
cound't find AF_INET address #4


roboticsai opened this issue on Mar 22, 2018 · 2 comments


roboticsai commented on Mar 22, 2018

after i run the rttlua-gnulinux -i deployment/youbot.lua i am getting below error. I have

Real-time memory: 517888 bytes free of 524288 allocated.
OROCOS RTTLua 1.0-beta5 / Lua 5.1.5 (gnulinux)
Use Ctrl-d to quit.

rttlib.color = true
tc = rtt.getTC()
depl = tc:getPeer("Deployer")
depl:loadComponent("tf", "rtt_tf::RTT_TF")
tf = depl:getPeer("tf")
[FATAL] [1521727485.462971209]: You must call ros::init() before creating the first NodeHandle
Couldn't find an AF_INET address for []
Couldn't find an AF_INET address for []
[ERROR] [1521727485.496535916]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [:0]. Retrying...
Couldn't find an AF_INET address for []
Couldn't find an AF_INET address for []


meyerj commented on Mar 22, 2018

Either add


to start the ROS node (calls ros::init() internally) or use the "ROS-aware" import function provided by package rtt_ros:


The import operation of rtt_ros follows the <plugin_depend> dependencies declared in the respective package.xml files, which for rtt_tf would include rtt_rosnode through rtt_roscomm.

Note that the current version of rtt_tf is broken since ROS hydro: orocos/rtt_ros_integration#68



roboticsai commented on Mar 23, 2018

Ok, thanks for helping, now its working, so many things to learn o god :>.

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