asset store

Have you ever thought about making some extra money on the Asset Store? Or do you just want more people to see your awesome art and tools? How do you get attention without spamming everybody you’ve ever met and their grandma? Get advice from three publishers who’ve mastered the art of promoting their amazing creations! Put together, they’ve grossed more than $75,000 since October 2015.

您是否考虑过在Asset Store上赚一些额外的钱? 还是只想让更多的人看到您的超棒艺术品和工具? 在不向您认识的所有人及其祖母发送垃圾邮件的情况下,您如何获得关注? 从三位已经掌握了推广其惊人创作艺术的出版商那里获取建议! 自2015年10月以来,他们的票房总额超过75,000美元。

There’s no silver bullet solution for all your marketing and communication needs. Everything depends on what you’re making and who you’re talking to. So take these examples as more of an inspiration and less of a to do list.

没有满足您所有营销和沟通需求的灵丹妙药。 一切都取决于您在做什么以及与谁聊天。 因此,将这些示例更多地看作是灵感,而不是要做的事情。

First of all, how do you even decide what to make? Seems like the best way to success is taking the long road from looking into something that inspires you, through lots of experiments, to talking to the community about what you’re making.

首先,您什至决定如何做? 似乎最好的成功方法是走很长的路要走,从通过很多实验来寻找启发您的东西,到与社区谈论您的所作所为。

“I have always enjoyed beautiful environments like Skyrim and with Unity 5, it is possible to create them. But the tools to do this are difficult to learn and use so I decided to make my own. It’s been a long journey and three rewrites later, I have finally launched Gaia,” says Adam Goodrich whose terrain editing tool has taken the Asset Store by storm in the fall of 2015.

“我一直喜欢Skyrim之类的美丽环境,而Unity 5可以创建它们。 但是执行此操作的工具很难学习和使用,因此我决定自己制作。 这是一段漫长的旅程,后来经过了三遍重写,我终于推出了 Gaia 。” Adam Goodrich说道,他的地形编辑工具在2015年秋天席卷了Asset Store。

Similarly, Pärtel Lang has been experimenting with physics-based ragdoll behaviors since 2011, but hasn’t actually released PuppetMaster until November 2015. “Developing PuppetMaster has been more like an idée fixe to me than a rational strategy,” he says.

同样,PärtelLang自2011年以来就一直在试验基于物理学的布娃娃行为,但 直到2015年11月才 真正发布 PuppetMaster 。

None of the developers I talked to did any sort of sophisticated market research before embarking on making their hit assets. “I’ve learned that assets which come with a specific art theme are not bestsellers, because they target only people who are interested in that particular style. But I’m not in this business just for the money – releasing good quality products and personal satisfaction are equally important,” says Tom Lassota of Beffio, who recently released the slick looking Space Journey set.

与我交谈过的开发人员中的任何一个都没有进行任何复杂的市场研究,然后才开始制造自己的热门资产。 “我了解到,具有特定艺术主题的资产并不是畅销书,因为它们仅针对对特定样式感兴趣的人。 但我不是在这个行业只是为了钱-释放优质的产品和良好的个人满意度同样重要,”汤姆说Lassota Beffio ,谁最近发布的圆滑寻找 太空之旅 集。

That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s best to just rely on your gut. Adam Goodrich admits that the current version of Gaia is much better due to the input from fellow Unity developers. “Take advantage of the Works In Progress forum while you are in beta – show your work, demonstrate value and invite comments. Get people involved in the process. I really can’t stress how important this is! Gaia is a much better tool today thanks to them. As a  bonus, I now have a bunch of new friends.”

但这并不意味着最好只是依靠自己的直觉。 Adam Goodrich承认,由于Unity开发人员的投入,Gaia的当前版本要好得多。 “ 处于测试阶段时, 请利用“进行中的 作品”论坛 -展示您的作品,展示价值并邀请评论。 让人们参与该过程。 我真的不能强调这有多重要! 多亏了他们,Gaia现在是一个更好的工具。 另外,我现在有很多新朋友。”

Around a third of his development time was focussed on usability. Understanding the negative feedback was key. ”The people with the biggest issues using your tool are your greatest asset. Put yourself into their shoes and find a way to solve their problem,” Adam Goodrich says.

他约有三分之一的开发时间专注于可用性。 了解负面反馈是关键。 “使用您的工具遇到最大问题的人是您最大的资产。 让自己陷入困境,并找到解决问题的方法,”亚当·古德里奇(Adam Goodrich)说。

Pärtel Lang started his own “Works In Progress” thread much later, roughly a month before the expected launch. It started to slowly gather interest and questions from potential users: “The best way to answer those questions is to make some showcase videos and post them on a YouTube channel and the forum thread. That will keep interested people coming back to the thread, keep it visible and help explain what the product can and can’t do.”

PärtelLang很晚就开始了自己的“正在进行中的工作”线程,大约比预期的发布早了一个月。 它开始慢慢吸引潜在用户的兴趣和问题:“回答这些问题的最佳方法是制作一些展示视频并将其发布到YouTube频道和论坛主题上。 这将使感兴趣的人回到该线程,使其可见并帮助解释该产品可以做什么和不能做什么。”

Using social media is important, but not vital. For successful Asset Store publishers, it’s a way of getting their name out there, get what marketing pros call “brand awareness”. Adam Goodrich sees a lot of potential there, if you have something to say: “Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are an awesome way to grow awareness. Create interesting and relevant stories and images. If someone takes the time to engage with you then it’s a gift – engage right back!”

使用社交媒体很重要,但并非至关重要。 对于成功的Asset Store发行商而言,这是一种使自己的名字声名远播,获得营销专业人士称为“品牌知名度”的方法。 如果您有话要说,亚当·古德里奇(Adam Goodrich)看到了很多潜力:“ Facebook,YouTube和Twitter是提高知名度的绝佳方式。 创建有趣且相关的故事和图像。 如果有人花时间与您互动,那就是礼物-立即参与!”

For Tom Lassota, social channels helped raise awareness for Beffio, but didn’t directly lead to sales: “There still might be some channels for actually boosting the sales, but I have not found them yet – so make sure you let me know when you do!”

对于汤姆·拉斯索塔(Tom Lassota)而言,社交渠道有助于提高人们对Beffio的认识,但并未直接促成销售:“可能仍有一些渠道可以真正促进销售,但我还没有找到它们-因此请确保您让我知道何时你做!”

Pärtel Lang hardly ever promotes his assets: “I have tweeted about PuppetMaster just once, so other than the Unity Community and my YouTube channel I have nothing.”


Their approach to creating promotional content is also very different. An artist needs images and videos that show his assets in the best light, even if it means spending a lot of extra resources. “I’ve spend 30% of total production time on creating marketing materials only. Eye-catching design is a must. For a customer, the first glance is the most important. If you don’t have a knack for creating  promotional art, I would strongly recommend to hire somebody who could create quality materials for you instead,” says Tom Lassota.

他们创建促销内容的方法也大不相同。 艺术家需要图像和视频,以最佳的方式展示其资产,即使这意味着要花费大量额外资源。 “我只花了总制作时间的30%来制作营销材料。 醒目的设计是必须的。 对于客户而言,第一眼是最重要的。 如果您不具备制作促销艺术品的诀窍,我强烈建议您雇用可以为您制作优质材料的人。”汤姆·拉索塔(Tom Lassota)说。

However, the opposite can be true for an editor extension, as Pärtel Lang found out: “Once I bought some assets from the Store and really spent a lot of time to make a proper cinematic video, but that has not received nearly as many views as the simple voice-over tutorials I made later. Tutorials are really the best way to show the asset in depth, are really appreciated by the clients and considerably help to relieve my support load. So just cut the music and the fancy effects, turn on the microphone and speak to the people – it can do wonders.”

但是,对于编辑扩展来说,情况恰恰相反,正如PärtelLang所发现的那样:“一旦我从商店购买了一些资产,并花了很多时间来制作适当的电影 视频 ,但 收看的次数 却很少作为我稍后制作的简单配音教程。 教程确实是深入展示资产的最佳方法,深受客户的赞赏,并极大地减轻了我的支持负担。 因此,只需剪切音乐和精美的效果,打开麦克风并与人们交谈,它就能创造奇迹。”


Last thing to remember before you release your assets is to set up Google Analytics. “Check out the demographics of who is looking at your pages and work out where they are coming from. This will provide you with useful audiences to engage further with,” recommends Adam Goodrich.

释放资产前要记住的最后一件事是设置Google Analytics(分析)。 “查看谁在查看您的网页,并确定其来源。 这将为您提供有用的受众,以进一步进行交流。” Adam Goodrich建议。

Just like with design, coding and a lot of other aspects of game development, the best thing to do when deciding on the optimal marketing strategy is to run a lot of tests and get the data you need to make a rational decision.



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