
By default, worksheet tabs in Excel are given generic names, such as Sheet1, Sheet2, and so on. If you have a lot of worksheets in your workbook, finding specific sheets can get tricky.

默认情况下,Excel中的工作表选项卡具有通用名称,例如Sheet1,Sheet2等。 如果您的工作簿中有很多工作表,则查找特定工作表可能会很棘手。

However, you can assign a name to each tab in your workbook so you can easily find the tab you want. It’s quite simple, and we’ll show you how.

但是,您可以为工作簿中的每个选项卡分配一个名称,以便轻松找到所需的选项卡。 这很简单,我们将向您展示如何操作。

To rename a tab, right-click on the tab and select “Rename” from the popup menu. You can also double-click on a tab.

要重命名选项卡,请右键单击该选项卡,然后从弹出菜单中选择“重命名”。 您也可以双击选项卡。

Type a new name for the tab and press Enter. Tab names can contain up to 30 characters.

输入选项卡的新名称,然后按Enter。 标签名称最多可以包含30个字符。

Repeat this procedure for each tab you want to rename.


If your custom tab names are longer than the default names, they may not all fit on the worksheet tab bar. If they don’t, you will see three dots on the right end, initially. Click the dots to go to the first hidden tab to the right. Every time you click the three dots, the next hidden tab displays and is selected until you reach the last tab. As you click the three dots on the right, you will notice that three dots appear on the left end of the worksheet tab bar also. Click the three dots on the let to move to and select the next hidden tab on the left side of the worksheet tab bar, until you reach the first tab.

如果您的自定义选项卡名称长于默认名称,则它们可能无法全部适合工作表选项卡栏。 如果没有,最初您会在右端看到三个点。 单击这些点以转到右侧的第一个隐藏选项卡。 每次单击三个点时,都会显示并选择下一个隐藏的选项卡,直到到达最后一个选项卡。 单击右侧的三个点时,您会注意到三个点也出现在工作表选项卡栏的左端。 单击让其移动到的三个点,然后选择工作表选项卡栏左侧的下一个隐藏选项卡,直到到达第一个选项卡。

Try to be concise with your tab names. The longer your tab names, the fewer tabs will fit on the visible part of the worksheet tab bar.

尽量简明扼要的标签名称。 选项卡名称越长,工作表选项卡栏的可见部分将容纳的选项卡就越少。

You can also change the color of your worksheet tabs to distinguish among them.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/276285/how-to-rename-worksheet-tabs-in-excel/



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