
  • 简单点云可视化
  • 结语



  1. 类CloudViewer定义在pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h文件中:
/** \brief Construct a cloud viewer, with a window name.* \param window_name This is displayed at the top of the window*/
CloudViewer (const std::string& window_name);
  • 带一个字符串类型的参数,是可视化窗口的名字
  1. 类CloudViewer的成员函数showCloud定义:
/** \brief Show a cloud, with an optional key for multiple clouds.* \param[in] cloud XYZ point cloud* \param[in] cloudname a key for the point cloud, use the same name if you would like to overwrite the existing cloud.*/
showCloud (const MonochromeCloud::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string& cloudname = "cloud");
  • 第一个参数:一个XYZ类型的点云
  • 第二个参数:设置一个名字,相同名字的点云将覆盖之前的点云
  1. 使用回调函数时,被调用函数按如下方式声明:
/** Visualization callable function, may be used for running things on the UI thread.*/
using VizCallable = std::function<void (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer&)>;
  1. 类CloudViewer的成员函数runOnVisualizationThreadOnce定义:
/** \brief Run a callbable object on the UI thread. This will run once and be removed* @param x Use boost::ref(x) for a function object that you would like to not copy*/
runOnVisualizationThreadOnce (VizCallable x);
  • 在主函数中只执行一次回调函数
  1. 类CloudViewer的成员函数runOnVisualizationThread定义:
/** \brief Run a callbable object on the UI thread. Will persist until removed* @param x Use boost::ref(x) for a function object that you would like to not copy* \param key The key for the callable -- use the same key to overwrite.*/
runOnVisualizationThread (VizCallable x, const std::string& key = "callable");
  • 在主函数中持续执行回调函数
  1. 类CloudViewer的成员函数wasStopped定义:
/** \brief Check if the gui was quit, you should quit also* \param millis_to_wait This will request to "spin" for the number of milliseconds, before exiting.* \return true if the user signaled the gui to stop*/
wasStopped (int millis_to_wait = 1);
  • 如果可视化窗口关闭,返回True
  1. 类PCLVisualizer定义在pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h文件中:
/** \brief PCL Visualizer constructor.* \param[in] name the window name (empty by default)* \param[in] create_interactor if true (default), create an interactor, false otherwise*/
PCLVisualizer (const std::string &name = "", const bool create_interactor = true);
  1. 类PCLVisualizer的成员函数setBackgroundColor定义:
/** \brief Set the viewport's background color.* \param[in] r the red component of the RGB color* \param[in] g the green component of the RGB color* \param[in] b the blue component of the RGB color* \param[in] viewport the view port (default: all)*/
setBackgroundColor (const double &r, const double &g, const double &b, int viewport = 0);
  • 通过RGB三个通道设置视窗的背景颜色,范围归一化到(0到1)
  1. 类PCLVisualizer的成员函数addSphere定义:
/** \brief Add a sphere shape from a point and a radius* \param[in] center the center of the sphere* \param[in] radius the radius of the sphere* \param[in] id the sphere id/name (default: "sphere")* \param[in] viewport (optional) the id of the new viewport (default: 0)*/
template <typename PointT> bool
addSphere (const PointT &center, double radius, const std::string &id = "sphere",int viewport = 0);
  • 用点和半径添加一个球体
  • 第一个参数:球体的球心
  • 第二个参数:球体的半径
  • 第三个参数:球体的id/name
  • 第四个参数:视窗id,默认为0
  1. 类PCLVisualizer的成员函数removeShape定义:
/** \brief Removes an added shape from screen (line, polygon, etc.), based on a given ID* \note This methods also removes PolygonMesh objects and PointClouds, if they match the ID* \param[in] id the shape object id (i.e., given on \a addLine etc.)* \param[in] viewport view port from where the Point Cloud should be removed (default: all)*/
removeShape (const std::string &id = "cloud", int viewport = 0);
  • 在指定视窗(参数二)中移走指定目标(参数一)
  1. 类PCLVisualizer的成员函数addText定义:
/** \brief Add a text to screen* \param[in] text the text to add* \param[in] xpos the X position on screen where the text should be added* \param[in] ypos the Y position on screen where the text should be added* \param[in] id the text object id (default: equal to the "text" parameter)* \param[in] viewport the view port (default: all)*/
addText (const std::string &text,int xpos, int ypos,const std::string &id = "", int viewport = 0);
  • 在指定视窗(参数五)里添加文字(ID为参数四)


#include <pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h> //点云视窗类:CloudViewer头文件声明
#include <iostream>
#include <pcl/io/io.h>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>int user_data;void
viewerOneOff (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer) // 设置回调函数viewerOneOff
{viewer.setBackgroundColor (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // 设置背景颜色pcl::PointXYZ o; o.x = 1.0; o.y = 0;o.z = 0;viewer.addSphere (o, 0.25, "sphere", 0); // 添加一个球体std::cout << "i only run once" << std::endl;}void
viewerPsycho (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer) // 设置回调函数viewerPsycho
{static unsigned count = 0;std::stringstream ss;ss << "Once per viewer loop: " << count++;viewer.removeShape ("text", 0); // 移走旧文字viewer.addText (ss.str(), 200, 300, "text", 0); // 添加新文字user_data++;
main ()
{pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // 创建一个PointCloud<PointXYZ> boost共享指针,并进行实例化为cloudpcl::io::loadPCDFile ("my_point_cloud.pcd", *cloud); // 读取点云文件pcl::visualization::CloudViewer viewer("Cloud Viewer"); // 创建一个可视化窗口viewer.showCloud(cloud); // 在窗口中显示点云viewer.runOnVisualizationThreadOnce (viewerOneOff); // 调用一次viewerOnOffviewer.runOnVisualizationThread (viewerPsycho); // 持续调用viewerPsychowhile (!viewer.wasStopped ()){user_data++;}return 0;





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