Alpha Fader can be downloaded here >>

可以在这里下载Alpha Fader >>

Example of Coded Example that took a couple of seconds to create!


One of the most common tasks done in Flash via ActionScript is the opacity fade, and when used cleverly can add a nice touch to your Flash projects.


I tend to use opacity fades quite a lot via ActionScript, and get pretty bored of typing in the names of Movie Clips, and adding the control code. Call me lazy? Nope, I just want to move on to bigger parts of a project, and those valuable seconds saved here and there really add up in the full run of a project.

我倾向于通过ActionScript大量使用不透明度淡入淡出,并且对键入影片剪辑的名称以及添加控制代码感到非常无聊。 叫我偷懒? 不,我只想继续进行项目的更大部分,而那些宝贵的时间在这里和那里保存下来的时间确实会在整个项目中累加起来。

I created this panel, to alleviate my pain, and it does quite a good job, simply select either a single or group of Movie Clips from the stage (doesn’t matter if they are named instances or not as the code will take care of unnamed instances), and play with the following parameters


Event Handler Checkboxes: The type of interaction with the Movie Clip Start Opacity: The starting opacity for the effect End Opacity: The ending opacity for the effect Fade In Speed: Speed of fading in Fade Out Speed: Speed of fading out


Once you are happy with your settings, clicking the ‘Generate Code’ button, copies the externalized .as file that we use to hold the Movie Clip prototype code into your working directory for the FLA that you are working with, and add the necessary code to the currently selected frame.

对设置满意后,请单击“生成代码”按钮,将用于保存Movie Clip原型代码的外部化.as文件复制到您正在使用的FLA的工作目录中,并添加必要的代码到当前选定的帧。

Using this methodology, and the extension, it took about 2-3 seconds to turn this lump of Movie Clips into nicely fading Movie Clips…


…removing the headache of adding this lump of code to the frame as its all done automatically.


#include "" Symbol3.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol3.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

#include "" Symbol3.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol3.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol6.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol6.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol6.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol6.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol9.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol9.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol9.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol9.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol12.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol12.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol12.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol12.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol2.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol2.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol2.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol2.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol5.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol5.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol5.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol5.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol8.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol8.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol8.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol8.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol11.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol11.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol11.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol11.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol10.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol10.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol10.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol10.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol7.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol7.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol7.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol7.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol4.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol4.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol4.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol4.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol1.onRollOver = function(){ this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol1.onRollOut = function(){ this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol1.onRollOver = function(){this.alpha(5,100); } Symbol1.onRollOut = function(){this.alpha(5,10); }

Symbol3._alpha = 10;

Symbol3._alpha = 10;

Symbol6._alpha = 10;

Symbol6._alpha = 10;

Symbol9._alpha = 10;

Symbol9._alpha = 10;

Symbol12._alpha = 10;

Symbol12._alpha = 10;

Symbol2._alpha = 10;

Symbol2._alpha = 10;

Symbol5._alpha = 10;

Symbol5._alpha = 10;

Symbol8._alpha = 10;

Symbol8._alpha = 10;

Symbol11._alpha = 10;

Symbol11._alpha = 10;

Symbol10._alpha = 10;

Symbol10._alpha = 10;

Symbol7._alpha = 10;

Symbol7._alpha = 10;

Symbol4._alpha = 10;

Symbol4._alpha = 10;

Symbol1._alpha = 10;

Symbol1._alpha = 10;

Alpha Fader can be downloaded here >> , and I hope you find it useful!

可以在这里>>下载Alpha Fader ,希望您发现它有用!


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