









ros::init(argc, argv, "vins");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ROS_INFO("\033[1;32m----> Visual Loop Detection Started.\033[0m");
ros::console::set_logger_level(ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Warn);
// Load params
std::string config_file;
/*在参数服务器中找到参数vins_config_file,将value(一个路径)赋给config_file<!-- VINS config --><param name="vins_config_file" type="string" value="$(find lvi_sam)/config/params_camera.yaml" />
n.getParam("vins_config_file", config_file);
cv::FileStorage fsSettings(config_file, cv::FileStorage::READ);
{std::cerr << "ERROR: Wrong path to settings" << std::endl;
usleep(100);// Initialize global params 初始化全局参数
// 与闭环相关的参数
fsSettings["project_name"] >> PROJECT_NAME;
fsSettings["image_topic"]  >> IMAGE_TOPIC;
fsSettings["loop_closure"] >> LOOP_CLOSURE;
fsSettings["skip_time"]    >> SKIP_TIME;
fsSettings["skip_dist"]    >> SKIP_DIST;
fsSettings["debug_image"]  >> DEBUG_IMAGE;
fsSettings["match_image_scale"] >> MATCH_IMAGE_SCALE;//LOOP_CLOSURE 值为1时代表启动闭环检测(默认为1)
{//ros中用于获取某个功能包的绝对路径,当功能包不存在时,该函数返回一个空的字符串。//这里是返回lvi-sam功能包(也就是本项目)的绝对路径string pkg_path = ros::package::getPath(PROJECT_NAME);// initialize vocabulary/*vocabulary_file: "/config/brief_k10L6.bin"brief_pattern_file: "/config/brief_pattern.yml"*/string vocabulary_file;fsSettings["vocabulary_file"] >> vocabulary_file;  vocabulary_file = pkg_path + vocabulary_file;// 需要分析 词袋模型loopDetector.loadVocabulary(vocabulary_file);// initialize brief extractorstring brief_pattern_file;fsSettings["brief_pattern_file"] >> brief_pattern_file;  brief_pattern_file = pkg_path + brief_pattern_file;//需要分析briefExtractor = BriefExtractor(brief_pattern_file);// initialize camera model//camera model 需要分析m_camera = camodocal::CameraFactory::instance()->generateCameraFromYamlFile(config_file.c_str());

run.launch -> module_sam.launch -> params_camera.yaml


%YAML:1.0# Project
project_name: "lvi_sam"#common parameters
imu_topic: "/imu_raw"
image_topic: "/camera/image_raw"
point_cloud_topic: "lvi_sam/lidar/deskew/cloud_deskewed"# Lidar Params
use_lidar: 1                     # whether use depth info from lidar or not
lidar_skip: 3                    # skip this amount of scans
align_camera_lidar_estimation: 1 # align camera and lidar estimation for visualization# lidar to camera extrinsic
lidar_to_cam_tx: 0.05
lidar_to_cam_ty: -0.07
lidar_to_cam_tz: -0.07
lidar_to_cam_rx: 0.0
lidar_to_cam_ry: 0.0
lidar_to_cam_rz: -0.04# camera model
model_type: MEI
camera_name: camera# Mono camera config
image_width: 720
image_height: 540
mirror_parameters:xi: 1.9926618269451453
distortion_parameters:k1: -0.0399258932468764k2: 0.15160828121223818p1: 0.00017756967825777937p2: -0.0011531239076798612
projection_parameters:gamma1: 669.8940458885896gamma2: 669.1450614220616u0: 377.9459252967363v0: 279.63655686698144
fisheye_mask: "/config/fisheye_mask_720x540.jpg"#imu parameters       The more accurate parameters you provide, the worse performance
acc_n: 0.02         # accelerometer measurement noise standard deviation.
gyr_n: 0.01         # gyroscope measurement noise standard deviation.
acc_w: 0.002        # accelerometer bias random work noise standard deviation.
gyr_w: 4.0e-5       # gyroscope bias random work noise standard deviation.
g_norm: 9.805       ## Extrinsic parameter between IMU and Camera.
estimate_extrinsic: 0   # 0  Have an accurate extrinsic parameters. We will trust the following imu^R_cam, imu^T_cam, don't change it.# 1  Have an initial guess about extrinsic parameters. We will optimize around your initial guess.# 2  Don't know anything about extrinsic parameters. You don't need to give R,T. We will try to calibrate it. Do some rotation movement at beginning.
#Rotation from camera frame to imu frame, imu^R_cam
extrinsicRotation: !!opencv-matrixrows: 3cols: 3dt: ddata: [ 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]#Translation from camera frame to imu frame, imu^T_cam
extrinsicTranslation: !!opencv-matrixrows: 3cols: 1dt: ddata: [0.006422381632411965, 0.019939800449065116, 0.03364235163589248]#feature traker paprameters
max_cnt: 150            # max feature number in feature tracking
min_dist: 20            # min distance between two features
freq: 20                # frequence (Hz) of publish tracking result. At least 10Hz for good estimation. If set 0, the frequence will be same as raw image
F_threshold: 1.0        # ransac threshold (pixel)
show_track: 1           # publish tracking image as topic
equalize: 1             # if image is too dark or light, trun on equalize to find enough features
fisheye: 1              # if using fisheye, trun on it. A circle mask will be loaded to remove edge noisy points#optimization parameters
max_solver_time: 0.035   # max solver itration time (ms), to guarantee real time
max_num_iterations: 10   # max solver itrations, to guarantee real time
keyframe_parallax: 10.0  # keyframe selection threshold (pixel)#unsynchronization parameters
estimate_td: 0           # online estimate time offset between camera and imu
td: 0                    # initial value of time offset. unit: s. readed image clock + td = real image clock (IMU clock)#rolling shutter parameters
rolling_shutter: 0       # 0: global shutter camera, 1: rolling shutter camera
rolling_shutter_tr: 0    # unit: s. rolling shutter read out time per frame (from data sheet). #loop closure parameters
loop_closure: 1                    # start loop closure
skip_time: 0.0
skip_dist: 0.0
debug_image: 0                      # save raw image in loop detector for visualization prupose; you can close this function by setting 0
match_image_scale: 0.5
vocabulary_file: "/config/brief_k10L6.bin"
brief_pattern_file: "/config/brief_pattern.yml"



构造函数:cv::FileStorage(const string& source, int flags, const string& encoding=string());


**source –**存储或读取数据的文件名(字符串),其扩展名(.xml 或 .yml/.yaml)决定文件格式。

flags – 操作模式,包括:

  • FileStorage::READ 打开文件进行读操作
  • FileStorage::WRITE 打开文件进行写操作
  • FileStorage::APPEND打开文件进行附加操作
  • FileStorage::MEMORY 从source读数据,或向内部缓存写入数据(由FileStorage::release返回)

loopDetector是文件中定义的一个成员变量:LoopDetector loopDetector;




BriefVocabulary* voc;void loadVocabulary(std::string voc_path);

成员变量 voc,认为是针对该项目的字典。


void LoopDetector::loadVocabulary(std::string voc_path)
{voc = new BriefVocabulary(voc_path);db.setVocabulary(*voc, false, 0);



成员变量:BriefExtractor briefExtractor;


class BriefExtractor
{public:DVision::BRIEF m_brief;virtual void operator()(const cv::Mat &im, vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keys, vector<DVision::BRIEF::bitset> &descriptors) const{m_brief.compute(im, keys, descriptors);}BriefExtractor(){};BriefExtractor(const std::string &pattern_file){// The DVision::BRIEF extractor computes a random pattern by default when// the object is created.// We load the pattern that we used to build the vocabulary, to make// the descriptors compatible with the predefined vocabulary// 默认情况下,当创建对象时,DVision::BRIEF提取器会计算一个随机模式。我们加载用于构建词汇表的模式,以使描述符与预定义词汇表兼容// loads the patterncv::FileStorage fs(pattern_file.c_str(), cv::FileStorage::READ);if(!fs.isOpened()) throw string("Could not open file ") + pattern_file;vector<int> x1, y1, x2, y2;fs["x1"] >> x1;fs["x2"] >> x2;fs["y1"] >> y1;fs["y2"] >> y2;m_brief.importPairs(x1, y1, x2, y2);}


  • camodocal::CameraFactory

    • 暂时不做分析
ros::Subscriber sub_image     = n.subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, 30, image_callback);
//以下三个话题在visual_estimator/utility/visualization.cpp中发布的话题 需要分析
ros::Subscriber sub_pose      = n.subscribe(PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/keyframe_pose",  3, pose_callback);
ros::Subscriber sub_point     = n.subscribe(PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/keyframe_point", 3, point_callback);
ros::Subscriber sub_extrinsic = n.subscribe(PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/extrinsic",      3, extrinsic_callback);//发布话题
pub_match_img = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image>             (PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/loop/match_image", 3);
pub_match_msg = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray>    (PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/loop/match_frame", 3);
pub_key_pose  = n.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>(PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/loop/keyframe_pose", 3);if (!LOOP_CLOSURE)


void registerPub(ros::NodeHandle &n)
{/*pub camera pose消息类型为:nav_msgs::Odometry 包含一个三维点坐标和一个旋转四元数*/pub_keyframe_pose       = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>               (PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/keyframe_pose", 1000);/*pub 2D-3D points of keyframe 消息类型为:sensor_msgs::PointCloud 包含 3d 点的集合,以及有关每个点的可选附加信息初步认为是相机在该位姿下拍摄的点云图*/pub_keyframe_point      = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud>          (PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/keyframe_point", 1000);/*大体阅读了该话题的发布函数,认为该话题发布的消息是:相机从相机坐标系转换到世界坐标系后的位姿信息*/pub_extrinsic           = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>               (PROJECT_NAME + "/vins/odometry/extrinsic", 1000);...
std::thread measurement_process;
measurement_process = std::thread(process);


  • vins
  • 工具类


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