
You’re not going crazy: Google’s Keep is now called “Keep Notes” on your Android home screen, despite it being called “Google Keep” everywhere else.

您不会发疯:尽管在其他所有地方都将Google的Keep称为“ Keep Notes”,但在您的Android主屏幕上它仍被称为“ Keep Notes”。

Keep is great for frustration-free notetaking, but it’s hard to discover. Unlike the Notes app on iPhone there’s no way to figure out what Keep does without opening it and playing around. The name “Keep” doesn’t suggest this is a note taking app, and the lightbulb logo doesn’t clarify things.

Keep非常适合无忧笔记 ,但是很难发现。 与iPhone上的Notes应用程序不同,如果不打开并播放,就无法弄清楚Keep的功能。 名称“ Keep”并不表示这是一个记笔记的应用程序,而灯泡徽标也无法使事情变得清晰。

It’s not clear how new Android users are supposed to discover Keep, which is probably why Google is putting the word “Notes” in the name now, five years after launch. The change is only on Android, though.

目前尚不清楚新的Android用户应该如何发现Keep,这可能就是为什么Google在推出五年后,现在将“ Notes”一词作为名称的原因。 不过,此更改仅适用于Android。

Here’s Abner Li, writing for 9to5Google:

这是Abner Li, 为9to5Google撰写 :

Version 5.0.371.03 of Google Keep began rolling out on Monday and it extends the name of the Android app to “Keep Notes.” This tiny rebrand is visible on the home screen icon, launcher, and Android’s App Info page in system settings.

Google Keep的5.0.371.03版从周一开始推出,并将Android应用的名称扩展为“ Keep Notes”。 在系统设置的主屏幕图标,启动器和Android的“应用信息”页面上可以看到这种微小的品牌重塑。

The keep.google.com web app still refers to the service as Google Keep, while the Play Store listing has yet to be updated either. “Keep Notes” somewhat appears on the side panel add-ons visible in Gmail, Google Calendar, and Docs.

keep.google.com网络应用程序仍将该服务称为Google Keep,而Play商店列表也尚未更新。 在Gmail,Google日历和Google文档中可见的侧面板加载项中会稍微显示“ Keep Notes”。

So Keep now has a different name depending on where you look, which is pretty confusing but also pretty typical of Google. This is the same company that offers four different todo list apps, after all.

因此,Keep现在根据您所处的位置而具有不同的名称,这很令人困惑,但也很典型。 毕竟,这是同一家提供四种待办事项列表应用程序的公司。

Keep probably should have been called “Google Notes” back in 2013, but changing things completely now would be confusing. Using the name “Keep Notes” on Android is a clumsy compromise, but a workable one.

Keep可能早在2013年就应该被称为“ Google Notes”,但是现在完全更改这些内容会造成混乱。 在Android上使用名称“ Keep Notes”是一种笨拙的折衷,但可行的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/its-not-just-you-google-renamed-keep-to-keep-notes-on-android/



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