
746162 - Using official document numbering for Italy

Document numbers in Italy should be restarted with each new calendar year, while the number range for the FI document allocates the numbers based on the fiscal year of the document. This causes a problem in case the company uses shifted fiscal year.

Other Terms


Reason and Prerequisites

This is an Italian-specific requirement


Using the official document numbering functionality, you can allocate an additional document number to each created FI document or billing document with an own, calendar year dependent number range.
The functionality is designed such that the official document number maybe used for official legal reporting by selection via the logical data base used for the reports. However, the official document number functionality has not been designed to replace the standard accounting document number BKPF-BELNR in daily operations (e.g. creating accounting documents, electronic bank statement transfer,  DME etc.) and no additional functionality shall be offered to this effect.
In the case of billing documents the official document number is stored in field XBLNR (in table VBRK). When you create the accounting document for the billing document, the official document number is copied to field XBLNR_ALT in table BKPF (Alternative Reference Number). For documents created in the logistics invoice verification or in FI, the value is only stored in field XBLNR_ALT (table BKPF).
The solution represented below enables the creation of these additional document numbers.
The solution is delivered in the indicated support packages. Note that you need to perform some manual activities (as described further below):
Create a new index for BKPF (see 4.b)
Enhance the logical data base BRF (see 11)
Customizing settings (see 12)

You can also implement the attached correction instructions. In this case you need to do manual activities as follows:

1. Create a new Domain ODN16

Package / Development class: FIN1

Short description: Character field with length of 16 for Official Document Numb

Data type Char, Length 16, output length 16,

Conversion routine ODNIT

2. Create a new Domain XBLNR_ALT

Package / Development class: FIN1

Short description: Alternative Reference Number

Data type Char, Length 26, output length 26

Conversion routine ODNIT

3. Create a new Data Element XBLNR_ALT

Package / Development class: FIN1

Short description: Alternative Reference Number

Domain to be used: XBLNR_ALT

Field label (10, 15,20, 16): Reference

4. Enhance table BKPF
a) Add a new field to table BKPF in last position

Field: XBLNR_ALT, Data element: XBLNR_ALT

b) Create a new index

Include fields MANDT, BUKRS, XBLNR_ALT in this new, non-unique index.

Note: this new index will not be delivered by SAP.

5. Change table DOCCLSS

Change of foreign key of field LAND1: Change the cardinality from 1:CN to 1:C and the foreign key field type from 'not specified' to 'Key fields/candidates'

6. Create table OFNUM_IT_1

Package / Development class: FIN1

Short Descript: Official Numbering by Document Class-enabled ranges(IT)

Create a new table with following fields:

Field   Key  In. Value  DataElement   Check table

MANDT      X       X     MANDT

BUKRS      X      X     BUKRS          T001


GROUPNUMBER  X    X     NRNR           NRIV

LASTDATE                 J_1ADATETO

For the foreign key for NRNR you need the following settings

CheckTable ChkTableFld ForKeytable  For.KeyField  Generic  const


NRIV        OBJECT                                        'FIN2_IT'

NRIV        SUBOBJECT                                  X


NRIV        TOYEAR                                      X

Delivery class: C

Data Browser/Table View Maint. : Display/Maintenance Allowed

Data Class: APPL2

Size Category: 0

Buffering switched on

Fully buffered

7. Create new Maintenance-View V_OFFNUM_IT

Package / Development class: FIN1

Short Description: Assign Number Ranges to Document Types - Italy

Tables: OFNUM_IT_1, T001, T005, DOCCLSS

View field  Table        Field      P (Maintenance Attribute)


BUKRS       OFNUM_IT_1   BUKRS       S





Once you have created the view go to menu option Utilities and run the Table Maintenance Generator. Create the Maintenance Dialog with following settings:

Authorization Group:  &NC&

Function Group:       FIN3

Package:              FIN1

Maintenance type:     one step

Maintenance screen No: 30

1. Create new Number Range Object (FIN2_IT)

With transaction SNRO you create the new number range object

Short text: Official Number

Long text:  Number Range for Official Document Number Italy

Subobject data element: BUKRS

To-year Flag:  X

Number length domain: ODN16

Number range transaction

a) For release 47 and ERP2004:  FGSODN_IT1
b) For release 40B, 45B, 46B, 46C FGSODN_IT2

Warning %: 0,1

Main memory buffering: x

No. of numbers in buffer: 0

2. Create new function modules

Create four new function modules, change existing function module



Import Parameters:                      optional  Pass value

I_FIN1_PARAM_EX LIKE FIN1_PARAM_EX                   X

I_BKPF LIKE BKPF                          X

I_VBRK LIKE VBRKVB                        X

Export Parameters:                      Pass value











Export Parameters:







Import Parameters:


Export Parameters:





Import Parameters:


Export Parameters:



New Export Parameter:

O_XBLNR_ALT TYPE XBLNR_ALT, mark pass value

3. Screens

For document display the following screens need to be enhanced:

SAPLF064, screen 1710 (only for releases 46B, 46C, 47, ERP2004)

SAPMF05L, screen 1710


a) For releases 40B, 45B, 46B, 46C add it underneath field Branch Number (BKPF-BRNCH)
b) For releases 47 and ERP2004 add it underneath field Request Number (BKPF-LOTKZ).

For this you need to move all following fields one line further down. Define the field as output field and mark the display as invisible. The assosiated program makes the field visible for Italian company codes.

4. Enhance logical Data Base BRF

In order to have the new field XBLNR_ALT available in the dynamic selections for document display (FB02, FB03) and of some tax reports (e.g. RFUMSV00) you need to enhance the logical data base using BKPF.

In transaction SE36 select logical data base BRF and go to Menu - Extras - Selection Views

Make a copy of the SAP standard selection view and select CUS as origin for the target view

Enter the target view in the change mode. Double click on table BKPF, all fields of this table are now displayed. You make the field XBLNR_ALT available by selecting it with 01 in the first column.

5. Customizing settings

A new number range for the official document number is defined per document class. You can assign more than one document type of an financial accounting document to the same document class. This allows you that documents with different document types share the same document class and therefore the same number range (e.g. you set up one document class for invoices and one document class for credit memos).

In order to have a new official document number generated you need to make the following customizing settings:

a) Maintain Document Classes using view V_DOCCLS
b) Assign Document Class to Document Type using view V_T003_B_I.

Here you assign the document class to the document types. In field Official Doc. Number select 'B Generate Official Document Number, with date control'

Choose 'Force Numbering' if you want to force the generation of an official document number for billing documents even when the billing document value is zero

Note: If you generate the official document number for SD billing documents, it is necessary that all documents are released daily and transferred to FI, in order to ensure chronological numbering

c) Maintain Number Ranges using transaction

FGSODN_IT1: For release 47 and ERP2004:

FGSODN_IT2: For release 40B, 45B, 46B, 46C

d) Assign Number Ranges to document class using view V_OFFNUM_IT

You can maintain the mentioned views by using transaction SM30.

e) Assign document type to billing type

If you create official document numbers also for billing documents, you need to make sure, that a document type is assigned to the billing type in view V_TVFK.

During a later upgrade, make sure that you include the relevant support package level of the new release into the upgrade procedure to avoid a possible loss of data.

  • 4.6C: SP50
  • 4.70 Enterprise: SP24
  • ERP 2004: SP07

If this is not possible, you have to manually create data element and domain XBLNR_ALT as described above before activating table BKPF

对于分支机构的编号,需要激活business place 功能,这个功能默认只支持意大利,台湾,智利,阿根廷等地区,如果要支持中国需要设置。然后可以把编号组分配给business place. 中国使用offical doucment number 功能需要ECC6版本并且激活BADI组件。

In China, accounting documents and journal entries must be assigned an official document
number. Furthermore, for accounting documents that have to be submitted to the auditors or to
the tax authorities, you must start the official document numbering from the first day of every
month — which requires document number ranges to be linked to the fiscal year and period. The
SAP system provides functions to number documents according to these requirements.
The system assigns an official document number only to posted documents. No official
document number is assigned to parked documents.
When you print accounting documents, the system includes the official document
Official document number is assigned to all financial documents regardless of the component
from which those documents originate. For example, the system assigns ODN also for financial
documents transferred from Materials Management (MM) and Sales and Distribution (SD).
However, it is not required to generate ODN for clearing accounting documents without line items.
Maintain the relevant settings in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under
General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic
Document Numbering Maintain Settings for Clearing Documents w/o Line Items .
You have made the required settings in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under
General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China .
When you create an accounting document or a journal entry, the system generates an official
document number and stores it in the Alternative Reference Number (XBLNR_ALT) field.
Depending on your Customizing settings, the system enables you to maintain year-dependent
and period-dependent number ranges for the official document for a company code.
For all documents, the official document number comprises of the following five parts:


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