



假设给定顶点集合V为{0,1,2,3,4,... .n}。由于图为无向完全图,我们可以很自然地将0视为输出的起点和终点。对于每个其他顶点i(除0之外),我们找到以0为起点,i为终点,且所有顶点恰好出现一次的最小成本路径。假设定义这条最小成本路径的成本为Cost(i),则相应TSP回路的Cost将是Cost(i)+ dist(i,0)其中dist(i,0)是从i到0的距离。最后,我们返回所有[cost(i)+ dist(i,0)]值,再从中选择最小值,此时该最小值也就是TSP的最优路径。而如何获得Cost(i)呢?那就是用动态规划算法来完成了:




If size of S is 2, then S must be {0, i},C(S, i) = dist(1, i)
Else if size of S is greater than 2.C(S, i) = min { C(S-{i}, j) + dis(j, i)} where j belongs to S, j != i and j != 0.


min {C(S, i) + dist(i, 0)} for any i in |V – 0|


// input: V is the vertex set, exactly i indicates ith vertex
// input: G is a matrix, which G[i][j] indicates the distance from ith node to jth one
// output: the best optimal path of TSP
// output: the total cost of the path// define C a matrix// C[i][S]: C(S, i) be the cost of the minimum cost path visiting each vertex //           in set S exactly once, starting at 1 and ending at iC(|V|, (2^|V|, -1))// define path a matrix which the value records the last node of the current nodepaths(|V|, 2^|V|)min = INT_MAXfor e in V-{0} docost = dp_TSP(G, V, C, S, e, paths) + G[e][0]if cost < min domin = costindex = eendifendforpath = []S = [all node in V]dopush index in pathtemp = indexindex = path[index][S]pop temp from Swhile index != -1push 0 in pathreturn path.reverse, mindp_TSP(G, V, C, S, i, paths)
// input: G is a matrix, which G[i][j] indicates the distance from ith node to jth one
// input: V is verties set
// input: C means C(S, i)
// input: S includes all nodes needed to visited once and only once
// input: i, which indicate the end vertex in S
// input: records the last node of the current node in C(S, i)
// output: the value of C(S, i)if |S| == 2return G[0][i]endifif C(S, i) != -1return C(S, i)endifmin = INT_MAXfor j in Sif j != {0} and j != e thenvalue = C(S-{i}, j) + G[j][i]if value <= min thenmin = valueindex = jendifendifendforC(S, i) = minpath(S, i) = indexreturn min








如果我们求解递归方程,我们将得到总 个子问题,也就是。每个子问题将花费O(n)时间(找到剩余(n-1)个节点的路径)。因此总时间复杂度为。空间复杂度也是子问题的数量,即

虽然时间复杂度远小于O(n!),但仍然呈指数级。所需空间也是指数级的。因此,即使对于稍高数量的顶点,这种方法也是不可行的。由于在算法实现当中,用了long long int来作为S集合,所以超过64个节点的图就无法适用了。只能通过大规模近似求解。


#include <vector>
#include <iostream>using namespace std;
typedef vector<vector<int> > G;
typedef vector<int> V;
G load_graph(int n);
void TSP(G& g, int n);
int dp_TSP(G& g, G& C, long long int S, int i, G& path);
V get_set(long long int S, int n);
int main(){int n;cin>> n;G g = load_graph(n);TSP(g, n);return 0;
}G load_graph(int n){G g(n, V(n));for(int a=0; a<n; a++)for(int b=0; b<n; b++)scanf("%d", &g[a][b]);return g;
void printG(G& g){int n = g.size();int m = g[0].size();for(int a=0; a<n; a++){for(int b=0; b<m; b++)cout<< g[a][b]<< ' ';cout<< endl;}
void printV(V g){int n = g.size();for(int a=0; a<n; a++)cout<< g[a]<< ' ';cout<< endl;
}void TSP(G& g, int n){// there are (2^n - 1) probable S for each i in C(S, i)int m = (1<<n);// define a term C(S, i) be the cost of the minimum cost path visiting each vertex // in set S exactly once, starting at 1 and ending at i.G C(n, V(m, -1));// record the pathG path(n, V(m, -1));// run the dynamic programming TSP algorithm// start at 0th node, and end at 0th node// find the minimum cost path with 1 as the starting point, i as the ending pointint min = INT_MAX;int target = -1;for(int i=1; i<n; i++){// define S as a long long int variable, each ith bit record the existance of the ith node// initial S = 1<<n - 1, which means that S includes all node at firstlong long int S = (1<<n) - 1;// the cost of corresponding Cycle would be cost(i) + dist(i, 0)int cost = dp_TSP(g, C, S, i, path) + g[i][0];// the minimum of all [cost(i) + dist(i, 0)] valuesif(cost < min){min = cost;target = i;}}V output;long long int S = (1<<n) - 1;do{output.push_back(target);int temp = target;target = path[target][S];S = S^(1<<temp);}while(target != -1);//printG(C);cout<< min<< endl;for(int a=n-1; a>=0; a--)cout<< output[a]<< ' ';cout<< 0<< endl;
}int dp_TSP(G& g, G& C, long long int S, int i, G& path){V set = get_set(S, g.size());/*If size of S is 2, then S must be {0, i},C(S, i) = dist(1, i) Else if size of S is greater than 2.C(S, i) = min { C(S-{i}, j) + dis(j, i)} where j belongs to S, j != i and j != 0.*/if(set.size()==2){path[i][S] = 0;return g[0][i];}if(C[i][S] != -1)return C[i][S];int min = INT_MAX, index = -1;long long int new_S = S^(1<<i);for(int a=0; a<set.size(); a++){int j = set[a];if(j!=i && j!=0){int result = dp_TSP(g, C, new_S, j, path) + g[j][i];//cout<< i<< ' '<< result<< ' '<< j<< endl;if(result < min){min = result;index = j;}}}C[i][S] = min;path[i][S] = index;//cout<< i<< ' '<< index<< "dad"<< endl;return min;
}V get_set(long long int S, int n){V set;for(int a=0; a<n; a++)if(S & (1<<a))set.push_back(a);return set;

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