C语言_有限状态机(Finite State Machine)


许多小型或复杂的应用程序都使用有限状态机 (FSM),C 语言中的有限状态机是嵌入式系统的流行设计模式之一,有限状态机使开发变得容易和顺利。

有很多设备使用事件基态,如咖啡机、自动售货机、POS 设备、门锁系统等。一些 POS 设备使用事件表,在事件表中使用事件处理程序注册事件,通过相关条件触发事件的执行。

本文中,使用C语言创建一个简易的ATM状态机。 ATM 机的状态可以通过即将发生的事件进行更改。ATM状态机包含以下几个状态:

  • Idle State
  • Card Inserted State
  • Pin entered State
  • Option Selected State
  • Amount Entered State


  • Gather the information which the user wants.
  • Analyze the all gather information and sketch the state transition diagram.
  • create a code skeleton of the state machine.
  • Make sure the transition (changing state) work properly
  • Implement all the required information in the code skeleton of the state machine.
  • Test the implemented state machine.



在C语言中,有两种常用的方式实现基于事件的状态机:一种是通过嵌套的switch case(或者if else)实现,一种是look up table(查表)实现。

look up table 查表法实现有限状态机


#include <stdio.h>
//Different state of ATM machine
typedef enum
} eSystemState;
//Different type events
typedef enum
} eSystemEvent;
//typedef of function pointer
typedef eSystemState(*pfEventHandler)(void);
//structure of state and event with event handler
typedef struct
{eSystemState eStateMachine;eSystemEvent eStateMachineEvent;pfEventHandler pfStateMachineEvnentHandler;
} sStateMachine;
//function call to dispatch the amount and return the ideal state
eSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void)
{return Idle_State;
//function call to Enter amount and return amount entered state
eSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void)
{return Amount_Entered_State;
//function call to option select and return the option selected state
eSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void)
{return Option_Selected_State;
//function call to enter the pin and return pin entered state
eSystemState EnterPinHandler(void)
{return Pin_Eentered_State;
//function call to processing track data and return card inserted state
eSystemState InsertCardHandler(void)
{return Card_Inserted_State;
//Initialize array of structure with states and event with proper handler
sStateMachine asStateMachine[] =
{{ Idle_State,              Card_Insert_Event,          InsertCardHandler },{ Card_Inserted_State,      Pin_Enter_Event,            EnterPinHandler },{ Pin_Eentered_State,     Option_Selection_Event,     OptionSelectionHandler },{ Option_Selected_State,   Amount_Enter_Event,         EnterAmountHandler },{ Amount_Entered_State,        Amount_Dispatch_Event,      AmountDispatchHandler }
//main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State;while (1){//Api read the eventeSystemEvent eNewEvent = read_event();if ((eNextState < last_State) && (eNewEvent < last_Event) &&      (asStateMachine[eNextState].eStateMachineEvent == eNewEvent) && (asStateMachine[eNextState].pfStateMachineEvnentHandler != NULL)){// function call as per the state and event and return the next state of the finite state machineeNextState = (*asStateMachine[eNextState].pfStateMachineEvnentHandler)();}else{//Invalid}}return 0;


switch case实现有限状态机

这是实现状态机的最简单方法。使用 if-else 或 switch case 来检查状态并触发事件。如果状态和触发事件的组合匹配,则执行事件处理程序并更新下一个状态。这取决于检查第一个状态或事件的要求。 在下面的示例代码中,首先验证状态,然后检查触发的事件。

#include <stdio.h>
//Different state of ATM machine
typedef enum
} eSystemState;
//Different type events
typedef enum
} eSystemEvent;
//Prototype of eventhandlers
eSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void)
{return Idle_State;
eSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void)
{return Amount_Entered_State;
eSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void)
{return Option_Selected_State;
eSystemState EnterPinHandler(void)
{return Pin_Eentered_State;
eSystemState InsertCardHandler(void)
{return Card_Inserted_State;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State;eSystemEvent eNewEvent;while (1){//Read system EventseSystemEvent eNewEvent = ReadEvent();switch (eNextState){case Idle_State:{if (Card_Insert_Event == eNewEvent){eNextState = InsertCardHandler();}}break;case Card_Inserted_State:{if (Pin_Enter_Event == eNewEvent){eNextState = EnterPinHandler();}}break;case Pin_Eentered_State:{if (Option_Selection_Event == eNewEvent){eNextState = OptionSelectionHandler();}}break;case Option_Selected_State:{if (Amount_Enter_Event == eNewEvent){eNextState = EnterAmountHandler();}}break;case Amount_Entered_State:{if (Amount_Dispatch_Event == eNewEvent){eNextState = AmountDispatchHandler();}}break;default:break;}}return 0;

使用switch case 和if else实现上面的状态切换和动作执行,导致程序很长,不利于后期的维护和修改。可否对上面的程序进行优化,避免这种嵌套的结构呢?

使用二维数组指针精简switch case嵌套结构

答案是肯定得,我们在上面的程序中,首先是用switch case进行了状态的判断,然后使用if else判断是否有事件触发动作。那么相当于这段代码包含两层判断,第一层大的状态判断后面跟随着一层判断。基于这个认知,自然就想到,可否使用一个二维数组,行代表一层判断,列代表这一层判断下面的子状态判断呢!

下面,使用一个二维数组替代以上switch case的嵌套,实现代码的精简:

# include <stdio.h>
typedef enum
} eSystemState;
//Different type events
typedef enum
} eSystemEvent;
//typedef of 2d array
typedef eSystemState (*const afEventHandler[last_State][last_Event])(void);
//function call to dispatch the amount and return the ideal state
eSystemState AmountDispatchHandler(void)
{return Idle_State;
//function call to Enter amount and return amount enetered state
eSystemState EnterAmountHandler(void)
{return Amount_Entered_State;
//function call to option select and return the option selected state
eSystemState OptionSelectionHandler(void)
{return Option_Selected_State;
//function call to enter the pin and return pin entered state
eSystemState EnterPinHandler(void)
{return Pin_Eentered_State;
//function call to processing track data and return card inserted state
eSystemState InsertCardHandler(void)
{return Card_Inserted_State;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{eSystemState eNextState = Idle_State;eSystemEvent eNewEvent;// Table to define valid states and event of finite state machinestatic afEventHandler StateMachine ={[Idle_State] = { [Card_Insert_Event] = InsertCardHandler },[Card_Inserted_State] = { [Pin_Enter_Event] = EnterPinHandler },[Pin_Eentered_State] = { [Option_Selection_Event] = OptionSelectionHandler },[Option_Selected_State] = { [Amount_Enter_Event] = EnterAmountHandler },[Amount_Entered_State] = { [Amount_Dispatch_Event] = AmountDispatchHandler },};while (1){// assume api to read the next eventeSystemEvent eNewEvent = ReadEvent();//Check NULL pointer and array boundaryif ((eNextState < last_State) && (eNewEvent < last_Event) && StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent] != NULL){// function call as per the state and event and return the next state of the finite state machineeNextState = (*StateMachine[eNextState][eNewEvent])();}else{//Invalid}}return 0;


在上面的实现方法中,一个嵌套的 switch case 替换为一个指向函数的指针数组。 精简了代码,但是同时也并降低代码的可读性。 当状态很多,触发动作的条件也很多时,会造成内存大量的浪费,因为在二维数组中,每一行里面并非所有的event都是这一行的state必须的。






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