
  • 1. B样条曲线
  • 2. B样条曲面
  • 3. 多个B样条曲面的全局优化

1. B样条曲线




        /** \brief Find the element in which the parameter xi lies.* \param[in] xi value in parameter domain of the B-Spline curve.* \param[in] elements the vector of elements of the curve.* \return index of the element with respect to elements. */static intfindElement (double xi, const std::vector<double> &elements);


/** \brief Refines curve by inserting a knot in the middle of each element. */voidrefine ();


/** \brief Assemble the system of equations for fitting* - for large point-clouds this is time consuming.* - should be done once before refinement to initialize the starting points for point inversion. */voidassemble (const Parameter &parameter);


/** \brief Solve system of equations using Eigen or UmfPack (can be defined in on_nurbs.cmake),* and updates B-Spline curve if a solution can be obtained. */voidsolve (double damp = 1.0);


/** \brief Update curve according to the current system of equations.* \param[in] damp damping factor from one iteration to the other. */voidupdateCurve (double damp);


/** \brief Initialize a closed B-Spline curve using the bounding circle of the point-cloud.* \param[in] order polynomial order of the curve.* \param[in] data 3D point-cloud* \return B-Spline curve. */static ON_NurbsCurveinitNurbsCurve2D (int order, const vector_vec2d &data);/** \brief Initialize a closed B-Spline curve using the eigenvalues as elliptic parameters (z=0).* \param[in] order polynomial order of the curve.* \param[in] data 3D point-cloud* \return B-Spline curve. */static ON_NurbsCurveinitNurbsCurvePCA (int order, const vector_vec3d &data, int ncps = 0, double rf = 1.0);


 /** \brief Inverse mapping / point inversion: Given a point pt, this function finds the closest* point on the B-Spline curve using Newtons method and point-distance (L2-, Euclidean norm).* \param[in] nurbs the B-Spline curve.* \param[in] pt the point to which the closest point on the curve will be computed.* \param[in] hint the starting point in parametric domain (warning: may lead to convergence at local minima).* \param[in] error the distance between the point pt and p after convergence.* \param[in] p closest point on curve.* \param[in] t the tangent vector at point p.* \param[in] maxSteps maximum number of iterations.* \param[in] accuracy convergence criteria: if error is lower than accuracy the function returns* \return closest point on curve in parametric domain.*/static doubleinverseMapping (const ON_NurbsCurve &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, const double &hint, double &error,Eigen::Vector3d &p, Eigen::Vector3d &t, int maxSteps = 100, double accuracy = 1e-6,bool quiet = true);



2. B样条曲面




/** \brief Get the elements of a B-Spline surface.*/static std::vector<double>getElementVector (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, int dim);


/** \brief Initializing a B-Spline surface using 4 corners */static ON_NurbsSurfaceinitNurbs4Corners (int order, ON_3dPoint ll, ON_3dPoint lr, ON_3dPoint ur, ON_3dPoint ul);/** \brief Initializing a B-Spline surface using principal-component-analysis and eigen values */static ON_NurbsSurfaceinitNurbsPCA (int order, NurbsDataSurface *data, Eigen::Vector3d z = Eigen::Vector3d (0.0, 0.0, 1.0));/** \brief Initializing a B-Spline surface using principal-component-analysis and bounding box of points */static ON_NurbsSurfaceinitNurbsPCABoundingBox (int order, NurbsDataSurface *data, Eigen::Vector3d z = Eigen::Vector3d (0.0, 0.0, 1.0));


      /** \brief Inverse mapping / point inversion: Given a point pt, this function finds the closest* point on the B-Spline surface using Newtons method and point-distance (L2-, Euclidean norm).* \param[in] nurbs the B-Spline surface.* \param[in] pt the point to which the closest point on the surface will be computed.* \param[in] hint the starting point in parametric domain (warning: may lead to convergence at local minima).* \param[in] error the distance between the point pt and p after convergence.* \param[in] p closest point on surface.* \param[in] tu the tangent vector at point p in u-direction.* \param[in] tv the tangent vector at point p in v-direction.* \param[in] maxSteps maximum number of iterations.* \param[in] accuracy convergence criteria: if error is lower than accuracy the function returns* \return closest point on surface in parametric domain.*/static Eigen::Vector2dinverseMapping (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, const Eigen::Vector2d &hint,double &error, Eigen::Vector3d &p, Eigen::Vector3d &tu, Eigen::Vector3d &tv, int maxSteps = 100,double accuracy = 1e-6, bool quiet = true);static Eigen::Vector2dinverseMapping (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, const Eigen::Vector2d &hint,Eigen::Vector3d &p, int maxSteps, double accuracy, bool quiet);


 /** \brief Inverse mapping / point inversion: Given a point pt, this function finds the closest* point on the boundary of the B-Spline surface using Newtons method and point-distance (L2-, Euclidean norm).* \param[in] nurbs the B-Spline surface.* \param[in] pt the point to which the closest point on the surface will be computed.* \param[in] error the distance between the point pt and p after convergence.* \param[in] p closest boundary point on surface.* \param[in] tu the tangent vector at point p in u-direction.* \param[in] tv the tangent vector at point p in v-direction.* \param[in] maxSteps maximum number of iterations.* \param[in] accuracy convergence criteria: if error is lower than accuracy the function returns* \return closest point on surface in parametric domain.*/static Eigen::Vector2dinverseMappingBoundary (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, double &error,Eigen::Vector3d &p, Eigen::Vector3d &tu, Eigen::Vector3d &tv, int maxSteps = 100,double accuracy = 1e-6, bool quiet = true);/** \brief Inverse mapping / point inversion: Given a point pt, this function finds the closest* point on one side of the boundary of the B-Spline surface using Newtons method and* point-distance (L2-, Euclidean norm).* \param[in] nurbs the B-Spline surface.* \param[in] pt the point to which the closest point on the surface will be computed.* \param[in] side the side of the boundary (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST)* \param[in] hint the starting point in parametric domain (warning: may lead to convergence at local minima).* \param[in] error the distance between the point pt and p after convergence.* \param[in] p closest boundary point on surface.* \param[in] tu the tangent vector at point p in u-direction.* \param[in] tv the tangent vector at point p in v-direction.* \param[in] maxSteps maximum number of iterations.* \param[in] accuracy convergence criteria: if error is lower than accuracy the function returns* \return closest point on surface in parametric domain.*/static Eigen::Vector2dinverseMappingBoundary (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector3d &pt, int side, double hint,double &error, Eigen::Vector3d &p, Eigen::Vector3d &tu, Eigen::Vector3d &tv,int maxSteps = 100, double accuracy = 1e-6, bool quiet = true);


 /** \brief Assemble the system of equations for fitting* - for large point-clouds this is time consuming.* - should be done once before refinement to initialize the starting points for point inversion.*/virtual voidassemble (Parameter param = Parameter ());


      /** \brief Solve system of equations using Eigen or UmfPack (can be defined in on_nurbs.cmake),* and updates B-Spline surface if a solution can be obtained.*/virtual voidsolve (double damp = 1.0);


/** \brief Update surface according to the current system of equations.* \param[in] damp damping factor from one iteration to the other.*/virtual voidupdateSurf (double damp);


/** \brief Refines surface by inserting a knot in the middle of each element.* \param[in] dim dimension of refinement (0,1)*/voidrefine (int dim);static voidrefine (ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, int dim);



3. 多个B样条曲面的全局优化





      /** \brief Set common boundary points two NURBS should lie on*  \param[in] boundary vector of boundary points.*  \param[in] nurbs_indices vector of 2 NURBS indices sharing the boundary point. */voidsetCommonBoundary (const vector_vec3d &boundary, const vector_vec2i &nurbs_indices);




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