python 寻找完美数

I have a small problem. I'm always looking for great computer mice. I've tried a number of mice (and keyboards!) over the years.

我有一个小问题。 我一直在寻找出色的电脑鼠标。 这些年来,我已经尝试了许多鼠标(和键盘!)。

Here's the current line up.


  • The two mice on the right are the Arc Mouse and Bluetooth Arc Touch Mouse.

    右边的两只鼠标是Arc Mouse和Bluetooth Arc Touch Mouse 。

  • The middle weird one is the Anker Vertical Mouse which, by the way, is an insane deal at $19.00 at the time of this writing. I'm a big fan of vertical mice, especially if you are having any palm or forearm pain.

    中间很奇怪的是Anker立式鼠标,顺便说一句,在撰写本文时,它的价格是$ 19.00 ,是一笔疯狂的交易。 我是垂直老鼠的忠实拥护者,尤其是在您手掌或前臂疼痛的情况下。

  • The tiny silver mouse there is the Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000. I use it because it's power draw is basically nothing, which is perfect for use with a Raspberry Pi.

    那里的银色小鼠标是Microsoft Mobile Mouse 4000 。 我使用它是因为它的功率消耗基本上没有,这对于与Raspberry Pi一起使用是完美的。

But the left one...oh this mouse. That's the Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse and it's really top of the line and it's my current daily driver. It's usually $99 but I've seen it for $74 or less on sale.

但是左边的……这只老鼠。 那就是Logitech MX Master无线鼠标,它的确是顶级产品,也是我目前的日常驱动程序。 通常是99美元,但我见过它的售价为74美元或更低。

The Logitech MX Master is a high end mouse, but rather than catering to gamers as so many mice do, it seems to be aimed more towards creators and makers. Prosumers, if you will.

Logitech MX Master是高端鼠标,但与其像许多鼠标一样不能满足游戏玩家的需求,它似乎更针对创作者和制造者。 Prosumers,如果您愿意。

强调 (Highlights)

  • The MX Master has rechargeable LiPo batteries that are charged with a simple micro USB cable. So far they've lasted me two weeks or more with just a few minutes of charging. Plus, you can use the mouse with the cord attached. There's a 3 light LED on the side as well as software support so you won't be surprised by a low battery. MX Master具有可充电的LiPo电池,可通过简单的micro USB电缆充电。 到目前为止,仅用了几分钟的时间,他们就让我持续了两个星期或更长时间。 另外,您可以在连接了电源线的情况下使用鼠标。 侧面有一个3灯LED以及软件支持,因此您不会为电池电量不足而感到惊讶。
  • Fantastic customizable software.


    Fantastic customizable software.


  • Uses the "Unifying Receiver" which means a single dongle for multiple Logitech products. I also have the Logitech T650 Touchpad and they share the same dongle.

    使用“统一接收器”,这意味着多个Logitech产品使用一个加密狗。 我也有Logitech T650触摸板,它们共享同一个加密狗。

  • Even better, the MX Master also supports Bluetooth so you can use either. This means I can take the mouse on the road and leave the dongle. 更好的是,MX Master还支持蓝牙,因此您可以使用其中任何一个。 这意味着我可以将鼠标放在路上,然后离开加密狗。
  • Tracks on glass. My actual desktop is in entirely glass. It's a big sheet of glass and I've always had to put mouse pads on it, even with Microsoft Mice. This mouse tracks the same on a pad or a glass surface. 在玻璃上的痕迹。 我的实际桌面完全是玻璃的。 这是一块很大的玻璃,即使使用Microsoft Mice,我也总是不得不在上面放鼠标垫。 该鼠标在垫子或玻璃表面上进行跟踪。
  • Heavy but the right kind of heavy. It's about 5 oz and it has heft that says quality but not heft that's tiring to push around. 沉重但正确的沉重。 它大约5盎司,有重量就可以说是质量,但没有重量就可以累了。

One of the most unusual features is the Scroll Wheel. Some mice of a smooth scroll wheel with no "texture" as you scroll. Others have very clear click, click, click as you scroll. The MX Master has both. That means you can use "Ratchet" mode (heh) or "Freespin" mode, and you can assign a Mode Shift. If I click the wheel you can hear a clear mechanical click as (presumably) a magnet locks into place to provide the ratcheting sound and feel which is great for precision. Click again and you are FLYING through long PDFs or Web Pages. It's really amazing and not like any mouse I've used in this respect.

滚轮是最不寻常的功能之一。 滚动时,某些带有平滑滚轮的鼠标没有“纹理”。 其他人有非常清晰的点击,单击时,滚动时单击。 MX Master兼有。 这意味着您可以使用“ Ratchet”模式(heh)或“ Freespin”模式,并且可以分配模式转换。 如果我点击了车轮,您会听到清晰的机械咔嗒声,因为(大概)磁铁锁定在适当的位置,以提供棘轮的声音和感觉,这对精度非常重要。 再次单击,您将浏览长长的PDF或Web页面。 这真的很棒,而且不像我在这方面使用过的任何鼠标。

On top of that there is a SmartShift feature that automatically switches you between modes depending on the speed and vigor that you spin the wheel. All of this is configurable, to be clear.

最重要的是,它具有SmartShift功能,可根据您旋转轮子的速度和活力自动在模式之间切换。 所有这些都是可配置的,很明显。

It's a nice mouse for advanced folks or Devs because not only can you change basically every button (including a unique "gesture button" at your thumb where you click it and move the mouse for things like 'Next Virtual Desktop') but you can also have...


...configurations on a per-application basis!


This is fantastic because I want Chrome to scroll and feel one way and Visual Studio to scroll and feel another.

这太棒了,因为我希望Chrome浏览器以一种方式滚动并感觉到,而Visual Studio则以另一种方式滚动并感觉到。

It's been 6 weeks with this new mouse and it's now my daily driver for code, blog posts, Office, and everything.


Trying out this new @Logitech MX Master mouse. This thing is SO SMOOTH.

试用此新的@Logitech MX Master鼠标。 这东西太光滑了。

A photo posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on Jan 26, 2016 at 9:54am PST

Scott Hanselman(@shanselman)发表的照片2016年1月26日,太平洋标准时间上午9:54

What's your favorite mouse or pointing device? Let's hear it in the comments!

您最喜欢的鼠标或定点设备是什么? 让我们在评论中听到!

PSA: Be sure to check out all month long for great hardware podcasts, blogs, and videos! Spread the word and tweet with #MarchIsForMakers!

PSA:请务必在整个月内访问,以获得出色的硬件播客,博客和视频! 通过#MarchIsForMakers传播信息并发布推文!

* Referral links help me buy mice. Click them for me please.

*推荐链接可以帮助我购买鼠标。 请为我点击它们。


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