

The processor system boot is a two-stage process:• Another boot mode supported through FSBL is eMMC boot mode.
This boot mode is possible only when the primary boot mode (set through the boot mode pins) is QSPI.
This is used when you have a small QSPI flash and would like to store all the other partitions on a larger flash memory like eMMC.
In this case, place the FSBL on the QSPI flash, and all the other partitions on eMMC flash.


To enable and use this boot mode:
1. Create a BSP with the library and set enable_mmc in the SDK options. For more details, see the library documentation.
2. Enable the MMC_SUPPORT flag through SDK and build FSBL. The FSBL image build (fsbl.elf) now has eMMC support.
3. Stitch the boot image with FSBL as the only partition (using Bootgen).
4. Place the boot image in the QSPI flash.
5. Stitch an image (using Bootgen) with all the other required partitions (like the bitstream or the U-Boot) and place it in the eMMC.
6. Set the boot mode to QSPI.
7. Power cycle the board.

Step1. Create a BSP with the library and set enable_mmc in the SDK options. For more details, see the library documentation.

--建立FSBL,点击 Modify this BSP's Settings --> Supported Libaries中选中xilffs


Step2:Enable the MMC_SUPPORT flag through SDK and build FSBL. The FSBL image build (fsbl.elf) now has eMMC support.

--FSBL工程,右键,弹出菜单中选中 C/C++ Building Settings 添加 -DMMC_SUPPORT

Step3.  Stitch the boot image with FSBL as the only partition (using Bootgen).


Step4. Place the boot image in the QSPI flash.


Step5. Stitch an image (using Bootgen) with all the other required partitions (like the bitstream or the U-Boot) and place it in the eMMC.

--SDK下用Bootgen添加bitstream or the U-Boot,生成BOOT.BIN, 这个文件要拷贝到eMMC中

Step6. 拷贝step5生产的BOOT.bin,以及uImage,devicetree,ramdisk到SD中,启动




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