Smart plugs are everywhere nowadays, but if you want one that comes with a physical remote control, Lutron’s Caseta Plug-In Lamp Dimmer is a smart plug to consider. Here’s how to set it up.

如今,智能插头无处不在,但是如果您想要一个带有物理遥控器的插头 ,那么路创的Caseta插入式灯调光器就是您可以考虑使用的智能插头。 设置方法如下。

Lutron is the king of dimmer switches—in fact, they invented them. And the Caseta lineup is great for those who want a bit of smarts in their lights as well. The company’s Plug-In Lamp Dimmers are smart plug-esque devices that come with nearly the same features as the Caseta dimmer switches, including an accompanying Pico remote.

路创是调光开关的王者-实际上,它们是他们发明的。 Caseta系列产品也非常适合那些想要在照明方面拥有一些智慧的人。 该公司的插电式调光器是一种智能的插拔式设备,具有与Caseta调光器开关几乎相同的功能,包括随附的Pico遥控器。

第一步:设置插件式调光器 (Step One: Set Up the Plug-In Dimmer)

To get started, simply plug the dimmer into a free outlet. Ideally, you’ll want to plug it into the bottom receptacle, as plugging it into the top one will take up the entire outlet.

要开始使用,只需将调光器插入免费插座即可。 理想情况下,您需要将其插入底部插座,因为将其插入顶部插座将占用整个插座。

Next, plug in up to two lamps into the dimmer. There are receptacles on either side of the device. Be sure that the light bulbs you’re using in your lamps are dimmable (it’ll usually say right on the bulb and the box it comes in).

接下来,将最多两个灯泡插入调光器。 设备的两侧都有插座。 确保您在灯泡中使用的灯泡是可调光的(通常会在灯泡及其随附的盒子上说出来)。

Turn on your lamps at their switches if they’re not already on.


At this point, the plug-in dimmer is all set up and you can control your lights using the buttons on the device itself. You can turn the lamps on and off, as well as dim or brighten them to any level you want. However, controlling the lights from the plug-in dimmer isn’t really ideal, which is why there’s the Pico remote to make things easier.

至此,插入式调光器已全部安装好,您可以使用设备本身上的按钮来控制灯光。 您可以打开和关闭灯,也可以将它们调暗或增亮到所需的水平。 但是,从插入式调光器控制灯光并不是很理想,这就是为什么要使用Pico遥控器使事情变得更轻松的原因。

第二步:设置Pico遥控器 (Step Two: Set Up the Pico Remote)

Start by pressing and holding down the Off button on the plug-in dimmer for about five seconds until the small LED light starts blinking green.


Then, press and hold down the Off button on the remote for around five seconds until the lamp that’s plugged into the dimmer blinks three times (the LED light on the remote will flash briefly at the beginning, then turn off, and then flash again when the remote has been paired).


The remote and the plug-in dimmer are now connected to each other. At this point, you’re all set, and can use the remote to control your lights. But you can also set up a shortcut, which we’ll explain in the next step.

遥控器和插入式调光器现在已相互连接。 至此,您已经准备就绪,可以使用遥控器控制灯光了。 但是您也可以设置一个快捷方式,我们将在下一步中对其进行说明。

第三步:设置调光快捷方式(可选) (Step Three: Set Up a Dimming Shortcut (Optional))

If you find that you usually dim your lights to the same level, you can use the round button on the Pico remote to set up a dimming shortcut of sorts.


Start by setting your lights to the brightness level that you want for the shortcut. Then, hold down the round button on the remote until the LED light on the plug-in dimmer blinks twice.

首先将灯光设置为快捷方式所需的亮度。 然后,按住遥控器上的圆形按钮,直到插入式调光器上的LED灯闪烁两次。

After that, whenever you press the round button, your lights dim to the level you set.



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