
  • 前序
    • 简介
    • 人群
    • git地址
  • 源码改造(各位客官请自行格式化代码)
    • 实现倍速切换的函数
      • 添加配置参数
      • 添加获取当前倍速的方法
      • 添加切换倍速的函数
    • 参照切换清晰度的代码对控制栏加入倍速播放的节点
      • 复制切换清晰度的代码,并修改点击函数
      • 加入倍速按钮
  • 使用说明
    • 参数说明
    • 增加方法&说明
    • 使用示例
  • 相关推荐



  • 主要介绍了基于tcplayer的源码改造,加入倍速播放功能
  • 不涉及tcplayer的使用以及框架如何调用,详情请看腾讯云点播文档
  • 源码解析中有些注释是笔者加的,如需定位,请不要复制注释
  • 以下示例的代码为重新混淆压缩过,可能与原来的tcplayer.js函数名不同,不可直接复制使用,请务必跟着笔者一步步执行


  • 不想自己写播放器而使用tcplayer,但是又受限于播放器本身不带有倍速播放功能的开发人员
  • 不适合没有任何前端基础的小白,!!请谨慎观看!!







      function t(i, o) {n(this, t);var s = l(o);M = ["od", "hd", "sd"];var a = {owner: i,videoSource: s,src: s.curUrl,autoplay: o.autoplay,live: o.live,flash: o.flash,flashUrl: o.flashUrl,poster: o.poster,width: o.width,height: o.height,volume: o.volume,listener: o.listener,wording: o.wording,controls: o.controls,clarity: o.clarity,clarityLabel: o.clarityLabel,showLoading: "boolean" != typeof o.showLoading || o.showLoading,pausePosterEnabled: void 0 === o.pausePosterEnabled || o.pausePosterEnabled,fullscreenEnabled: void 0 === o.fuScrnEnabled || o.fuScrnEnabled,systemFullscreen: o.systemFullscreen || !1,hls: o.hls || "0.12.4",h5_flv: o.h5_flv,x5_player: o.x5_player !== !1,x5_type: o.x5_type,x5_fullscreen: o.x5_fullscreen,x5_orientation: o.x5_orientation,x5_playsinline: o.x5_playsinline,preload: o.preload || "auto",hlsConfig: o.hlsConfig,flvConfig: o.flvConfig,// curRate表示当前倍速curRate: o.curRate ? o.curRate : 1,// rates表示倍速数组rates: o.rates ? o.rates : [2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, 1.0, 0.75, 0.5]};return r(this, e.call(this, a))}



      }, e.prototype.currentTime = function (e) {return this.video.currentTime(e)}


      }, e.prototype.currentTime = function (e) {return this.video.currentTime(e)}, e.prototype.currentRate = function (e) {return this.video.options.curRate;}



return s(t, e), t.prototype._switchClarity = function (e) {e = e || "od";var t = this.currentTime(), i = this.options.videoSource, o = c(i.urls, e), n = this.playing();this.load(o.url), i.curUrl = o.url, i.curDef = o.definition, i.curFormat = o.format;var r = A.bind(this, function () {parseInt(this.duration() - t) > 0 && !this.options.live && this.currentTime(t), n && this.play(!0), m.unsub(w.MetaLoaded, "*", r, this)});m.sub(w.MetaLoaded, "*", r, this);// 切换清晰度后依旧保持原有的倍速document.querySelector("video").playbackRate = this.options.curRate;}, t.prototype._switchRate = function (e) {// 自定义的切换倍速的函数e = e || 1;this.options.curRate = e;document.querySelector("video").playbackRate = e;}, t.prototype.switchClarity = function (e) {this.claritySwitcher ? this.claritySwitcher.setClarity(e) : this._switchClarity(e)}, t.prototype.handleMsg = function (t) {e.prototype.handleMsg.call(this, t)}, t





        return a(t, e), t.prototype.render = function (t) {this.show = !1, this.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-clarityswitcher"}), this.current = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-current"}), this.container = p.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-container"}), this.items = [], this.currentItem = "";var i = this.options.videoSource;this.current.innerHTML = f[i.curDef], this.el.appendChild(this.current);for (var o = 0; o < i.definitions.length; o++) {var n = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-item"});n.innerHTML = f[i.definitions[o]], i.definitions[o] == i.curDef && (p.addClass(n, "current"), this.currentItem = n), n.setAttribute("data-def", i.definitions[o]), this.items.push(n), this.container.appendChild(n)}return this.el.appendChild(this.container), e.prototype.render.call(this, t)}


, function (e, t, i) {"use strict";function o(e) {if (e && e.__esModule) return e;var t = {};if (null != e) for (var i in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) && (t[i] = e[i]);return t["default"] = e, t}function n(e) {return e && e.__esModule ? e : {"default": e}}function r(e, t) {if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function s(e, t) {if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t}function a(e, t) {if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {constructor: {value: e,enumerable: !1,writable: !0,configurable: !0}}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)}t.__esModule = !0;var l = i(24), c = n(l), u = i(2), p = o(u), h = i(3), d = o(h), f = {od: "超清", hd: "高清", sd: "标清"},y = function (e) {function t(i) {r(this, t);var o = s(this, e.call(this, i, "ClaritySwitcher"));return f = d.extend({}, i.options.clarityLabel, f), i.claritySwitcher = o, o}return a(t, e), t.prototype.render = function (t) {this.show = !1, this.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-clarityswitcher"}), this.current = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-current"}), this.container = p.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-container"}), this.items = [], this.currentItem = "";var i = this.options.videoSource;this.current.innerHTML = f[i.curDef], this.el.appendChild(this.current);for (var o = 0; o < i.definitions.length; o++) {var n = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-item"});n.innerHTML = f[i.definitions[o]], i.definitions[o] == i.curDef && (p.addClass(n, "current"), this.currentItem = n), n.setAttribute("data-def", i.definitions[o]), this.items.push(n), this.container.appendChild(n)}return this.el.appendChild(this.container), e.prototype.render.call(this, t)}, t.prototype.setup = function () {this.on("click", this.onClick), this.on("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter), this.on("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave)}, t.prototype.onClick = function (e) {var t = e.target.getAttribute("data-def");t ? (this.current.innerHTML = f[t], p.removeClass(this.currentItem, "current"), p.addClass(e.target, "current"), this.currentItem = e.target, this.player._switchClarity(t)) : !this.show}, t.prototype.onMouseLeave = function () {this.container.style.display = "none", this.show = !1}, t.prototype.onMouseEnter = function () {this.container.style.display = "block", this.show = !0}, t.prototype.setClarity = function (e) {e && (this.current.innerHTML = f[e], p.removeClass(document.querySelector(".vcp-vertical-switcher-item.current"), "current"), p.addClass(document.querySelector('.vcp-vertical-switcher-item[data-def="' + e + '"]'), "current"), this.currentItem = document.querySelector('.vcp-vertical-switcher-item[data-def="' + e + '"]'), this.player._switchClarity(e))}, t}(c["default"]);t["default"] = y}



// 删除了原有的f这个数组var l = i(24), c = n(l), u = i(2), p = o(u), h = i(3), d = o(h),y = function (e) {function t(i) {return r(this, t), s(this, e.call(this, i, "ClaritySwitcher"))}return a(t, e), t.prototype.render = function (t) {this.show = !1, this.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-clarityswitcher"}), this.current = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-current"}), this.container = p.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-container"}), this.items = [], this.currentItem = "";// curRate为配置中的当前倍速 rates为倍速数组var i = this.options.curRate, f = this.options.rates;this.current.innerHTML = f[i], this.el.appendChild(this.current);for (var o = 0; o < f.length; o++) {var n = p.createEl("a", {"class": "vcp-vertical-switcher-item"});n.innerHTML = f[o], f[o] == i && (p.addClass(n, "current"), this.currentItem = n), n.setAttribute("data-def", o), this.items.push(n), this.container.appendChild(n)}return this.el.appendChild(this.container), e.prototype.render.call(this, t)}, t.prototype.setup = function () {// 在初始化时加入修改倍速函数_switchRate,切换到当前倍速this.player._switchRate(this.options.curRate), this.on("click", this.onClick), this.on("mouseenter", this.onMouseEnter), this.on("mouseleave", this.onMouseLeave)}, t.prototype.onClick = function (e) {var t = e.target.getAttribute("data-def"),f = this.options.rates;// 修改点击函数,将_switchClarity改为自定义的_switchRatet ? (this.current.innerHTML = f[t], p.removeClass(this.currentItem, "current"), p.addClass(e.target, "current"), this.currentItem = e.target, this.player._switchRate(f[t])) : !this.show}, t.prototype.onMouseLeave = function () {this.container.style.display = "none", this.show = !1}, t.prototype.onMouseEnter = function () {this.container.style.display = "block", this.show = !0}// 去除了无效的setClarity函数,也可不去,对功能无影响,只是代码洁癖, t}




    t.__esModule = !0;var l = i(24), c = n(l), u = i(28), p = n(u), h = i(29), d = n(h), f = i(30), y = i(31), A = n(y), v = i(32),m = n(v), g = i(33), w = n(g), b = i(34), M = n(b), I = i(4), S = i(2), E = o(S), _ = i(3), T = o(_), D = i(1),L = o(D), O = function (e) {function t(i) {return r(this, t), s(this, e.call(this, i, "Panel"))}return a(t, e), t.prototype.render = function (t) {return this.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-controls-panel"}), this.el.appendChild(E.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-panel-bg"})), this.playToggle = new p["default"](this.player), this.playToggle.render(this.el), this.timelabel = new m["default"](this.player), this.timelabel.render(this.el), this.timeline = new A["default"](this.player), this.timeline.render(this.el), this.options.fullscreenEnabled === !0 && (this.fullscreen = new d["default"](this.player), this.fullscreen.render(this.el)), L.IS_MOBILE || (this.volume = new w["default"](this.player), this.volume.render(this.el)), this.options.videoSource && this.options.videoSource.definitions.length > 1 && !L.IS_MOBILE && (this.claritySwitcher = new M["default"](this.player), this.claritySwitcher.render(this.el)), e.prototype.render.call(this, t)}


    t.__esModule = !0;// i为对应的esmodule,M["default"]表示n[i(34)]个,即分辨率是第34个function,相应的,我们将倍速的放在最后,就是第40个var l = i(24), c = n(l), u = i(28), p = n(u), h = i(29), d = n(h), f = i(30), y = i(31), A = n(y), v = i(32),m = n(v), g = i(33), w = n(g), b = i(34), M = n(b), I = i(4), S = i(2), E = o(S), _ = i(3), T = o(_), D = i(1),L = o(D), rate = i(40), Rate = n(rate), O = function (e) {function t(i) {return r(this, t), s(this, e.call(this, i, "Panel"))}return a(t, e), t.prototype.render = function (t) {// 加入倍速节点,由于现有的手机浏览器都支持倍速,所以去掉了手机端判断return this.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-controls-panel"}), this.el.appendChild(E.createEl("div", {"class": "vcp-panel-bg"})), this.playToggle = new p["default"](this.player), this.playToggle.render(this.el), this.timelabel = new m["default"](this.player), this.timelabel.render(this.el), this.timeline = new A["default"](this.player), this.timeline.render(this.el), this.options.fullscreenEnabled === !0 && (this.fullscreen = new d["default"](this.player), this.fullscreen.render(this.el)), L.IS_MOBILE || (this.volume = new w["default"](this.player), this.volume.render(this.el)), this.options.videoSource && this.options.videoSource.definitions.length > 1 && (this.claritySwitcher = new M["default"](this.player), this.claritySwitcher.render(this.el)) && (this.rateSwitcher = new Rate["default"](this.player), this.rateSwitcher.render(this.el)), e.prototype.render.call(this, t)}





参数 类型 默认值 参数说明
rates Array [2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, 1, 0.75, 0.5] 倍速数组
curRate Number 1 默认倍速


方法 参数 返回值 说明 示例
currentRate() {int} 获取当前的倍速 player.currentRate()


var player = new TcPlayer('id_test_video', {"m3u8": "http://2157.liveplay.myqcloud.com/2157_358535a.m3u8", //请替换成实际可用的播放地址"autoplay" : true,      //iOS 下 safari 浏览器,以及大部分移动端浏览器是不开放视频自动播放这个能力的"poster" : "http://www.test.com/myimage.jpg","width" :  '480',//视频的显示宽度,请尽量使用视频分辨率宽度"height" : '320'//视频的显示高度,请尽量使用视频分辨率高度"rates": [2, 1.5, 1, 0.5],"curRate": '1'


  • tcplayer源码改造第一弹 -> 自定义hls加密播放器
  • tcplayer源码改造第二弹 -> 加入倍速播放
  • tcplayer源码改造第三弹 -> 防盗录
  • tcplayer 源码改造第四弹 -> 字幕(srt)
  • tcplayer源码改造第五弹 -> 兼容sarafi/遨游

tcplayer 源码改造第二弹 - 加入倍速播放相关推荐

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