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Developing applications with a small team of developers is easy, but in a large team this can be a challenging task in Xcode. Particularly when the code commits are frequent and feature developments can cause conflicts. On top of workflow complexities, Xcode project file format doesn’t have much support for team software development.

与小型开发人员团队一起开发应用程序很容易,但是在大型团队中,这可能是Xcode中一项艰巨的任务。 特别是在代码提交频繁且功能开发可能导致冲突的情况下。 除了工作流程的复杂性之外,Xcode项目文件格式对团队软件开发没有太多支持。

When developers actively contribute to the repository, such as working with UI, Storyboards, adding, removing files, etc, conflicts may happen when changing the project structure. Therefore, having a big giant project might not be a good idea as a long term solution and you might end up in ‘what the hell’ situation.

当开发人员积极地向存储库做出贡献时,例如使用UI,情节提要,添加,删除文件等,在更改项目结构时可能会发生冲突。 因此,作为一个长期的解决方案,拥有一个巨大的大型项目可能不是一个好主意,并且您可能最终陷入“到底是什么”的境地。

创建多项目工作区: (Creating multi project workspace:)

If you’re starting a new project, this can be an easy task to do. Create an empty workspace and add sub projects to your workspace. Similarly, if you have existing projects you can split your codes with some refactoring to achieve the same structure.

如果您要开始一个新项目,这可以很容易地完成。 创建一个空的工作区并将子项目添加到您的工作区。 同样,如果您有现有项目,则可以通过一些重构拆分代码以实现相同的结构。

Number of sub-projects depends on how large the team is and how frequent the features are being added. As a general rule its good to have one main application project and 3–4 sub projects to separate UI and Logics, similar to example below. After which, you can then think about hierarchy of dependencies.

子项目的数量取决于团队的规模以及功能添加的频率。 通常,最好有一个主应用程序项目和3-4个子项目来分隔UI和逻辑,这与下面的示例类似。 之后,您可以考虑依赖关系的层次结构。

Pro tip: If you’re working in a large team or maintaing large applications, it is important to avoid adding targets for your libraries. This is because of scalability, separating out logics and avoid conflicts when multiple people are working on different xcrojects.

专家提示:如果您在大型团队中工作或维护大型应用程序,那么避免为库添加目标很重要。 这是由于可伸缩性,分离逻辑并避免当多个人在不同的xcroject上工作时发生冲突。

Generally, team is working on product (e.g. ABCApp) and over a time features will be added. There’s also a possibility that it is required to launch a secondary app (e.g. XYZApp) that might share a lot of logics, UI and APIs, similar to the original app. Either way, this architecture will be a scalable solution for your needs.

通常,团队正在开发产品(例如ABCApp),并且一段时间后将添加功能。 还可能需要启动一个辅助应用程序(例如XYZApp),该应用程序可能与原始应用程序共享许多逻辑,UI和API。 无论哪种方式,该体系结构都是满足您需求的可扩展解决方案。

Example 1: Mobile application ABC that runs on iPhone only


ABCWorkspace: ABCApp , ABCUI, ABCCore , ABCAPI


Image for post

In this project dependency hierarchy for ABCApp is defined as below:


Image for post
Dependency list for ABCApp: make sure you set the embedding to ‘Do Not Embed’

Similarly sub projects might have their own dependency


Image for post
Dependency list of ABC.API

Note: In above example ABC.API, ABC.Core, ABC.UI are all defined as ‘Framework’ project.


Example 2: Mobile Application ABC available that runs on iPhone and iPad


As you can see the previous architecture is extendible and iPad support can be adopted by adding ABCiPadUI project


ABCWorkspace : ABCApp               ABCMobileUI               ABCiPadUI               ABCAPI               ABCCore

Example 3: Mobile Application ABC that runs on iPhone and has support for Apple Watch

示例3:在iPhone上运行并支持Apple Watch的移动应用程序ABC

ABCWorkspace: ABCApp              ABC.MobileUI              ABC.WatchUI              ABC.API              ABC.Core

Example 4: Multiple mobile applications, using similar frameworks


CompanyWorkspace: ABCMobile                  XYZMobile                   ABCUI                  ABCCore                  ABCAPI

设置依赖项和Pod (Setting up dependencies and pods)

There are different ways of managing dependencies and relatively there’s a same strategy about using them. Keep dependencies for sub projects in a dynamic library format as much as you can and avoid embedding 3rd party dependencies in your sub projects. By using dynamic libraries, you will allow dependencies to be linked at the compile time to the final binary, avoid duplications and having a fat binary.

有多种方法来管理依赖关系,并且使用依赖关系的策略也相同。 尽可能以动态库格式保持子项目的依赖关系,并避免将第三方依赖关系嵌入子项目中。 通过使用动态库,您将允许在编译时将依赖项链接到最终的二进制文件,避免重复并使用胖二进制文件。

How to setup Cocoapods for multi project apps?


While Cocoapods is very straight forward to use for simple applications, it can be complicated to setup for multi project workspaces and complex uses.


Let’s look at this pod file


workspace 'ABC'target 'ABCApp' douse_frameworks!project 'ABCApp/ABCApp.project'platform :ios, '13.0'# Pods for ABCApppod 'ObjectMapper'target 'ABCAppTests' doinherit! :search_paths# Pods for testingendtarget 'ABCAppUITests' do# Pods for testingendendtarget 'ABC.API' douse_frameworks!project 'ABC.API/ABC.API.project'platform :ios, '13.0'target 'ABC.APITests' doinherit! :search_paths# Pods for testingendendtarget 'ABC.UI' douse_frameworks!project 'ABC.UI/ABC.UI.project'platform :ios, '13.0'target 'ABC.UITests' doinherit! :search_paths# Pods for testingendendtarget 'ABC.Core' douse_frameworks!project 'ABC.Core/ABC.Core.project'platform :ios, '13.0'pod 'ObjectMapper'target 'ABC.CoreTests' doinherit! :search_paths# Pods for testingendend

‘Pod install’ command usually generates a workspace for the simple projects, but as you can see in above example we manually take control of creating the workspace and generating pods for each project.

“ Pod install”命令通常会为简单的项目生成一个工作区,但是如您在上面的示例中所见,我们手动控制了创建工作区并为每个项目生成Pod的控制。

Also, by moving the ‘platform :ios, xxx’ to target definitions, we can setup each project with different min SDK and define them the way it’s needed.

另外,通过将'platform:ios,xxx'移至目标定义,我们可以使用不同的min SDK设置每个项目,并根据需要定义它们。

摘要 (Summary)

By implementing the above structure, you will isolate changes to be limited to the project level and you will avoid dealing with solving large merge conflicts.


If you’re interested to play with the code, I have uploaded a sample project on github to download


If you have any questions, comments, suggestion please don’t hesitate to reach out! If you also found this article helpful please don’t forget to clap

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