Asking for advice
●Informal (非正式体)
A: Think I should take the job?
B: Yeah, it sounds like a great opportunity.
A: 我该接受这份工作吗?
B: 是的,听起来是个不错的机会。
A: What d’you think I should do about that tear in the shirt I bought?
B: Well, you could either return the shirt, or just sew it up and live with it.
A: 我买的那件衬衫上有条破缝,你觉得我该拿它怎么办?
B: 噢,你可以把衬衫退回去,或者把它补好,凑合着穿吧。
A: My dad will kill me if he sees this tattoo. What would you do if you were me?
B: It’s too late now, so you’d better just show him and get it over with.
A: 如果我爸爸看到这个纹身,他会杀了我的。假设你是我,你会怎么办?
B: 现在已为时太晚了,所以你最好给他看,看完了事。
A: It seems I’m going to lose no matter what I do.What would you do if you were in my shoes?
B: I would try to retain a positive attitude, because you never know how things will turn out in the end.
A: 好像不管我做什么,我都会失败。如果你是我,你会怎么办?
B: 我会尽量保持积极的态度,因为你永远不知道事情最后会怎么样。
A: What do you make of those clouds off in the distance?
B: Looks like a storm brewing. We’d better close the windows and bring the laundry in.
A: 从远处的云你可以看出什么?
B: 看起来要下雨了,我们最好关上窗,把晾晒的衣服收进来。
A: Can you help me find a way to make this event a success?
B: Sure, I’ve got some great ideas about how to advertise it.
A: 你能帮我为这个活动成功出出主意吗?
B: 可以。关于怎么做广告,我有一些好主意。
Neutral (通用体)
A: Do you think I should wear the red shoes with this outfit?
B: No, I think the black ones would go better.
A: 你觉得我穿这套衣服应该配红鞋吗?
B: 不,我觉得黑色的那双更好。
A: Should I go out for the football team this fall?
B: No, you should go out for soccer. It suits you better.
A: 今年秋天我应该去参加橄榄球队的选拔赛吗?
B: 不,你应该去参加足球队的选拔赛。它更适合你。
A: What should I bring to the pot-luck dinner?
B: You should bring a salad.
A: 百乐餐上我应该带什么?(百乐餐上,参加聚会的每个人都带一个菜供大家分享。)
B: 你应该带一份沙拉。
A: Could you give me some advice on buying a new car?
B: The trick is to research the performance and safety ratings of all the models you’re interested in.
A: 我想买车,你有什么好建议?
B: 其诀窍就是调查你感兴趣的所有车型的性能和安全性排名。
A: I told her I’d take her out tonight, but my boss says I have to work late.What would you do in my position?
B: If I were you I would take her out. You can always make up the work time later.
A: 我告诉她今天晚上要带她出去,但我的老板说我得工作到很晚。如果你是我,你会怎么做?
B: 如果我是你,我会带她出去。工作时间以后总是可以补上的。
A: How would you suggest I go about organizing the event?
B: First, assemble all of the participants, and then work out a schedule.
A: 我要组织这个活动,你有什么建议?
B: 首先,把所有的参加者都集合起来,然后制定一个时间表。
A: I can’t decide between all of these colors. Which one would you choose?
B: On you, I think the black looks best.
A: 这些颜色我决定不了选哪个。你会选择哪一种?
B: 你穿的话,我觉得黑色的最好。
A: I told her she should marry him right away. What would your advice be?
B: I think she should wait a little longer. After all, they’ve only been dating a few months!
A: 我告诉她应该马上和他结婚。你的意见如何?
B: 我觉得她应该再等一等。毕竟他们还只交往了几个月!
A: Could I ask for some advice? I have a relative who is currently dealing with a drug addiction problem, and I absolutely don’t  know what to do to help this person.
B: This sounds serious. How long has he or she had this habit?
A: 我有个亲戚正在戒毒瘾,我不知道该怎么帮助他。你有什么建议吗?
B: 这听起来很严重。他或她养成这个习惯有多久了?
A: I’m having a bit of trouble deciding what to order. What would you recommend?
B: I would definitely recommend the seafood dishes. The lobster is fantastic!
A: 我不知道点什么菜为好。你会推荐什么?
B: 我当然会推荐海鲜。龙虾真是好吃极了!
A: Do you think I ought to present this paper at next month’s convention?
B: Yes, it’s an excellent analysis of the topic and will fit perfectly into the schedule.
A: 您认为我应该在下个月的会议上提交这篇论文吗?
B: 是的,这是对该主题的一份很好的剖析论文,与会议的安排十分吻合。
A: I want to retire in five years, but I may not have enough money by then.What would you advise me to do?
B: You should see a financial counselor right away.
A: 我想五年以后退休,但到那时候我可能不会有足够的钱。您认为我该怎么办?
B: 你现在就应该去咨询一个财务顾问。
A: What would you advise me to do about the conflict between the workers and management?
B: You had better find a good mediator soon, or there may be a strike.
A: 关于工人和管理层之间的纠纷问题,您有什么好建议?
B: 你最好马上找一个好的调解人,不然工人会罢工的。
A: When you get the chance, I’d like your advice on how to make this paper more coherent.
B: I just need to finish typing this, and then I can help you.
A: 您有时间的时候,我希望您能给我提点建议,让这篇论文更加连贯。
B: 把这个打字完成之后我就可以帮你了。
A: We’re at an impasse in the negotiations. How do you see these issues being resolved?
B: The only way forward is for both sides to make compromises.
A: 我们的谈判处于僵局。您觉得这些问题该怎么解决?
B: 唯一的办法就是双方都做出让步。
A: I’ve been assigned to interview the president of the New World Bank next week, and I would appreciate your advice on what types of questions I should ask. 
B: Well, you can begin by asking him about their recent merger with Fidelity Investments.
A: 我被指派下个星期去采访新世界银行的行长。如果您能对我提什么类型的问题提些建议,我将会感激不尽。
B: 噢,你一开始可以问问他有关最近和诚信投资公司合并的事情。
A: My family and I are considering purchasing a new home. I would appreciate some advice on mortgaging.
B: First, you must ask yourselves how long you would like the loan.
A: 我们家正在考虑买新房子。我很想听听您对抵押贷款的看法。
B: 首先,你们得问问自己希望贷款多长时间。
A: The balance on these accounts are past due, and I have already contacted the account holder twice to inform him. What course of action would you recommend I take at this point?
B: Send the file to the collections department.
A: 这些账户上的欠款已到期,我已经两次联系过这个账户持有人。您建议我现在应该采取什么措施?
B: 把档案送到资料收集部。
A: I have been thinking about retiring and handing the business over to my son. I’d like to know what your reaction would be.
B: With all due respect sir, if you would like to see this business continue to flourish, then perhaps you should consider turning the business over to someone with more experience.
A: 我已经在考虑退休,把生意交给儿子。我想知道你有什么看法。
B: 先生,恕我直言,如果您想让生意继续兴旺下去,您也许应该考虑把生意交给更加有经验的人。
A: Could I ask what your reaction would be to changing the company insignia?
B: The traditional insignia has worked for the past twenty years; it transmits a positive image, so I don’t see why we should change it.
A: 请问您对更换公司徽章有什么看法?
B: 传统的徽章在过去二十年中发挥了作用,它传递着积极的形象。所以我看我们没有必要更换。
Formal (正式体)
A: I should like to ask whether you feel it is wise to continue this investment.
B: Because I am not your broker, I don’t believe I am qualified to give you such advice.
A: 请问您是否觉得继续投资是明智的。
B: 我不是你的经纪人,所以我认为我没有资格给你这方面的建议。

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