


* tty_release  - vfs callback for close

* @inode: inode of tty

* @filp: file pointer for handle to tty


* Called the last time each file handle is closed that references

* this tty. There may however be several such references.


* Locking:

*  Takes bkl. See release_dev


static int tty_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)





return 0;



* Even releasing the tty structures is a tricky business.. We have

* to be very careful that the structures are all released at the

* same time, as interrupts might otherwise get the wrong pointers.


* WSH 09/09/97: rewritten to avoid some nasty race conditions that could

* lead to double frees or releasing memory still in use.


static void release_dev(struct file *filp)


struct tty_struct *tty, *o_tty;

int pty_master, tty_closing, o_tty_closing, do_sleep;

int devpts;

int idx;

char buf[64];

tty = (struct tty_struct *)filp->private_data;

if (tty_paranoia_check(tty, filp->f_path.dentry->d_inode,



check_tty_count(tty, "release_dev");  //对tty设备打开次数进行统计,tty设备的每次打开tty->files创建一个文件描述符

tty_fasync(-1, filp, 0); //从文件队列中删去异步通知结构struct fasync_struct

idx = tty->index;

pty_master = (tty->driver->type == TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_PTY &&

tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER);  //设备是伪终端主设备 devpts = (tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) != 0;

o_tty = tty->link;



if (idx < 0 || idx >= tty->driver->num) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: bad idx when trying to "

"free (%s)/n", tty->name);



if (!(tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM)) {

if (tty != tty->driver->ttys[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: driver.table[%d] not tty "

"for (%s)/n", idx, tty->name);



if (tty->termios != tty->driver->termios[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: driver.termios[%d] not termios "

"for (%s)/n",

idx, tty->name);



if (tty->termios_locked != tty->driver->termios_locked[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: driver.termios_locked[%d] not "

"termios_locked for (%s)/n",

idx, tty->name);






printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev of %s (tty count=%d)...",

tty_name(tty, buf), tty->count);




if (tty->driver->other &&

!(tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM)) {

if (o_tty != tty->driver->other->ttys[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: other->table[%d] "

"not o_tty for (%s)/n",

idx, tty->name);



if (o_tty->termios != tty->driver->other->termios[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: other->termios[%d] "

"not o_termios for (%s)/n",

idx, tty->name);



if (o_tty->termios_locked !=

tty->driver->other->termios_locked[idx]) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: other->termios_locked["

"%d] not o_termios_locked for (%s)/n",

idx, tty->name);



if (o_tty->link != tty) {

printk(KERN_DEBUG "release_dev: bad pty pointers/n");





if (tty->ops->close)

tty->ops->close(tty, filp);  //调用tty->ops->close释放相应资源


* Sanity check: if tty->count is going to zero, there shouldn't be

* any waiters on tty->read_wait or tty->write_wait.  We test the

* wait queues and kick everyone out _before_ actually starting to

* close.  This ensures that we won't block while releasing the tty

* structure.


* The test for the o_tty closing is necessary, since the master and

* slave sides may close in any order.  If the slave side closes out

* first, its count will be one, since the master side holds an open.

* Thus this test wouldn't be triggered at the time the slave closes,

* so we do it now.


* Note that it's possible for the tty to be opened again while we're

* flushing out waiters.  By recalculating the closing flags before

* each iteration we avoid any problems.


while (1) { //循环操作,知道tty设备的的读写操作都完成才退出循环  /* Guard against races with tty->count changes elsewhere and

opens on /dev/tty */


tty_closing = tty->count <= 1; //是否执行真正的关闭  o_tty_closing = o_tty &&

(o_tty->count <= (pty_master ? 1 : 0));

do_sleep = 0;

if (tty_closing) {  //在设备关闭前先完成等待的读写操作   if (waitqueue_active(&tty->read_wait)) {




if (waitqueue_active(&tty->write_wait)) {





if (o_tty_closing) {

if (waitqueue_active(&o_tty->read_wait)) {




if (waitqueue_active(&o_tty->write_wait)) {





if (!do_sleep)  //完成所有的读写操作   break;

printk(KERN_WARNING "release_dev: %s: read/write wait queue "

"active!/n", tty_name(tty, buf));





* The closing flags are now consistent with the open counts on

* both sides, and we've completed the last operation that could

* block, so it's safe to proceed with closing.


if (pty_master) {

if (--o_tty->count < 0) {

printk(KERN_WARNING "release_dev: bad pty slave count "

"(%d) for %s/n",

o_tty->count, tty_name(o_tty, buf));

o_tty->count = 0;



if (--tty->count < 0) {

printk(KERN_WARNING "release_dev: bad tty->count (%d) for %s/n",

tty->count, tty_name(tty, buf));

tty->count = 0;



* We've decremented tty->count, so we need to remove this file

* descriptor off the tty->tty_files list; this serves two

* purposes:

*  - check_tty_count sees the correct number of file descriptors

*    associated with this tty.

*  - do_tty_hangup no longer sees this file descriptor as

*    something that needs to be handled for hangups.


file_kill(filp); //关闭文件描述符 filp->private_data = NULL;


* Perform some housekeeping before deciding whether to return.


* Set the TTY_CLOSING flag if this was the last open.  In the

* case of a pty we may have to wait around for the other side

* to close, and TTY_CLOSING makes sure we can't be reopened.


if (tty_closing)

set_bit(TTY_CLOSING, &tty->flags);

if (o_tty_closing)

set_bit(TTY_CLOSING, &o_tty->flags);


* If _either_ side is closing, make sure there aren't any

* processes that still think tty or o_tty is their controlling

* tty.


if (tty_closing || o_tty_closing) {



if (o_tty)





/* check whether both sides are closing ... */

if (!tty_closing || (o_tty && !o_tty_closing))



printk(KERN_DEBUG "freeing tty structure...");



* Ask the line discipline code to release its structures


tty_ldisc_release(tty, o_tty);


* The release_tty function takes care of the details of clearing

* the slots and preserving the termios structure.


release_tty(tty, idx);

/* Make this pty number available for reallocation */

if (devpts)



自此我们分析了linux操作系统中/dev/tty /dev/tty0 /dev/console等设备作为字符设备的驱动程序,同时tty核心也为其他tty设备驱动的注册提供了一个通用的接口和一个通用的管理平台,为其他tty设备驱动的实现提供了一个通用层,下一节中我们将分析tty设备驱动的管理以及如何利用tty核心去实现一个tty设备驱动。

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