please do not simply modify the existing default process.

2. Double-click on the new process from within the Navigator and continue by deleting the link between the ‘Start generating Code Combination’ and the ‘Get CCID for a line’ function. Insert between them the function ‘Get CCID from the Order Type’ by dragging it from the Navigator to the process screen. Using the right mouse button, draw a line connecting the ‘Start generating Code Combination’ to the ‘Get CCID from the Order Type’ function. Save this process definition off to the database.

Point the Chart of Accounts to the new process:

Saving new Workflow Process Definitions to the database is all well and good, but it is of no benefit unless the Chart of Accounts structure can invoke it. The relationship between the Chart of Accounts structure and the Workflow Process for the ‘OM: Generate Cost of Good Sold’ item type is made in the ‘Account Generator Processes’ form (OM: Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Accounts). Using the flashlight icon choose the applicable Chart of Accounts. Then assign the new process to the ‘Generate Cost of Goods Sold Account’ Item Type.

Ensure that the new Account Generator points to the correct Chart of Accounts:

Care must be taken to ensure that the new Account Generator points to the correct Chart of Accounts. To determine the correct Chart of accounts, follow the steps below:

1. Get the value of the Set of Books for the inventory organization for which you wish to interface the transactions. Get this from the Organization Definitions form. (Inv: Setup > Organization > Organizations). Query the name of the inventory organization desired, then with the cursor on the ‘Inventory Organization’ organization classification, click the ‘Others’ button. Choose ‘Accounting Information’.

2. Determine the Set of Books for the Order Management responsibility for which the order is assigned. Accomplish this task in the same way as with the inventory organization as demonstrated above, except place the cursor on the ‘Operating Unit’ line rather than the ‘Inventory Organization’ line. Choose Operating Unit Information.

3. Query this Set of Books up in the Define Set of Books form (Setup > Financials > Books). Record the value for the ‘Chart of Accounts’.

4. Finally, find the workflow process this chart of accounts uses when building the COGS account from the Account Generator Processes form (Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Accounts).

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