Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG (DELPH-IN)

  • DELPH-IN: A project. Aimed at ‘deep’ linguistic processing of human language. The goal is the combination of linguistic and statistical processing methods for getting at the meaning of texts and utterances. The partners have adopted two advanced models of formal linguistic analysis:

Grammars and Formalisms

  • Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG): A formally well-defined approach to grammatical theory that seeks to provide a cognitively plausible model of human languages as systems of declarative constraints. Typed feature structures play a central role in this modeling.
  • English Resource Grammar (ERG): A general-purpose computational grammar that, in combination with specialized processing tools, can map running English text to highly normalized logical-form representations of meaning.
    • online demo:
  • Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS): The MRS and RMRS representation languages are designed for compositional semantics.


  • Semantic Dependency Parsing (SDP): Defined as the task of recovering sentence-internal predicate–argument relationships for all content words.

    • DELPH-IN MRS-Derived Semantic Dependencies (DM)

      • online parsing:
    • Elementary Dependency Structures (EDS): A reduction of full MRS (underspecified) logical forms to a variable-free form, i.e. a semantic dependency graph (or ‘semantic network’ or ‘conceptual graph’).

Treebanks and Open Data

  • Open SDP 1.2:

    • Data Download:
  • Redwoods: A collection of hand-annotated corpora analysed with the LinGO ERG. For each utterance from a corpus, the treebank records (in principle) all analyses hypothesized by the grammar, together with an annotator decision as to which reading is preferred in context.
    • Version 9 Download:

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