





AI 换脸的原理 - 知乎知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视、时尚、文化等领域最具创造力的人群,已成为综合性、全品类、在诸多领域具有关键影响力的知识分享社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,建立起了以社区驱动的内容变现商业模式。https://www.zhihu.com/zvideo/1417898689550053376











git上的项目提供了 Usage.md 使用说明文档,详细讲解了项目使用过程,各种插件的使用,但是全英文就让人看的很头疼,所以我翻译了一下,我认为全篇读一下,有助于你更加深入了解各个插件的作用和更加灵活的将插件配合使用。


Introduction  综述

Disclaimer  声明

This guide provides a high level overview of the faceswapping process. It does not aim to go into every available option, but will provide a useful entry point to using the software. There are many more options available that are not covered by this guide. These can be found, and explained, by passing the -h flag to the command line (eg: python faceswap.py extract -h) or by hovering over the options within the GUI.

本指南提供了换脸过程中各个插件大体功能的介绍。它的目的不是探究插件所有可用的功能选项,而是为使用该软件提供一个流程化的指导。本指南没有涵盖完全所有可用的选项。可以通过将-h标志传递到命令行(例如:python faceswap.py extract -h)或将鼠标悬停在GUI中的选项上找到并解释插件中左右功能参数的含义。

Getting Started  让我们开始

So, you want to swap faces in pictures and videos? Well hold up, because first you gotta understand what this application will do, how it does it and what it can't currently do. 
The basic operation of this script is simple. It trains a machine learning model to recognize and transform two faces based on pictures. The machine learning model is our little "bot" that we're teaching to do the actual swapping and the pictures are the "training data" that we use to train it.Note that the bot is primarily processing faces. Other objects might not work. 
So here's our plan. We want to create a reality where Donald Trump lost the presidency to Nic Cage; we have his inauguration video; let's replace Trump with Cage.

那么,你想在照片和视频中交换面孔吗? 在此之前请稍等,我们想让您先了解这个应用程序可以做什么,它如何做,以及它目前不能做什么。



Extract  图片中人脸的提取

In order to accomplish this, the bot needs to learn to recognize both face A (Trump) and face B (Nic Cage). By default, the bot doesn't know what a Trump or a Nic Cage looks like. So we need to show it lots of pictures and let it guess which is which. So we need pictures of both of these faces first.

A possible source is Google, DuckDuckGo or Bing image search. There are scripts to download large amounts of images. A better source of images are videos (from interviews, public speeches, or movies) as these will capture many more natural poses and expressions. Fortunately FaceSwap has you covered and can extract faces from both still images and video files. See Extracting video frames for more information.

So now we have a folder full of pictures/videos of Trump and a separate folder of Nic Cage. Let's save them in our directory where we put the FaceSwap project.

Example: ~/faceswap/src/trump and ~/faceswap/src/cage


一个可能的数据集来源是谷歌,DuckDuckGo或必应图像搜索。有一些脚本可以下载大量的图像。一个更好的图片来源是视频(采访、公开演讲或电影),因为这些可以捕捉更多自然的姿势和表情。也正是因为视频中获取图片更方便,FaceSwap的提取功能的插件,它即可以从静态图像集合问价夹中提取人脸也可以从视频文件中提取人脸。有关视频分帧成图片的更多信息,请参见Extracting video frames。

假设现在现在我们有了一个文件夹,里面都是特朗普的照片和视频,还有一个单独的文件夹是尼克凯奇的。让我们将它们保存到放置FaceSwap项目的目录中。例如我们存放的问价夹目录在这里:~/faceswap/src/trump(特朗普的目录)       ~/faceswap/src/cage(尼克凯奇的目录)

Extracting Faces 开始提取人脸

So here's a problem. We have a ton of pictures and videos of both our subjects, but these are just of them doing stuff or in an environment with other people. Their bodies are on there, they're on there with other people... It's a mess. We can only train our bot if the data we have is consistent and focuses on the subject we want to swap. This is where FaceSwap first comes in.


Command Line: 提取图片或者视频中人脸的命令如下

# To extract trump from photos in a folder:要从特朗普图片文件夹中的照片中提取特朗普的脸

python faceswap.py extract -i ~/faceswap/src/trump -o ~/faceswap/faces/trump

# To extract trump from a video file:从视频文件中提取特朗普的脸

python faceswap.py extract -i ~/faceswap/src/trump.mp4 -o ~/faceswap/faces/trump

# To extract cage from photos in a folder:从文件夹中的照片中提取凯奇的脸

python faceswap.py extract -i ~/faceswap/src/cage -o ~/faceswap/faces/cage

# To extract cage from a video file:从视频文件中提取凯奇的脸

python faceswap.py extract -i ~/faceswap/src/cage.mp4 -o ~/faceswap/faces/cage

GUI:  可视化界面的操作方法

To extract trump from photos in a folder (Right hand folder icon):从一个文件夹的照片中提取特朗普的脸(右手边的文件夹图标):

To extract cage from a video file (Left hand folder icon):从视频文件中提取凯奇的脸(左侧文件夹图标):

For input we either specify our photo directory or video file and for output we specify the folder where our extracted faces will be saved. The script will then try its best to recognize face landmarks, crop the images to a consistent size, and save the faces to the output folder. An alignments.json file will also be created and saved into your input folder. This file contains information about each of the faces that will be used by FaceSwap.

Note: this script will make grabbing test data much easier, but it is not perfect. It will (incorrectly) detect multiple faces in some photos and does not recognize if the face is the person whom we want to swap. Therefore: Always check your training data before you start training. The training data will influence how good your model will be at swapping.



General Tips  提取环节的一些知识点

When extracting faces for training, you are looking to gather around 500 to 5000 faces for each subject you wish to train. These should be of a high quality and contain a wide variety of angles, expressions and lighting conditions. 
You do not want to extract every single frame from a video for training as from frame to frame the faces will be very similar. 
You can see the full list of arguments for extracting by hovering over the options in the GUI or passing the help flag. i.e: python faceswap.py extract -h



通过将鼠标悬停在GUI中的选项上或帮助标志,您可以看到用于提取功能的完整参数列表。即和:  python faceswap.py extract -h  命令同理

Some of the plugins have configurable options. You can find the config options in: <faceswap_folder>\config\extract.ini. You will need to have run Extract or the GUI at least once for this file to be generated.


Training a model训练模型

Ok, now you have a folder full of Trump faces and a folder full of Cage faces. What now? It's time to train our bot! This creates a 'model' that contains information about what a Cage is and what a Trump is and how to swap between the two.

The training process will take the longest, how long depends on many factors; the model used, the number of images, your GPU etc. However, a ballpark figure is 12-48 hours on GPU and weeks if training on CPU.

We specify the folders where the two faces are, and where we will save our training model.




Command Line: 命令如下

python faceswap.py train -A ~/faceswap/faces/trump -B ~/faceswap/faces/cage -m ~/faceswap/trump_cage_model/# or -p to show a preview (加-p参数可以将训练参数图形可视化)
# 如果你的服务器不支持可视化可以不加python faceswap.py train -A ~/faceswap/faces/trump -B ~/faceswap/faces/cage -m ~/faceswap/trump_cage_model/ -p

GUI: 可视化界面操作如下

Once you run the command, it will start hammering the training data. If you have a preview up, then you will see a load of blotches appear. These are the faces it is learning. They don't look like much, but then your model hasn't learned anything yet. Over time these will more and more start to resemble trump and cage.


You want to leave your model learning until you are happy with the images in the preview. To stop training you can:

Command Line: press "Enter" in the preview window or in the console

GUI: Press the Terminate button

When stopping training, the model will save and the process will exit. This can take a little while, so be patient. The model will also save every 100 iterations or so.

You can stop and resume training at any time. Just point FaceSwap at the same folders and carry on.






General Tips 训练模型阶段的一些知识点

If you are training with a mask or using Warp to Landmarks, you will need to pass in an alignments.json file for each of the face sets. See Extract - General Tips for more information.

The model is automatically backed up at every save iteration where the overall loss has dropped (i.e. the model has improved). If your model corrupts for some reason, you can go into the model folder and remove the .bk extension from the backups to restore the model from backup.

You can see the full list of arguments for training by hovering over the options in the GUI or passing the help flag. i.e:  python faceswap.py train -h



您可以通过将鼠标悬停在GUI可视化界面中的选项上或在命令行中 -h 来查看培训参数的说明。即: python faceswap.py train -h

Some of the plugins have configurable options. You can find the config options in: <faceswap_folder>\config\train.ini. You will need to have run Train or the GUI at least once for this file to be generated.


Converting a video  通过模型将视频中的脸进行转换

Now that we're happy with our trained model, we can convert our video. How does it work?

Well firstly we need to generate an alignments.json file for our swap. To do this, follow the steps in Extracting Faces, only this time you want to run extract for every face in your source video. This file tells the convert process where the face is on the source frame.

Remember those initial pictures we had of Trump? Let's try swapping a face there. We will use that directory as our input directory, create a new folder where the output will be saved, and tell them which model to use.





Command Line: 命令行


python faceswap.py convert -i ~/faceswap/src/trump/ -o ~/faceswap/converted/ -m ~/faceswap/trump_cage_model/


python faceswap.py convert -i ~/faceswap/src/trump/trump1.mp4 -o ~/faceswap/converted/ -m ~/faceswap/trump_cage_model/

GUI: 可视化界面 操作示例

General Tips  换脸阶段的知识点

You can see the full list of arguments for Converting by hovering over the options in the GUI or passing the help flag. i.e:python faceswap.py convert -h

您可以通过将鼠标悬停在GUI中的选项上或命令行 -h 标志来查看conversion的完整参数说明。即:python faceswap.py convert -h

Some of the plugins have configurable options. You can find the config options in: <faceswap_folder>\config\convert.ini. You will need to have run Convert or the GUI at least once for this file to be generated.


GUI 关于可视化界面的说明

All of the above commands and options can be run from the GUI. This is launched with:


python faceswap.py gui

The GUI allows a more user friendly interface into the scripts and also has some extended functionality. Hovering over options in the GUI will tell you more about what the option does.


Video's 关于视频的说明

A video is just a series of pictures in the form of frames. Therefore you can gather the raw images from them for your dataset or combine your results into a video.


EFFMPEG  视频处理工具包的说明

You can perform various video processes with the built-in effmpeg tool. You can see the full list of arguments available by running:


python tools.py effmpeg -h

Extracting video frames with FFMPEG Alternatively, you can split a video into separate frames using ffmpeg for instance. Below is an example command to process a video to separate frames.


ffmpeg -i /path/to/my/video.mp4 /path/to/output/video-frame-%d.png

Generating a video If you split a video, using ffmpeg for example, and used them as a target for swapping faces onto you can combine these frames again. The command below stitches the png frames back into a single video again.


ffmpeg -i video-frame-%0d.png -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" out.mp4


ffmpeg 编译 使用 问题集_poject的博客-CSDN博客1 ffmpeg 库多个版本 libavformat.so.57 libavformat.so.2 等编译的时候可以通过 软连接指定自己想要的名字创建软连接:ln -s libavformat.so.57 libavformat.so指定库的寻找路径:-rpath=$(SDK)/lib -lavformat...https://blog.csdn.net/poject/article/details/102964960

FFmpeg 将多幅jpg/png图片转为mp4/avi/yuv视频序列的方法_Z的三次方的博客-CSDN博客_ffmpeg png转mp4在视频编码应用中经常需要将多张png/jpg图片转为一个mp4/avi/yuv视频序列利用强大的视频编辑工具FFMPEG便可以轻松实现此过程。window下ffmpeg的安装及配置见博客ffmpeg安装及配置教程.ffmpeg下利用命令行将多张jpg/png图片转为一个yuv420视频序列的命令行方法如下:ffmpeg -i xx%4dxx.png -r 30 -pix_fmt -s WxH yuv420p out.yuv-i 表示输入图片路径,命名需是连续数字,如%4d表示图片命名中以000https://blog.csdn.net/zzz_zzz12138/article/details/106303451











如果在wendow系统:GUI:转到设置>提取插件比;全局并启用' allow_growth '选项



'''在root用户的root权限下改写sudolor文件,命令行如下。'''$ chmod -v u+w /etc/sudoers   (增加 sudoers 文件的写的权限,默认为只读)
$ vi /etc/sudoers (修改 sudoers)
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
yourname    ALL=(ALL)       ALL (添加这一行)
$ chmod -v u-w /etc/sudoers (删除 sudoers 的写的权限)



Sudo chmod -R 777 文件夹/





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