@[TOC]win 10 安装时候无法格式化分区,错误 0x80070057
参考: https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/windows-could-not-format-a-partition.html


  1. 用U盘启动,后选择“修复windows”
  2. 选择 命令行
  3. Step 3. Type “diskpart”. This may take some time for it to pop up and it will ask you for Administrative privileges. Go ahead and click “Yes”;

Step 4. Type “list disk”. It will show a list of disks;

Step 5. Type “select disk [n]” to select your disk out of the list above. For example: “select disk 3”;

Step 6. Type “clean” to clean the drive;

Step 7. Type “create partition primary”; Step 8. Type “select partition 1”;

Step 9. Type “active” to activate the partition on the disk;

Step 10. Type “format fs=ntfs” to do a full format into NTFS. Depending on the size of the disk, this will take some time to complete.

Step 11. Type “exit” when the format is finished. We need to type “exit” for two times. One to exit from diskpart, and the other one for command prompt.

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