545. Boundary of Binary Tree

  • 给定一个树形结构,返回 [ 根节点,左边界(为一个list),从左到右的所有叶子结点,及反序右边界] 的concatenation
  • 左边界中的节点包括:
    1. 根节点的左儿子。若根节点无左儿子,左边界中无节点
    1. 左边界中节点的左儿子,或无左儿子的节点的右儿子
    1. 须删掉最左的叶节点。* 由于左边界为沿着一棵树的最左走到底,遇到的第一个也是唯一一个叶节点即为最左的叶节点
  • 右边界定义同理
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution(object):        def boundaryOfBinaryTree(self, root):""":type root: TreeNode:rtype: List[int]"""def findLeaves(node):if (not node.left and not node.right):if (node!=root):res.append(node.val)returnif (node.left):findLeaves(node.left)if (node.right):findLeaves(node.right)def findLeftB(res, node):if (node==root and not root.left):returnif (node!=root):res.append(node.val)if (not node.left and not node.right):res.pop() #remove leftmost leafreturnif (node.left):findLeftB(res, node.left)elif (node.right):findLeftB(res, node.right)def findRightB(res, node):if (node==root and not root.right):returnif (node!=root):res.append(node.val)if (not node.left and not node.right):res.pop()returnif (node.right):findRightB(res, node.right)elif (node.left):findRightB(res, node.left)res = [root.val]findLeftB(res, root)findLeaves(root)idx = len(res)findRightB(res, root)a = res[idx:]a.reverse()res = res[0:idx]+areturn res

915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals
题目大意:给定数组nums = [5,0,3,8,6],划分成两个subarray: left & right使得max{left} <= min{right}
思路: 顺序记录leftmax,倒序记录minright,从左到右找到第一个满足max{left} <= min{right}的划分点

class Solution {public int partitionDisjoint(int[] nums) {int N = nums.length;int[] maxL = new int[N];int[] minR = new int[N];maxL[0] = nums[0];for (int i=1; i<N; i++) {maxL[i] = Math.max(maxL[i-1], nums[i]);//System.out.println(maxL[i]);}minR[N-1] = nums[N-1];for (int i=N-2; i>=0; i--) {minR[i] = Math.min(minR[i+1], nums[i]);//System.out.println(minR[i]);}int idx = 0;while (idx<N && maxL[idx]>minR[idx+1]) {idx++;}return idx+1;}

1647. Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique
先数频次,对频次排序,hashset记录distinct frequency,若频次出现重复则尝试删除,* 忽略频次0的重复出现

class Solution {public int minDeletions(String s) {int[] count = new int[26];char[] chars = s.toCharArray();for (char c : chars) {count[c-'a']++;}Arrays.sort(count);int idx = 0;while (count[idx]==0) idx++;int ans = 0;HashSet<Integer> freq =new HashSet<Integer>();while (idx<26) {int t = count[idx];if (!freq.contains(t)) {freq.add(t);} else {while (t>0) {if (!freq.contains(t)) break;t--;}if (t!=0) freq.add(t);ans += count[idx] - t;//System.out.println(ans);}idx++;}return ans;}

722 Remove Comments

  • 题目描述
    • 从C++代码中删除注释,多行"/* … */",单行"//"。注意:
    1. “/* … */” 中的 “//” 不起作用 ,同理 同一行中"//" 后的 “/*” 不起作用
    1. 特殊情况!!"/*/" 作为多行注释的开始并不能结束多行注释,但作为多行注释的结尾可以结束多行注释(故只能在开始时跳过"/*/", 而不能在判断closing的时候处理该coner case)
    1. 空字符串不应被加入答案
    1. 删掉多行注释的开头行和结束行的内容应该被合并, 即[“a/.", "…/b”]需要被合并为[“ab”]而非 [“a”, “b”]
  • 最好使用while循环而非for循环来控制index,因为需要连续跳过注释的内容
class Solution {public List<String> removeComments(String[] source) {List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();int flag1 = 0, flag2=0; // flag1 for /*, flag2 for //, 1 = existStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();for (String s : source) {char[] chars = s.toCharArray();int N = chars.length;int i=0;while (i<N) {if (flag1 == 1) { // in /*if (chars[i]=='*' && i+1<N && chars[i+1]=='/') {flag1 = 0;i+=2;continue;}} else {//not in /*if (chars[i]=='/') { if (i+1<N && chars[i+1]=='*') { //start an /*flag1 = 1;i+=2;if (i<N && chars[i]=='/') i++; //corner case /*/continue;}if (i+1<N && chars[i+1]=='/') { //start an // : jump to the end of the linei=N;continue;}}}if (flag1==0) {sb.append(chars[i]);}i++;}String str = sb.toString();if (!str.equals("") && flag1==0) {ans.add(str);        //only add and refresh when block comment is closedsb = new StringBuilder();}//System.out.println(str);  }return ans;}

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