计划策略70是一个好策略。但是也需要 Mixed MRP 的配合。


的核心目标为:为产成品的下一阶物料做中长期计划(PIR),对应的业务场景为,核心物料为半成品,而产成品则是在核心物料基础上增减、修改配置。 可以这样理解,半成品占据了整个物料成本的(绝)大部分,并且也占了整个生产周期的大部分,由于成品订单的多样性(或不确定性),因此,最恰当的方式是为 半成品而不是成品做中长期备货计划。

Mixed MRP 能办的事:

Mixed MRP 为空的情况下,即缺省的情况下,只在销售订单(SO)能够冲减PIR,其它的MRP元素比如U1:库存转储订单, DepReq:相关需求等并不能消耗PIR。

此时,必须通过为 Mixed MRP 指定恰当的值来实现这些MRP元素对PIR的消耗。

Mixed MRP --> 1 :Planning assembly level with final assembly,在组件级做计划,但最终会组成为成品 -->  计算净需求,适用于MTO,比如策略组70.

Mixed MRP --> 2: Gross requirement Planning: -->  计算毛需求,适用于MTS,比如策略组 11

Mixed MRP --> 3:Planning assembly level without final assembly,在组件级做计划,最终不一定组装为成品--> 计算净需求,适用于MTO,比如策略组52.




大家发现,有的时候按上述的方法进行了配置,特别是关于 Mixed MRP 的配置,依然无法出现希望的结果,如果出现了这种情况,下面这句话就非常重要了:

应该是测试顺序问题,要按我说的顺序办: 第一步:清空该物料的PIR,并运行MRP;  第二步:设置物料主数据为恰当的 Mixed MRP值;第三步:重新设置PIR并运行MRP。

 附:SAP HELP 相关内容



This planning strategy is particularly useful for manufacturers of products with variants if a more reliable forecast can be produced for certain assemblies than for the multitude of product variants.



You must maintain the master data of the assembly as follows:

  • Strategy group 70 on the MRP screen.
  • Set the indicator for assembly planning, the Mixed MRP indicator, to 1 on the MRP screen.
  • Consumption parameters (Consumption mode, Bwd consumption, Fwd consumption on the MRP screen) to allow for consumption of planned independent requirements.
  • If you are using this strategy in a make-to-stock environment, you also must set the Individual/coll. indicator to 2 on the MRP screen.


Process Flow

For a detailed example of the entire process, see Sample Scenario: Strategy 70.

This strategy is very similar to Planning with Final Assembly (40). However, planned independent requirements are consumed by production order requirements (or schedule lines in repetitive manufacturing) and not to requirements of sales orders. Although all graphics in this documentation show this component one level below the finished product, the component can appear on any BOM level.

  • Stock for the assembly usually exists.
  • Planned independent requirements are entered at assembly level. Procurement (planned by means of the planned independent requirements) is therefore triggered before the production order stage (or schedule line in repetitive manufacturing).
  • The planned orders for the assembly/components are convertible.
  • Procurement smoothing according to order demand is possible. In this strategy, however, the ability to react flexibly to customer requirements is more important.
  1. An accurate availability check is performed according to ATP logic during production order processing. See Availability Check.
  2. Requirements from production orders (or schedule lines) are passed on to production and can lead to changes to procurement after the sales order stage, if the order quantities exceed the planned independent requirement quantities. However the order quantities cannot be confirmed if there is insufficient coverage of components. The system automatically adjusts the master plan. For more information see Coping with Insufficient Coverage of Components.
  3. The planned independent requirements are consumed during the production stage. This means that you can compare the planned independent requirements situation with the actual order requirements.
  4. Unconsumed planned independent requirement quantities increase the warehouse stock of the component, and cause procurement to be decreased or not to take place at all in the next period. This procedure is called "netting."


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