A. Sequence with Digits


time limit per test: 1 second

memory limit per test: 256 megabytes

input: standard input
input: standard input

output: standard output
output: standard output

Let’s define the following recurrence:
Let’s define the following recurrence:

an+1= an + minDigit(an) . maxDigit(an).

Here minDigit(x ) and max Digit(x ) are the minimal and maximal digits in the decimal representation of x without leading zeroes. For
Here minDigit(x ) and max Digit(x ) are the minimal and maximal digits in the decimal representation of x without leading zeroes. For

examples refer to notes.
examples refer to notes.

Your task is calculate aK for given a1 and K.
Your task is calculate aK for given a1 and K.


The first line contains one integert(1≤t < 1000)一the number of independent test cases.

Each test case consists of a single line containing two integers a1 andK (1≤a1≤1018.1≤K≤101) separated by a space.
Each test case consists of a single line containing two integers a1 andK (1≤a1≤1018.1≤K≤101) separated by a space.


For each test case print one integer ak on a separate line.


ll min(ll n)
{ll a = 11;while(n){a = min(a,n%10);n /= 10;if(a == 0) break;}return a;
ll max(ll n)
{ll a = -1;while(n){a = max(a,n%10);n/= 10;if(a == 9) break;}return a;
int main()
{int t;cin >> t;while(t--){ll n,k;cin >> n >> k;for(int i = 1;i < k;++i){if(min(n) == 0)break;n += min(n)*max(n);}cout << n << endl;}

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