
  • (一)2019 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional
    • A - Hard Problem
      • 题目描述
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Output
      • 理解
      • AC代码
    • B - Prince and Princess
      • 题目描述
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Output
      • Hint
      • 理解
      • AC代码
    • C - Triangle
      • 题目描述
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Output
      • 理解
      • AC代码
    • D - Digital Path
      • 题目描述
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Output
      • 理解
      • AC代码
  • (二)杂七杂八的der题目集合
    • A - Colorful Hats 2 (来源Actoder1201场E题)
      • 题目描述
      • Input
      • Output
      • Sample Input
      • Sample Output
      • 理解
      • AC代码
  • (三)我的感想(我好菜鸭)
    • 关于这周的日常练习

(一)2019 ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional


A - Hard Problem


Given a positive integer n, you need to find out the minimum integer k such that for any subset T of the set {1,2,⋯,n} of size k, there exist two different integers u,v∈ T that u is a factor of v.


The first line contains an integer T (1≤T≤1e5) indicating the number of test cases.
    Each of the following T lines contains an integer n (2≤n≤1e9) describing a test case.


For each test case, output a line containing an integer which indicates the answer.

Sample Input


Sample Output





using namespace std;int main(){int T;scanf("%d", &T);while(T--){int n;scanf("%d", &n);if(n % 2 == 0){printf("%d\n", (n - 2) / 2 + 2);}else{printf("%d\n", (n - 1) / 2 + 2);}}return 0;

B - Prince and Princess


Prince Mochi of the Mochi Kingdom falls in love with Princess Tofu of the Tofu Kingdom, but the queen of the Tofu Kingdom does not assent to this marriage.
    The queen challenges their love and advocates a task for Prince Mochi. Solving this task is the premise for earning their happiness. The lack of capacity obliges Prince Mochi to ask you for help.
    Here is the task: Princess Tofu, King Tofu, the queen, the minister, maids, chefs, and many others are all together for the task, all staying in separate rooms. Note that there is no empty room. Each one of them knows where he/she is and where any other people are.
    Prince Mochi is asked to find the princess. He can inquire anyone about the following three types of questions:
            ·Who are you?
            ·Who is staying in a specified room?
            ·Which room does the Princess Tofu stay in?
    They will never refuse to answer the questions, but may not tell the truth. People, including Princess Tofu herself, who support this marriage will present the facts. The opposition, like the queen, will always provide an incorrect answer. Other participants will be arbitrary.
    Prince Mochi does not want to spend too much time and so he will query as little as possible. Can you tell him the minimum number of questions he really needs to confirm where his darling is under any circumstances? But sometimes, the task is impossible, then you should also remind him to begin a new love affair.


The only line in input contains three integers a (1≤a≤2×1e5), b and c(0≤b,c≤2×1e5) which represent the number of participants who support this marriage, who are against this marriage and who do not really care about it respectively.


If it is impossible to determine where Prince Mochi is, output NO. Otherwise, output YES at first following an integer indicating the minimum number of questions the prince needs to inquire in the second line.

Sample Input

2 0 0
1 1 0

Sample Output



In the second sample case, Prince Mochi may ask all available questions to both participants. However, in the case when they always provide the same answer, the prince cannot ensure where the princess is. Thus the answer is NO.


 题目大致意思是有a个人会说真话,b个人说假话,c个人不确定说的话是真是假第一眼看到这题还以为是博弈论,当场觉得头疼后来看到了题目里提到了YES是百分百确定找到公主所以按照最坏情况来考虑假设c个人说的都是假话,假设先问到了说假话的b+c个人那么只需要再问b+c+1个说真话的人,就可以找到真正的公主啦值得注意的是1 0 0这组样例要特判一下,只有一个人那就肯定是公主,所以不用询问啦


using namespace std;int main(){int a,b,c;scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);if(a == 1 && b == 0 && c == 0){printf("YES\n0\n");}else{if(a > b + c){printf("YES\n");printf("%d\n", 2 * (b + c) + 1);}else{printf("NO\n");}}return 0;

C - Triangle


One day, ABC and DD found a triangular wheat field, and they decide to cut it into two pieces with the same area with a segment. Because of various reasons, one of the endpoints of the division line is fixed at (px, py). Now you are asked to find the other endpoint of the segment.
    If the given endpoint does not lie on the boundary of the wheat field, the problem should be regarded as invalid. The other endpoint required should also locate on the boundary.


The input provides several test cases and the first line of the input contains a single integer T (1≤T≤1000000) indicating the number of cases.
    For each test case, eight integers x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,px are given in a line, where (x1,y1),(x2,y2) and (x3,y3) describe the coordinates of vertices for the given triangle wheat field which are guaranteed to be not colinear, and (px,py) is the given endpont of the segment. All coordinates are integers in the range [0,100000].


For each test case, output the coordinate of the other endpoint of the division segment, or output the number -1 if the problem, in this case, is invalid.
    Formally, if your answer is a and the jury’s answer is b, then your answer will be considered correct if and only if |a - b| / max{1, |b|} ≤1e6.

Sample Input

0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0

Sample Output

0.500000000000 0.500000000000



然后根据上图算出q到顶点的长度 根据长度比例直接算坐标就ok啦
再说一次 向量板子真香


using namespace std;
const double eps = 1e-8;
const double inf = 1e20;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const int maxp = 1010;
//Compares a double to zero
int sgn(double x){if(fabs(x) < eps)return 0;if(x < 0)return -1;else return 1;
}//square of a double
inline double sqr(double x){return x*x;}
struct Point{double x,y;Point(){}Point(double _x,double _y){x = _x;y = _y;}void input(){scanf("%lf%lf",&x,&y);}void output(){printf("%.2f %.2f\n",x,y);}bool operator == (Point b)const{return sgn(x-b.x) == 0 && sgn(y-b.y) == 0;}bool operator < (Point b)const{return sgn(x-b.x)== 0?sgn(y-b.y)<0:x<b.x;}Point operator -(const Point &b)const{return Point(x-b.x,y-b.y);}double operator ^(const Point &b)const{return x*b.y - y*b.x;}//µã»ýdouble operator *(const Point &b)const{return x*b.x + y*b.y;}//·µ»Ø³¤¶Èdouble len(){return hypot(x,y);//¿âº¯Êý}//·µ»Ø³¤¶ÈµÄƽ·½double len2(){return x*x + y*y;}//·µ»ØÁ½µãµÄ¾àÀëdouble distance(Point p){return hypot(x-p.x,y-p.y);}Point operator +(const Point &b)const{return Point(x+b.x,y+b.y);}Point operator *(const double &k)const{return Point(x*k,y*k);}Point operator /(const double &k)const{return Point(x/k,y/k);}//¼ÆËã pa ºÍ pb µÄ¼Ð½Ç//¾ÍÊÇÇóÕâ¸öµã¿´ a,b Ëù³ÉµÄ¼Ð½Ç//²âÊÔ LightOJ1203double rad(Point a,Point b){Point p = *this;return fabs(atan2( fabs((a-p)^(b-p)),(a-p)*(b-p) ));}//»¯Îª³¤¶ÈΪ r µÄÏòÁ¿Point trunc(double r){double l = len();if(!sgn(l))return *this;r /= l;return Point(x*r,y*r);}};struct Line{Point s,e;Line(){}Line(Point _s,Point _e){s = _s;e = _e;}bool operator ==(Line v){return (s == v.s)&&(e == v.e);}int relation(Point p){int c = sgn((p-s)^(e-s));if(c < 0)return 1;else if(c > 0)return 2;else return 3;}
int main()
{int T;scanf("%d", &T);while(T--){double x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,px,py;scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&x3,&y3,&px,&py);Point s1(x1, y1), s2(x2, y2), s3(x3, y3), p(px, py);Line li1(s1, s2), li2(s2, s3), li3(s1, s3);double dis12 = s1.distance(s2);double dis13 = s1.distance(s3);double dis23 = s2.distance(s3);if(li1.relation(p) == 3 && abs(s1.distance(p) + s2.distance(p) - dis12) <= eps){if(s1.distance(p) > s2.distance(p)){double d = dis12 * dis13 / s1.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x1 - (x1 - x3) * (d / dis13);double yq = y1 - (y1 - y3) * (d / dis13);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s1.distance(q) + s3.distance(q) - dis13) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;}else{double d = dis12 * dis23 / s2.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x2 - (x2 - x3) * (d / dis23);double yq = y2 - (y2 - y3) * (d / dis23);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s2.distance(q) + s3.distance(q) - dis23) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;               }}else if(li2.relation(p) == 3 && abs(s2.distance(p) + s3.distance(p) - dis23) <= eps){if(s2.distance(p) > s3.distance(p)){double d = dis12 * dis23 / s2.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x2 - (x2 - x1) * (d / dis12);double yq = y2 - (y2 - y1) * (d / dis12);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s1.distance(q) + s2.distance(q) - dis12) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;               }else{double d = dis13 * dis23 / s3.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x3 - (x3 - x1) * (d / dis13);double yq = y3 - (y3 - y1) * (d / dis13);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s1.distance(q) + s3.distance(q) - dis13) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;              }}else if(li3.relation(p) == 3 && abs(s1.distance(p) + s3.distance(p) - dis13) <= eps ){if(s1.distance(p) > s3.distance(p)){double d = dis13 * dis12 / s1.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x1 - (x1 - x2) * (d / dis12);double yq = y1 - (y1 - y2) * (d / dis12);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s1.distance(q) + s2.distance(q) - dis12) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}           printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;               }else{double d = dis13 * dis23 / s3.distance(p) / 2.0;double xq = x3 - (x3 - x2) * (d / dis23);double yq = y3 - (y3 - y2) * (d / dis23);Point q(xq, yq);if(abs(s2.distance(q) + s3.distance(q) - dis23) > eps){printf("-1\n");continue;}   printf("%.12lf %.12lf\n", xq, yq);continue;               }}else{printf("-1\n");continue;}} return 0;

D - Digital Path


Zhe the bully, is condemned by all kinds of evil, like bullying those who are weaker. His teammates have been mistreated for a long time. Finally, they decided not to put up with their buddy any more and flee to Digital Village, with the bully in hot pursuit. Due to difficult terrain and a considerable amount of Digital Paths staggered, they can’t be easily arrested.
    Getting familiar with the terrain as soon as possible is important for these innocents to escape the threat of bullying. All they need now is to count the number of Digital Paths in Digital Village.
    To simplify the problem, Digital Village is abstracted into a grid with nn rows and mm columns filled by integers. A Digital Path is a continuous walk in the grid satisfying the following conditions:
        ·adjacent boxes in the walk share a common edge;
        ·the walk is maximal, which cannot be extended;
        ·the walk contains at least four boxes;
        ·going from one end to the other, the increment of values for any two adjacent boxes is exactly one.
    Here we have some examples.

    The path in Figure 1 is invalid because its length is less than 44.

    The path in Figure 2 is invalid because it is not continuous.

    The path in Figure 3 is invalid because it can be extended further.

    The path in Figure 4 is also invalid because values in the path are not strictly increased by one.

    Digital Paths may partially overlap. In Figure 5, there are 44 Digital Paths marked by different colours.


The first line contains two positive integers n and m (1≤n,m≤1000) describing the size of the grid.
Each of the next nn lines contains mm integers, the jj-th of which, denoted by a(i,j)(-1e7 <= a(i,j) <= 1e7) represents the value of the box in the i-th row and the j-th column.


Output the number of Digital Paths modulo (1e9+7).

Sample Input

3 5
1 2 3 8 7
-1 -1 4 5 6
1 2 3 8 7
4 4
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 3
3 4 3 2
4 3 2 1

Sample Output



最起先没有好好理解题意(-1e7 <= a(i,j) <= 1e7) !!!!!划个重点(好好读题)
题目的意思是可以从任意一个数字开始 ,连续4步才能算得上是一条路!!!


using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1010;
int a[maxn][maxn];
int n, m;
long long val[maxn][maxn];
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
struct node{int x, y, val;node(int _x, int _y, int _val){x = _x;y = _y;val = _val;}
vector < node > g;
int dx[6] = {0, 0, 0, -1, 1};
int dy[6] = {0, 1, -1, 0, 0};
bool cmp(node a , node b)
{if(a.val != b.val){return a.val < b.val;}else if(a.x != b.x){return a.x < b.x;}else{return a.y < b.y;}
void dfs(int x, int y, int step)
{if(step >= 4){val[x][y] = (val[x][y] + 1) % mod;return ;}for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){int nx = x + dx[i];int ny = y + dy[i];if(nx < 1 || nx > n || ny < 1 || ny > m)continue;if(a[nx][ny] == a[x][y] + 1){dfs(nx, ny, step + 1);}}
bool check(int x, int y, int val)
{for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){int nx = x + dx[i];int ny = y + dy[i];if(nx < 1 || nx > n || ny < 1 || ny > m)continue;if(a[nx][ny] == a[x][y] - 1){return 0;}}return 1;
int main()
{scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){for(int j = 1; j<= m; j++){scanf("%d", &a[i][j]);g.push_back(node(i, j, a[i][j]));}}long long ans = 0;sort(g.begin(), g.end(), cmp);for(int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++){node w = g[i];int x = w.x, y = w.y;if(check(x, y, a[x][y])){dfs(x, y, 1);}else{int flg = 0;for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){int nx = x + dx[i];int ny = y + dy[i];if(a[nx][ny] == a[x][y] + 1){flg = 1;val[nx][ny] += val[x][y];val[nx][ny] %= mod;}}if(flg == 1){val[x][y] = 0;}                }}for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++){ans = (ans + val[i][j]) % mod;}}printf("%lld\n", ans);return 0;


A - Colorful Hats 2 (来源Actoder1201场E题)


N people are standing in a queue, numbered 1,2,3,…,N from front to back. Each person wears a hat, which is red, blue, or green.
The person numbered i says:“In front of me, exactly Ai people are wearing hats with the same color as mine.”
    Assuming that all these statements are correct, find the number of possible combinations of colors of the N people’s hats.
    Since the count can be enormous, compute it modulo 1000000007.
    All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
A1 A2 A3 … AN


Print the number of possible combinations of colors of the N people’s hats, modulo 1000000007.

Sample Input

Sample Input 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
Sample Input 2
0 0 0
Sample Input 3
0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 5 4 6 5 7 8 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 9 12 10 13 14 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17

Sample Output

Sample Output 1
Sample Output 2
Sample Output 3




using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 7;
int b[5];
int a[maxn];
int main(){int n;scanf("%d",&n);ll ans = 1;memset(b,0,sizeof(b));for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]);for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++){int val = a[i];int cnt = 0;for(int j = 1;j <= 3;j++){if(b[j] == val){cnt++;}}ans = (ans * cnt) % mod;for(int j = 1;j <= 3;j++){if(b[j] == val){b[j]++;break;}}}printf("%lld\n",ans);return 0;





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