2 Study area and methods
2.1 Study area
Beijing is located at the northern edge of the North China Plain (between 39°28–41°05N,
115°25–117°30). It covers an area of 16,410.54 km², of which 62% is mountainous. The city is surrounded by mountains to the west, north and northeast, and its southeast is a alluvial plain inclining to the Bohai Sea, with an elevation range from –27 to 2262 m, presenting a terrain distribution of high northwest and low southeast (Figure 1). The climate in Beijing is characterized by a typical warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate, with hot and rainy summers, cold and dry winters, and short spring and autumn. The annual average temperature is 10–12℃, and the precipitation is mainly concentrated in June to August, with an annual average precipitation of 600 mm. The five major river basins in Beijing connect the entire water system of the city: North Canal Basin, Daqing River Basin, Chaobai River Basin, Ji Canal Basin and Yongding River Basin.
2.2Data sources
The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) came from Google Earth with a spatial resolution of 9m. Meteorological data such as temperature and precipitation came from the National Climate Center of the China Meteorological dministration. In this paper, 35 meteorological stations in Beijing and its surrounding areas were selected, and the professional meteorological interpolation software ANUSPLIN was used to interpolate the raster data. Land use type was obtained from the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, at a resolution of 15 m. Using HJ1A/B CCD (30 m), GF1 WFV (16 m) (http://www.cresda.com/CN/) and MODIS MOD09GQ (250 m) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov) product data as the data source, the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) data is preprocessed by radiometric calibration, atmospheric correction, orthorectification, and obtained by linear combination of near-infrared and red band reflectance, with a spatial resolution of 30 m. Soil mechanical composition data were provided by the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) (v1.2) (http://webarchive.iiasa.ac.at), and soil depth data came from the Soil Data Center, National Earth System Science Data Sharing Infrastructure, National Science and Technology Infrastructure of China (http://soil.geodata.cn), for both soil datasets, the spatial resolution was 1km × 1 km. Vegetation type data with 1-km resolution was derived from the Resource and Environment Data Cloud Platform, Chinese Academy of Sciences (http://www.resdc.cn). Regarding the differences in the source and spatial resolution of the basic data, this study uses the spatial resolution of the NDVI data (30 m) as the benchmark. Due to the relatively low spatial heterogeneity of soil types and vegetation types within a range of 1 km, in order to match with other data scales, they are downscaled to a 30-m resolution. The DEM data with a resolution of 9 m and the land use data with a resolution of 15 m is upscaled to 30 m.
数字高程模型来自谷歌地图,其空间分辨率为9m。气象数据如温度、降雨来自中国气象管理局的国家气候中心。本文中,选取了北京市的35个气象站点和其周围区域,采用专业的气象插值软件ANUSOLIN来创建栅格数据。土地利用类型从北京市生态环境局获取,其分辨率为15m15m。采用HJ1A/B CCD (30 m), GF1 WFV (16 m)(http://www.cresda.com/CN/) and MODIS MOD09GQ (250 m) (https://lpdaac.usgs.gov)产品数据作为数据源。NDVI数据通过辐射定标,大气校正,正射校正进行预处理,并通过近红外和红波段的反射率线性组合计算得到,其空间分辨率为30M。土壤成分数据由HWSD提供,土壤深度数据来土壤数据中心,国家地球系统科学数据分享平台,国家科技基础平台,所有的土壤数据集空间分辨率都是1km1km。1km分辨率的植被类型数据来自于中国科学院资源环境数据云平台。考虑到基础数据来源和分辨率不同,本研究将NDVI数据的分辨率作为基准。由于1km范围内土壤类型和植被类型的空间异质性相对较低,为了与其他数据尺度相匹配,将其缩小到30m分辨率。将分辨率为9m的DEM数据和分辨率为15m的土地利用数据放大到30m。

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